Friday, March 26, 2010

Attn: London Ontario Lost Fans!

Hey all, I know there are a few of you out there from my old stomping grounds, London Ont., and some who live close to that area as well. I'm going to be at Huron College (just next to the UWO campus) next Wednesday, March 31 (probably early evening, I'm told... maybe late afternoon?), talking about how I went from being a student at that college to writing about Lost... and then of course I'll be moving it into a discussion of S6 of Lost because that's what I REALLY want to talk about!! So I'm hoping maybe to see a couple of you out there, and be sure to come up and talk to me and tell me you're here on this blog!

Also, I'll be with Brian Francis, the author of Fruit, who will be talking at the school at lunchtime about his book that was the runner-up to The Book of Negroes in the 2009 Canada Reads competition. He's worth seeing for sure, if you want to make a day of it! Watch this space, and when I have actual times and places for both I'll post it here.


  1. Aloha Nikki! I feel in your blog - much positive! Thank you for it! very sorry that I don't live in UK...

    Nikki, if you want you can found yourself in my last post! :)

  2. Nikki, I'm also a Huron alum! Crazy! And yes, I will be there. Let us know the times when you get them!

  3. I didn't go to Huron, but my sister did. I hope she can make it out to see you. I won't be in London that day, unfortunately.

  4. (Even though I was a Brescia girl, not Huron!)

  5. The Question Mark27 March 2010 at 12:20

    Coolio! I want to try to get out there and have a listen!

  6. Has anyone sent you this yet? Cool video on Ab Aeterno.


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