Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yep, He's Evil

So during last night's episode my brother emailed me to ask why the dude from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was on Lost. I said that's Aldo, and he was also in S3. Then he emailed and said he knew the guy playing Justin from somewhere, but couldn't place it:

I said he definitely looked familiar to me, too, but I couldn't place him. Then Jim, a fellow Canuck, emailed me today and said, "So... that guy Justin from last night. That wasn't BLT from Degrassi Jr. High, was it?"

OMG. It totally was. I can't find a better picture than this one, but if you were ever a fan of this show (and I was a super-fan back in the day when it was first on... please stop doing the math) this would make you very happy. So there you have it, Justin is Canadian. Which means he is evil and was meant to die.

Oh, poor sweet BLT. He was always such a sweet guy trapped in that eternally 80s hairdo.


  1. Yah we Canadians are big meanies, don't F*&^$ with us :)

  2. That just made my day. I LOVE Degrassi. I think we were minted in the same year Nikki.


  3. That is awesome! You did make my day :)

  4. So he's been on the island all this time? Guess Jacob was a Degrassi fan and lured him over when the show ended ;)

  5. HOLY CRAP!!! I KNEW he looked familiar!! BLT! Do you think Michelle's Dad had him banished to the Island ?
    I loves me some DeGrassi. Fantastic!

  6. Paticus: HAHAHA!!! It's so funny you say that because I immediately thought, "Damn, I hope his girlfriend's racist father got banished to his own dark island somewhere along the way." Heehee...

    Oh Degrassi, how I heart thee. I pass Degrassi Street all the time and it always causes a warm feeling in my heart. :)

    Forget Deadwood, let's get all of the Degrassi players on there.

    Here's my theory: that the Zit Remedy's "Everybody's Got Something" was the true inspiration behind Drive Shaft's "You All Everybody." Discuss.

  7. Wordburglar: I now have visions of Jacob sitting in the bottom of the statue watching old Degrassi eps on a tiny black and white TV. ;)

  8. Good thing Malkin didn't meet Spike. Imagine if he'd convinced her to give the baby up for adoption and put her on 815! How could she have maintained that hair style for 108+ days in the jungle!?

  9. Evangeline Lilly is Canadian. Does that mean she's evil and destined to die too?

  10. Thanks Nikki. Now I have "You are Everybody" and "Everbody's Got Something" stuck in my head.

  11. BLT wasn't sweet! He totally cheated on Michelle after she moved out of her house to get away from her racist father.

  12. Nikki: Hahahaha! After I posted my comment I spent the better part of the day recalling how in season 1 I thought "You All Everybody" was Lost's version of "everybody's got something"

    Now they're both stuck in my head. THAT'S purgatory, baby!


  13. Hey, Nikki. You're an amazing blogger, and I've looked forward to reading your stuff every day since I first heard about your blog.

    Just stopped in to say that. :-)

  14. now i have to start watching lost again. have spent so much of my life watching and writing about degrassi that this seems like a huge gap. thanks nikki.

  15. So, the question is, were Lennon (the former Sol Starr of Deadwood) and the new leader of the Others also in that group? Would Ben recognize those guys if he found them?


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