Monday, January 25, 2010

The Nik at Nite Smackdown!!!

So, when my brother and I were kids, we had one entire room that was the Barbie mansion. I didn't actually have a Barbie mansion -- instead we constructed it from tables, chairs, boxes, you name it. And when we played Barbies, the storylines we came up with verged on the psychotic. My parents complained about the hysterical laughter coming from the room as our stories got weirder and weirder, and to this day we can't really explain them to anyone else and make them understand. Yet, just the thought of us being in that room makes me giggle.

And so it is with regular Nik at Nite commenters, Sonshine Music and AchingHope (pictured here). They're sisters who live together, and clearly have the same warped sense of humour that my brother and I do. The Lost Rewatch officially ended last week, and I posted a special post congratulating everyone for sticking with it, and mainly for not stirring up any arguments. Not ONE time did anyone go after another person for anything. We openly talked about relationships, wars, battles, mysteries, questions, you name it, and did so in a welcoming, generous environment. "Well," I joked, "Except for that time when humanebean and Batcabbage had a smackdown." And then we all tried to envision what that would actually look like.

Well, imagine no longer, for Sonshine and AchingHope have come up with the actual video! And watch to the end for a special cameo by yet another Nik at Nite reader.

And something tells me that, much like the way my brother and I could never actually convey that what we were doing was actually really funny, we probably can't ever express to other Lost fans just how funny this is. This had me laughing all the way through it. I love it!!


  1. BRILLIANT!!! I bow low before the cinematic genius of the mighty, mighty Sonshine Music and her sibling partner in crime, AchingHope. You two are my new heroes. I insist that you each pour yourselves a frosty beverage of choice and pretend that I bought it for you. No, don't thank ME ... thank YOUSE.

    As Louis Armstrong once said when asked how best to explain jazz music, "There's some people that, if they don't know ... you just can't tell 'em".

    Evil Blam! Aieeeeeeeee!


  2. That was awesome. I loved it. I laughed so hard when the characters were giving out their scores and everyone gave a 10.0, and Ben gave a -5. That was great.

    And the Evil Blam cameo at the end = AHH! (Although I loved how it said eh? in true Lost fashion at the end).

    . . .
    verification word: dedox- a dead paradox.

  3. I'm stunned. LOVE the visual effects! It occurs to me that, if anyone from outside the Nik at Nite fraternity sees this, they will have NO IDEA what is going on. They probably won't even tremble in fear at the sudden, monstrous appearance of Evil Blam. Such a shame.

    Well done, ladies! :)

  4. Loved the music, so apropo to the giganticism of the combat between such evenly matched gladiators of the Nik at Nite site. If there were Dharma beer, I'd send some, just like Sawyer likes it: on a tropical beach. Well done, you made my day, I'll laugh quietly to myself so as not to attract attention.

  5. Evil Blam! The "Eh?" at the end was classic. Great work, you two :D

    P.P. Totally jealous of your pirate ship.

  6. The CGI just blew my mind! James Cameron eat your heart out.

  7. Thank you, thank you. I'd just like to express my appreciation to all the little people that got me where I am today. What? Oh, yeah, I am the little people.

    Glad you guys like it. My sister and I were cackling so loudly during the making of this that Mom could hear us upstairs. It kept us up into the wee hours of the night, because we just couldn't put down our popsicle sticks :)

  8. Ahh... I tried to do the verification word and it posted. Do over....

    MisTong: Mr. and Mrs. Tong's daughter of course :)

  9. Hilarious! While it was entertainment gold watching Humanebean and Batcabbage fight it out, my favourite part was the end!


  10. Oh, and Nikki, I have to say, my (other) sister and I used to do the same thing with Barbies and My Little Ponies. We would turn our entire bedroom into houses and apartments and everything and laugh hysterically. ahhhh... you just can't beat good times like that :)

  11. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That was brilliant! Sonshine, AchingHope, you guys are hilarious. I have only just woken up, what an excellent way to start the day! Ben cracked me up. And Evil Blam's cameo? SCARIEST. THING. EVER.

    As said by my erstwhile opponent (and later, Dharma co-worker) above, Sonshine, AchingHope, you two are my new heroes. Kudos, my friends! Kudos!

  12. Awww... I feel so special. :)

    Verification: glonip... I don't know what it means, but every time I say it I start cracking up. *snerfle* Glonip.

