Friday, March 05, 2010

Daniel Finds Lost

This one is so perfect. I LOVE the look on Daniel's face as he's reading this. And notice the time travel once again, since he's reading the upcoming season 6 book!! "So THAT'S how it's gonna end!" he's saying... Thanks to Sam Wade for this one!


  1. Hihihi! Looks so funny! Good luck and have a nice day dear Nikky! ;)

  2. Sigh, I miss Dan, and even if he shows up in the flash-sideways, he won't be the real Dan that we know :-(

  3. I love his expression! That's awesome. I miss Daniel. Hopefully he'll be back.

  4. I miss Dan too. I dressed as him to go to a LOST party. Little did I know he was going to die.

    If he is not in it this season I will be very annoyed.We need one more slightly stuttery explanation of the laws of psychics and how the island is like a record.

  5. Too funny...Loved and miss Daniel...another GREAT Lost character....

    BTW Nikki,halfway through your Season 5 book...great read as usual....Anyone who loves Lost and looks for insights on your blog should buy and read your books...

  6. I miss Daniel too! Him having a guide to the series would explain A LOT!


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