Sunday, January 17, 2010

Israeli Lost Commercial

Thanks so much to Adi for the heads up on this one. I love that other countries are rising to the challenge of creating their own Lost commercials as they face the lack of ads coming from ABC (and no promo video to work with). Check out this link to see the one in Israel (apparently Disney is considering translating this one and using it on US TV the way they've bought the Cuatro one that I showed you here). Oh, and this is me plugging Patrick's Lost trailer again, and also mentioning that he emailed me last night to say he's working on a second one and we might see it in about a week. Yay! If you haven't yet gone to see it, do. I LOVE IT.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Patrick's still gives me goose bumps - beautiful work.

    I am glad ABC has done a piss poor job with the adverts - the LOST tribe are a creative bunch, (even the stations came up with great stuff) and we may have missed out on these.

  3. I followed the link to the Israeli site and tried mousing around and clicking on a few things, but I never succeeded in viewing the commercial. A little help?

  4. Marebabe: It took me a couple of tries, too. First, if you have a Google toolbar there will be a drop-down that asks if you want it translated. Click yes, and you'll be able to find it easily. It's a video screen with a piece of paper stuck to a wooden beam that says LOST on it, and then click. I had to click it a couple of times, but then it worked. :)

  5. I had no trouble with it. I just clicked the play button on the right side.


  6. Nikki & redeem147: Thanks anyway, but it didn't take long for some other sites in the English-speaking world to make that video available. I saw it while browsing at DocArzt and DarkUFO last night. I'm sure it's available on dozens of sites by now. But thanks for your efforts to help me!

  7. Just watch 4 hours of 24. That was Horace playing the bad guy Davros. (Doug Hutchison, I mean).


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