Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Lost Crash in Real Time

You've probably seen this already (people were sending me this a week ago) but if you haven't, it's awesome. I really need to find an assistant to whom I can say, "Upload that video I was watching a minute ago, stat!" rather than waiting until I actually have half a second to do it. Blam used to be my minion, but then he accidentally drank some Canadian beer and has gone completely insane. Half the time I don't know what he's even talking aboot.

Anyway, enjoy this video! Someone has parsed together the various things that were happening at the time of the plane crash, a la 24. Now, I just need someone to do this with the ENTIRE SERIES. ;)


  1. that was INCREDIBLE! i had to watch it twice to focus on the things i missed the first time around.

    nik, you and i have been talking about this forever ... what i wouldn't give to have someone do the entire series in chronological order. things make so much more sense when viewed in this context -- that little video was amazing, can you just imagine the entire six seasons!?

  2. WOW, I agree that was incredible. Got goose bumps watching it.

  3. I have been waiting for someone to do this for so long, I can't believe its actually happened.
    I understand the need 2 have the series in chronological order but the oceanic 6 thing from the season 4 dvd was enuff 4 me, it was gud but the magic was gone n i havnt watched it since

  4. I just saw a photo of your book on another blog:


    Which was actually the blog that first led me here.

  5. My wish for the last "Lost" book is for a timeline...you know, the kind you find in history books, that go on for pages...how many pages would the Lost-line take ??
    (You can even call it the 'Lost-line'!!)

  6. I loved this video! Kudos to the makers.

    Do we know what was in the envelope that Juliet was about to show the woman, right before the doorbell rang?

    If so, I have forgotten. If not, I want to add it to my list of questions:)

  7. Hey Jenn: It was Ben's x-ray. They originally had her pull it out of the drawer and show her, and that was going to happen in that episode, but then they rethought it and realized it was giving away too much. So they deleted that scene and it later became one of the Mobisodes. :)

    Duke: Thanks for sending that! I love Malene. :)

    chava5706: It's definitely something I've considered. I always try to avoid plot summary as much as possible, so I'd have to try to find away around that. Hm.

  8. I agree with Nikki, that someone has to do one for the whole series. I had a dream that it was the series finale and it was the "Previously on Lost . . . " part, and they did a recap of every scene of every episode. The Lost crash in real time sort of reminded me of that.

    The video itself was really, really well-done. I saw a promo for Lost on CTV earlier. Nothing really too significant, just images of the characters.

  9. I really liked this one. What made it clever and well done is the side-by-side shots of things happening at the same time.

    For those of you who want a Lost timeline, Lostpedia has a pretty extensive one.

  10. That was AMAZING! I loved seeing the things side by side. The way they sync'd everything together so well was extremely impressive! The poster says they're doing another one that should be up for the weekend. I'll definitely be watching for that one, too!

  11. This is pretty damn awesome. Not everything is perfect, but it actually helped me connect the dots along the way. I love that the show can be looked at a million different ways.

    Similar to the S4 special feature where the flashforwards were sequenced together.

  12. That is some dedicated fan to do all that, that is so wonderful! I especially love the montages with the main part of the plane with the tailies...I miss those tailies! The one thing I wish they did was to develop more of the tailie storylines...RIP Libby, Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko. Hope we see you in S6!

  13. Wow... That was crazy good. And it would be wonderful to have the entire show done like that, but I think whoever tried to do something like that, well, their brains would probably explode.


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