Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Michael Emerson Interview

Michael Emerson has been interviewed by TV Guide, and you can go and read it here. I will warn you, however, that I haven't read it, for fear it might be a little spoilery. Just the teaser at the top revealed the return of two characters, and I kinda wish I didn't know about them (this wasn't the first I've heard about their return, though).

So check it out at your own risk. I wish I could read it! (And please don't post any spoilers in the comments on this post.)


  1. Just the teaser at the top revealed the return of two characters, and I kinda wish I didn't know about them (this wasn't the first I've heard about their return, though).

    UGH. i know EXACTLY what you mean. like you, i don't want to know ANY spoilers for lost -- not even episode titles -- and the fact that the return of these two characters has been randomly and carelessly splashed all over the internet the past few months has really, really bothered me. it's gotten to the point where i won't read ANYTHING at all about lost online any more for fear of being inadvertantly spoilt (i even close my eyes and scroll past if i see any articles about the cast members or show or darlton!). i wish people had a little more discretion and consideration when they post things.

  2. I know some things about the upcoming season like so-and-so had a scene with so-and-so but it doesn't change much for me. I love the episode titles, one of the things I enjoy obsessing over. They've been named through 611, with the exception of 610. Getting closer to see who won the "name the finale" contest. Maybe no one.

    Generally speaking, the articles from the trusted news sources aren't very spoilery but the comments about said articles might be. There are some commenters out there who just love to ruin things for others.

  3. Michael Emerson seems to be getting less and less careful with what he says in interviews, I've read a few of his interviews recently where he seems to say things without fully realising how spoilery they are.

    I did read the interview, it doesn't add anything that a thousand other interviews haven't and there's a little snippet of info in there that made me a little disapointed, so read it at your own risk.

    I may have 2 give up on any interview except with Darlton if I want to avoid spoilers

  4. Nik, how do you do it? You're obviously a bigger LOST fan than me and yet I can't help but wander onto those spoiler sites and read stuff (not too spoilery, just the occasional set report or photos) because that's the only way I can get my LOST fix till Feb 2! Am I that weak? ;)

  5. I may cut myself off from LOST news and only look back at previous episode analysis once the season starts. Since they are getting to filming episode 612 now, it's getting close to the end. Which is why anything coming out in the next few weeks could be very damaging to the integrity of "LOST."

    I hope they film the final scene with less than 10 people in the area/room so they can guarantee it doesn't get out before the airing.

  6. yeah, I know which two characters, and then I read something else from another actor where something we think should happen won't but maybe that was to throw us off the scent. I do not like being spoiled, even a little bit. I thought I did, but now know I do not.

    How many times can an actor do interviews without giving something away, even inadvertantly? I guess they need to do the media blitz, but I hope they go quiet once the season starts.

  7. WHAT?? You mean to tell me that Smokey is the ghost of a prehistoric polar bear?? Oh, now I've gone and ruined the finale.

  8. Well, one of those characters also "came back" for Season 4. He/she/it (I won't spoil it) was in one scene for about 15 seconds. So who really knows what they mean by that.

  9. You guys know ABC and Darlton sanction these interviews? They haven't gotten this far into the season without letting any huge leaks out just to blurt out info all of a sudden. I'm telling you they're up to something monsterous and are using these interviews as a form of dangling carrots.

  10. I haven't read the spoilers, but I hope for your sake the two characters aren't Nikki and Paolo.

  11. I am really hoping that they work something out with Maggie Grace. It just wouldn't be the same without her return. I hope she is not pulling some sort of diva routine. It would also be nice to have Mira Furlan back as Rousseau.

  12. asiancolossus - I'm going off the theory that without Shannon, there should be no Boone. I think there will be a few surprises Darlton are keeping close to their chest and I'm betting Maggie Grace is one of them. Let's hope Mr. Eko is another.

  13. A.G. I totally forgot about Mr. Eko. I really agree, although his redemption was supposedly fulfilled with his brother, I just had an incomplete feeling at the end of his storyline.

    I think all of the first season originals and the tailies should at least make an appearance in the final season. Even if for one episode, it would be great for us fans!

  14. I have to say that Michael Emerson is a master of Darton-speak. He comes up with these long, obviously well-thought out answers that don't tell us anything.

  15. Yeah I agree Susan, I did read it and I was more amused at the WAY he answered, rather than WHAT he answered. Most of the time he answered with questions. I think he's been playing Ben too long! LOL!


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