Friday, January 01, 2010

The Cute Parade Continues!

And here is the talented and awesome Sonshine Music, holding up her four Finding Lost books!! Standing next to her, face partially covered, is her sister... Moonshine Music. I kid! It's AchingHope, another regular on here! (And yes, it's Sonshine's sis.) My favourite part of the picture? The bookmark that Sonshine has in the season 5 one, as she's following along with the rewatch. Now there's a gal after my own heart!! ;) The two of them ended up watching a big Lost marathon last night to ring in the new year. They'd better look out: I just might end up trying to move in with them...


  1. Yeah! I'd love to have you move in with us..... my parents might have something to say about that.... haha!

  2. @SonshineHope: So nice to make your acquaintance. I had NO IDEA you two lovely ladies were sisters. And no fair hogging Nikki! ;)

  3. Cute! Lucky - you guys got all the books!

  4. We shall hog Nikki all we want. Mwahahahaha.... >:)

    (My verification code: extrapt... Man. If I were awake I know I could say something witty about this...)


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