  13. Well guys, I was totally right. I told my husband he just HAD to watch this video, and I started it and he stared. And stared. I'm giggling and laughing and saying, "do you see the stick pushing the truck? HAHAHAHAHA!! OMG, wait, watch this part where the Lost characters judge them!" And he stared, and stared, and then looked at me and said, "Um..."

    Yep. We just cannot explain this to outsiders.

  14. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was impressed you somehow found humanebean's old avatar, Sonshine! I remember once my daughter walked into the room when his old avatar was on my screen and she said very seriously, "Mommy... why does that man only have one eye?!" "Oh don't worry, honey," I replied. "He uses a Mac, and they apparently take crap pictures."


  15. I have tears in my eyes from laughing at this! Great job, ladies!

    Word verification

    Mallu: a place that you skip to

  16. @Nikki - Haha! My son said the same thing about one eyed humanebean. I said "Well, a giant creature with one eye in the middle is called a cyclops but he doesn't really have just one eye - it's a trick picture."
    "Ohhh. So, I'm a cyclops! That's really cool!"
    "No, you have two eyes..."
    "Yeah but one nose and one mouth - that makes a cyclops."

    So, he's been going around to anyone who will listen (lady at the bakery, Grandpa) and declaring "Can't you tell I have a cyclops? Because I do!"

  17. I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to find humanebean's old avatar, but we sisters have our ways.... mwa hahahahahahahaha

    verification: goortint - what you color your goor with

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. In honor of the smashing debut of the new Sonshine Music/Aching Hope masterpiece, I hereby revert to my ol' reliable avatar, source of scary moments for children, mythological discussion and all-around family fun.

    @ Nik - oh no you DI'INT just go there! If I wasn't so busy drooling over the forthcoming Apple tablet announcement tomorrow, I would offer a snappy retort, awash in snark and replete with PC prejudice. Consider yourself lucky!

  20. @ Joan - awesome! I have inspired at least one youth to re-imagine himself as a One-Eyed-Wonder. My work here is done. ; ]

    P.S. Did you see that Polly Walker is in the cast of the new Caprica series?

    Verification word: "arrutt" - what the Obama Administration is stuck in as we await the State of the Union address.

  21. @humanebean: Have you seen the pilot of Caprica yet? I wanna talk about it with people! There are a few aspects to the show that have really intrigued me, and I'm really interested in hearing about others' impressions of those aspects (specifically, the intelligent and insightful people that frequent this blog - this means ALL OF YOU!!!) BTW, Atia of the Julii was awesome in it.

  22. @batcabbage - just watched the pilot of Caprica last night, as a matter of fact. I really enjoyed it. Stoltzie! Esai Morales! Atia!!. I was worried that I might be somewhat lost (hah) since I haven't finished watching BSG yet - I began watching the show for the first time earlier this year and have only finished Season One. Some other series seems to have eaten up all of my free time. What was that called again .....? No, matter.

    I must say that I'm looking forward to upcoming episodes to see where they take this. What did you think?

    Verification word: "dings". I don't even have anything funny to say about it. I just love that my verification word was 'dings'.

  23. Evil Blam! Evil Blam! Evil Blam! This is my name, eh. Do not wear it ooot unless you have fashioned it from sufficient tapestries to cover your naughty bits. Why have I been summoned?

  24. @humanebean: Just a quick post, and then I'm off to bed. I really enjoyed it too, but I'm kind of reluctant to address one of the points that I want to here, just in case no one else has seen it yet. It has to do with 'The One True God' and the evolution of Cylon religion. But apart from that, I really enjoyed the pilot, and anytime a Deadwood alumnus turns up in a show (go Trixie! Deadwood, Lost, AND Caprica!) is a good thing for me. One point I want to highlight as a, well, a highlight for me was the old-school cylon with the paint ball guns! So cool.

  25. *Gasp* My likeness has been abused by your demon video-mongering, eh! You shall hear from my solicitor. (But wait, you say. You are evil. Are you not a solicitor your own damn self? This is for me to know and you to find ooot.)
    Verification word: Kiss! My! Grits!

  26. Best. Verification. Word. Ever.

    Mine was "oustom" - the general feeling of the electorate during an economic slowdown.

  27. "He uses a Mac, and they apparently take crap pictures."

    Zing! Get 'em while they're young!

    Sonshine Music, AchingHope: brilliant, just brilliant.


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