Thursday, January 21, 2010

If Pierre Chang Were a Muppet...


  1. Ha!

    Okay, this makes me want to see the entire cast Muppetfied.

  2. Haha! This is great. I want to see Ben as a muppet, bad!

    Verification word: Figuisk

    A word that can be used in place of "superfluios", as I can't spell "superfluius."

    Superfluis. Superflois.Superfluois.

    Damn it.

  3. The Question Mark21 January 2010 at 12:07

    Oh my god, that's hilarious! I love the bags under his eyes and the sinister grin!
    I think Jim Henson needs to get Lost Muppified right away!

  4. What, no Muppet fake arm?

    Oh, wait -- I guess they're both fake.

    Word Verification: cowphit... no, that's way too easy.

  5. I want to see a Smokey muppet! How cool would that be?

    verification word: Sphiness (adj): displaying extreme dexterity and fine motor skills when operating a sphincter.

    EX: The infant filled his diaper with artful sphiness.

  6. The Question Mark: I hate to break it to you, but Jim Henson died twenty years ago!

  7. I too would LOVE to see the cast, as Teebore put it, Muppetfied. Yes, that would be a very good thing.

    verification: umperser - someone who referees ersers

  8. Wow, ABC/Disney really did this? LOL! Greatness!


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