Friday, January 22, 2010

I've Been Mentioned in Entertainment Weekly!

So, there are moments leading up to the publication of each of my Finding Lost books where I think, Maybe this time? Maybe THIS will be the book that Entertainment Weekly will review? Maybe Jeff Jensen will finally reference it in one of his bazillion columns on Lost? Then reality sets in, and the books aren't reviewed, and repeated calls and emails and packages from my publicist go unanswered, and I have to understand that EW gets a gooberbazillion books and mine are just lost (pun intended) in the shuffle somehow. Sigh. And yet, I continue to love that magazine. How can you not?

So imagine my excitement when reading Jensen's latest column about the Lost "superfans" (which have included many other awesome bloggers and Losties out there like our beloved DocArzt), and seeing that I've been referenced! Not by Jensen, but by the person he's interviewing. Superfan Lyla Miklos wrote a Lost church service (seriously, read the article to find out how amazing she is!) and she says at one point that I might have played a small role in it happening:

The more I watched Lost the more I felt in my bones that there was a church service sitting right in front of me. After I read Nikki Stafford's Finding Lost it helped to organize and cement some of the ideas that were bubbling in my brain. I was able to give the concept some form and shape and focus.

Yay!! So hey, my books might not be considered review-worthy by Entertainment Weekly, but to find out they actually helped someone put together a fantastic church service based on my favourite show? Wicked. I'm also really pleased that Jensen has highlighted Lost's spiritual and redemptive qualities, which are such important aspects of the series.

Congrats, Lyla, and thanks for mentioning me!! (You can access the transcript of her church service here.) And thanks so much to redeem147 for pointing me in the direction of the article. :)


  1. Congratulations! That is very exciting!

  2. Good to hear, Nik. A fan testimonial beats a review (ok, maybe not in sales) any day.

  3. Congratulations, Nikki! I was reading that article this morning and was so excited to see your name! You're famous!

  4. *High Five with both hands plus chest bump*

    GO NIKKI! I am so thrilled to read this! I had to comment first, because my joy for you is bubbling over.

    Now I shall go read the church service transcript.

  5. The Question Mark22 January 2010 at 11:33

    Nice! Congrats, Nikki!

  6. Congratulations! That's great!

  7. Congrats!

    And frankly, I'm a little surprised Jensen hasn't picked you as one of his Super Fans. I read his column and I keep waiting for you to show up. I mean, sure, there are other fans that have written books about Lost, but you have a whole SERIES of Lost books, books that are well written, meticulously researched, and tons of fun.

    And the best Lost blog on the interwebs.

    What more does it take to be considered a Super Fan, I ask?!?

  8. NICE! I actually logged on to read that article early this morning and then got sidetracked. Guess what I'll be reading over lunch? Cool beans, Nik! 'Bout time EW fans got the Word.

  9. Congrats! Very exciting!

  10. That's amazing!

    Maybe if we all wrote in letters telling them they have to review your books, it will work. What do you think? Too heavy handed?

    verification: nonsub - What I like to call the CGI sub in "The Incident"

  11. I think tomorrow Jeff Jensen should be happy and excited that the wonderfully talented, LOST expert Nikki Stafford mentioned him on her blog!

  12. Nikki, I got hooked enough on Lost that I bought all 5 seasons on DVD in one day. Before that, though, I bought all 4 of your books in one day. Neither purchase do I regret. Your "Finding Lost" series was well-written, well-researched and entertaining. They are the type of books I can read again and again, either straight through or when I am watching a particular episode. As it has been said with my favorite show of all-time, Mystery Science Theater 3000, "the right people will get it". Congratulations on all of your success. I hope lots of people are reading your wonderful books. Thanks for writing them.

  13. Congrats, Nikki! That's my favorite mainstream magazine.

  14. That's great, Nik! Well done. I have to say that a Lost church service kind of reminds me of the Futurama episode 'Where No Fan Has Gone Before', where they make a religion out of Star Trek (which is all kinds of awesome).

    @Teebore: What more does it take to be considered a Super Fan, I ask?!?

    A cape.

  15. Congrats! I was so happy to see your name there at 3 AM this morning. Hehehehe...

    Seriously, your Finding Lost books are so helpful. Can't wait for the Season 6 book! :P

  16. What's wrong with Jensen. We've known all along what an expert you are in Lostverse, his loss for not acknowledging you...

    Congrats Nikki! You need affirmation, come here, we love ya! :)

  17. good stuff, nikki -- congrats! xo

  18. This is wonderful, Nikki. Mazel Tov! I'm gonna shoot an email to Doc Jensen, nominating you as his next Super Fan. Batcabbage, you get started on that cape!

  19. @Marebabe: I'm a cabbage, who spends his nights dressed up as a bat, dispensing justice. I already have a cape, baby! (Apologies for the 'baby'. I'm watching Shaft, and it's awesome.)

  20. @batcabbage - Yeah, baby! Be sure you watch the features, where Christian Bale says: (imagine Christian Bale British accent here) "It's an ... honor to be called a ... mofo by ... Sam Jackson".

    Best. Quote. Ever.

  21. @Batcabbage & humanebean: :)

  22. @humane: That is a cool quote, but I was watching the 1971 original with Richard Roundtree. Sorry to say this, but I honestly couldn't sit through the remake.


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