Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Handle Non-Lost Fans

So those other "previously on Lost" recaps don't cover everything... but this one almost does. If you were stuck on the couch on February 2 at 8:55 pm with someone who was insisting on watching the S6 premiere with you and wanted to be caught up, what would you do? You could dump them, citing Lost as the more important thing in your life; you could pour sulphuric acid in their face; or... you could attempt this. Thanks so much to JS for the link!!


  1. First comment! Whooooo!!!

    That was fantastic. I love the way they went "chronologically"!

    Ah, I would love it if people I knew would sit still long enough for me to try to explain things to them this way. But if they don't already watch Lost, they have a tendency to run screaming away or just shake their heads and leave

  2. "...and Desmond lost the top buttons on his shirt." This breaks new ground in wonderfulness! I especially enjoyed the last 15-or-so seconds on the clock. But good golly, HOW MANY takes were required to perfect that rapid-fire delivery? Do other TV shows inspire fans to make videos like this? I think not.

  3. It's the double takes when the girlfriends said they'd never seen the show that got me.

  4. Thank you! I missed the re-watch and that's a good refresher. :)

  5. I loved this. It feels so real. I have done the double takes.

    So my step daughter said to me last night, "I hear there's some finale with LOST? Isn't that the show that you watch?". I proceeded with the 10 min explanation and she had questions that I mostly answered with "we don't know yet". She actually considered watching it, but I told her she couldn't watch it with me, for the sake of our relationship. Then I found this.

  6. This is pure quality...it had me laughing out aloud in the office at lunchtime ! Only a few days to go for the Yanks and Cans...whilst we in the UK have to wait until Friday the 5th so no bloggin after Tuesday for me to avoid knowing what happened.
    We are split in our house I am on
    S5 rewatch and my wife is watching S1..our 5 yr old daughter is watching both and all she keeps saying is either " I want to wathc the one where the women has the baby " or " I want to watch the one where the man has the bone sticking out of his leg !"...good old John Locke !

  7. "Especially Bernard."

    "Don't you hate it when that happens?"


    And I loved the costumes, especially the bad Desmond wig with the open shirt.


  8. That all made perfect sense to me. And my rewatch is complete!

  9. That all made perfect sense to me. And my rewatch is complete!

  10. OMG, I was laughing so hard! I'm still laughing! It was the sudden costume changes and such that got me. Also, the eyeliner!!! LMAO!

  11. It just goes to show that America's Got Talent! In producing YouTube videos for fans who need their LOST fix that is. Bravo! (and sorry for the mention of that other show...once I thought iof it, I couldn't resist)

  12. The Question Mark27 January 2010 at 17:56

    "Jin & Sun are a married Korean couple who speak Korean and are married."

  13. @brent That all made perfect sense to me. And my rewatch is complete!

    It made perfect sense to me too, which is somewhat worrying. All that room in my brain taken up by what is essentially fictional information!

  14. Oh my garland this was amazing! I thought I would just die!

    I especially liked when the guy was pretending to be a pirate and was just sticking his head up.

    And how "Charlotte was snarky then died"

    Ahh... So good.

  15. My favorite bit was the guy dressed in a bikini top to illustrate Kate. Well, no - my favorite bit was the initial "what do we do" huddle - loved when they nixed tying the girls to the bed because it would be kidnapping!

  16. Loved the, "You both have to leave right now or I will knee you in the cleavage!"
    "...or we'll miss all the nuances"
    "I heart all the nuances!"

    Great fun to keep us out of trouble until Tuesday!


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