Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting Ready for Season 6: Tribute to the Cast and Crew

This video just went up and it'll bring a smile to your face... and perhaps tears to your eyes, because it feels like we're already saying goodbye to this cast and crew. Let's look forward to the beginning of season 6 by looking back at how glorious the people are who work on the show. This video's from campetin, who's been bringing us many of the preparation videos:


  1. Such a beautiful tribute, thanks Nikki.

    The final season hasn't even started yet and I'm already missing the show, is this possible? Or am I just nuts LOL

    It is truly sad that Lost only won the Emmy for best show the first season and has been ignored ever since. I hope the show blasts the critics out of the water this final season and gets recognized again for the iconic show that it has become.

  2. this is pretty hilarious

  3. You guys read about what ABC network told Variety what they want to do with Lost after it ends? Check it out:

  4. @ninja raiden: Persoanlly I am not adverse to seeing a continuation of LOST a few years down the road. It has its pitfalls, namely such a wonderful story that how can any director manage to reimagine the show without constantly being compared to the original. I also think ABC would only go into such a project if they could be somewhat guaranteed of increased viewership (while LOST's viewership is good, it was higher in its first year, and it was uneven during its middle seasons). Like asiancolossus says, "it's sad that LOST only won the Emmy for best show the first season." In its final season we all expect it should come up trumps and win an Emmy. But that would certainly made executives at ABC and Disney seriously consider reinventing the show. If I were a producer, I'd be wanting to brush up my resume to indicate I was the next J.J. Abrams or Cue and Lindelof. I very much expect we'll see some new incarnation of the show in the years ahead. Franschises have staying power. Afterall, this is the year of the new Sherlock Holmes.

    As for this crew and cast, I can only say "namaste". Or in the language of the Enlightened, "Ego vobis valedico."

  5. That was beautiful.

    And no, asiancolossus, you're not nuts. I totally am missing it already. What on EARTH will I find to obsess about when it's over?

    Oh, that's right, rewatching it with the whole endgame in sight, preparing for Lost conferences, debating it endlessly with all of you :)

    verification: saroad - how "salad" is pronounced when your mouth is full of gauze

  6. @SonshineMusic: "Oh, that's right, rewatching it with the whole endgame in sight, preparing for Lost conferences, debating it endlessly with all of you :)"

    Well, it would be nice if in a year or two Nikki hosted another LOST rewatch. This has been such a nice community.

  7. that made me very, very sad.


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