Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"The Substitute" Haiku: Cave Ceiling Edition!

I apologize for not getting last week's haiku up, but here's something to allow you to waste your time today waiting for tonight's episode, "Lighthouse." (And I'm calling it the cave ceiling edition, but you can post haikus on any aspect of "The Substitute.")

One quick note: Please don't post any haikus on tonight's episode on this post; when I posted the haiku for "LA X" people started posting on "What Kate Does" while they were watching the ep, and spoiled a few things for people who hadn't watched it yet. So let's just stick to The Substitute this time just for the sake of people in other time zones. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! The haiku portion of this blog is always one of my faves. :)

AU is Locke’s hell
Because in this world he’s a
Substitute teacher.

Ceiling: Look closely
Nikki and Paulo crossed out

Twenty-three: Shephard.
Does it mean Christian or Jack?
“Not the only one.”

Four: Locke. Forty-two:
Kwon. Sixteen: Jarrah. Fifteen:
Sawyer. Eight: Reyes.
(I know it said “Ford” but I needed the extra syllable!)


  1. did both use the cave?
    Jacob wrote all of the names,
    And Flocke crossed them out,

  2. Austen is left out
    Maybe Skaters and Jaters
    can give it a rest

    (I don't actually have anything against shippers, this was just the first thing that came to me!)

  3. Benjamin Linus:
    not homicidal, now just
    passive aggressive

  4. Many LOST viewers
    wish they could spy like Smokie
    Sawyer in the nude

  5. A haiku for Ashlie

    Ashlie's husband was
    correct; John Locke's tiles were
    applied by a drunk

  6. Had a vivid dream.
    Jack as my husband. No joke.
    It's my turn to cry.


  7. In imitation of Basho's famous frog poem:

    Come here, the old cave
    Two men enter, a stone thrown
    Into the sea. Plop.

    The first real answer
    Is a deeper mystery.
    Wait again; next week.

  8. Candidate Goodspeed:
    Crossed off because dynamite
    Does not mix with trees.

    Jacob's favored three:
    Mattingly, Cunningham, Jones.
    No one told Widmore.

    Troup was a prize pick,
    But only because Jacob
    Had not read Bad Twin.

    Candidate Linus:
    Distinct proof that Jacob had
    A sense of humor.

  9. See the poster there
    on the wall behind Locke's head?
    it looks like Desmond

  10. "A shotgun wedding
    we can invite your father"
    That sounds like...wait...WHAT??

  11. Blond boy in the sun,
    blood covering both his hands.
    who the Flocke is he?

  12. Locke pops a wheelie,
    to get his chair off the lift,
    and lands on his face.

  13. In an island cave
    many names written in chalk
    but, what about Kate?

    A white stone is thrown
    out into the blue ocean.
    Its an inside joke.

  14. Because I am a huge nerd (see Joan's 'Barf Babies' post for definitive proof), I have done haikus for 'What Kate Does' and 'The Substitute'. Like, the day after the episodes... I'm a nerd.

    What Kate Does

    Hey, I’m walking here!
    Don’t run me over , strangely
    Terrified Cab Man!

    Held me at gunpoint,
    Abandoned on the roadside.
    …Wanna be my friend?

    What is in the pill?
    Herbs, roots, all natural things.
    …and COUGH! poison COUGH!

    That pill’s for Sayid.
    Don’t make me use the Heim- WHACK!
    What did I just say?!

    I’m outta here, Kate!
    Don’t you … She’s following me,
    Isn’t she? Dammit!

    What’s the plan, Sawyer?
    I’m in! Wait, where are you…? I’m
    Coming anyway!!!

    Hey, you! Mechanic!
    Use your tools to take off my…
    Were you in Buffy?

    Hurley’s our leader
    Now that he sees dead folks and…
    Hey, wait a minute!

    The Substitute

    In this, or any
    Universe, Randy Nations
    Is a total dick.

    The Conference? Yeah,
    It was great. Walkabout? No,
    Don’t know what you mean…

    Sawyer, want answers?
    Fine. But there’s one rule: Clean pants.
    Right the hell now, please.

    Sawyer, he’ll kill us!
    Let’s get out of here, before
    He’s back… Oh no! Run!

    Yes, I’m scared, Sawyer.
    But look! I still have lustrous,
    Long, black eye lashes!

    Jacob had a thing
    For numbers. There’s more to it,
    But I ain’t sayin’.

    Hey, little blond kid!
    Why do you appear out of
    Nowhere? That’s my thing!

  15. @Joan: It's my turn to cry. AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Brilliant!

    VW: eater - meh.

  16. Oh no! Locke fell down.
    the sprinklers soaked him, but he
    remains optimistic.

    Will we see Charlie
    tonight, or ever again?
    A girl can hope, right?

    Oh. That strange white rock?
    It's an inside joke, my friend.
    You are not inside:)

  17. Echoed in a shout,
    “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!”
    Locke pleads through Smokie.

    Life is a balance,
    A game of smoke and ladders,
    And sometimes numbers.

    Where did Ford find a
    turntable in Dharmaville?
    Burke played a CD.

    The numbers count down,
    Like time coming to an end.
    What's left, 3, 2, 1.

  18. Locke fired from job
    Both he and Hurley agree
    Randy is a douche

  19. Crazy way down cliff
    Sawyer freefalls in the air
    Weak Jacob's ladder

  20. revised slightly from my premature haiku on the 6.04 thread:

    Well, CLEARLY, sweetheart,
    "box of knives" means "walkabout".
    Why, what did you think?

  21. @Batcabbage: Ahahahaha... I love them!

    @Jenn: I love that last line "You are not inside"

    #Mary R.Y: Nice.

    And I never had a chance to apologize to everyone for the last time we did haikus... I still feel ashamed and want to buy everyone a bin of icecream of their choice, but by the time I mailed it out it would all be melted, and I would be broke :(

  22. LOLZ!!! I'm only catching up on these now and you guys KILL me. These are brilliant.

    Batcabbage: Your Heimlich one made me laugh particularly hard. (I think I pulled something.) I think I need to do some interim posts just on those eps in case others had been working on them!

  23. I've been super lazy, avoiding these... and I so love haiku!

    Remedy, part one:

    Iggy, whiskey drunk
    someone should search and destroy
    Saywer's funky trunks

    bloody-handed blonde
    kid he sees betwixt the trees
    vested interest in

    Helen, Hugo, Rose
    great to find them all in kind
    Randy? Locke and load

    for mythos spelunk
    numbers, names wallpaper this
    castaway Lascaux


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