Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Lost Haiku Time! "Sundown"

"Sundown, you'd better
Take care, if I find you've been..."
In my head all week.

"Catch a Falling Star"
Once a soothing lullaby,
Now stuff of nightmares.

"It puts the lotion
In the basket. It rubs the
lotion on its skin."
(that's for the many commenters who used that line in the comments!!)

"Do not worry, Claire.
I took him. And raised him. And...
He calls me Mommy."

"Oh, you did? Awesome.
Really, I'm happy for you.

"Sayid, there's still time!
Oh... oh good cripes. Um... backing
away slowly now."

Sayid's a hottie.
Redeem can't wait for him to
come to Toronto.

Keamy's like a goon
working at Satriale's.

Jin's tied up in fridge.
"What happened to you?!" "No English.
Wait... except for... BOAT."


  1. No Haiku right now...
    but what does the lotion comment mean? I keep seeing it everywhere. Did I miss something?

  2. if the show's end sucks,
    the season will be worth it,
    just for these reasons,

    the sweet Smokey-cam
    Keamy's line,"I make good eggs,"
    and jungle Claire's hair,

  3. Stacy: in Silence of the Lambs, the guy keeping the girl in the hole keeps sending lotion down in the basket and telling her to put it on her skin (but he refers to the girl as "it") because he's eventually going to take off her skin and wear it.

    Lovely imagery, eh? :)

  4. Sayid and Keamy
    But only Keamy gets killed
    He was a bad egg.

  5. Oh $%#&, Nadia
    is crossing a street again.
    Look both ways this time!

  6. ...OK, I've been trying to fit this one into haiku form since last week, but it's not happening, so I'll just observe:

    I find it hilarious that the Others have been living fairly isolated on these Temple grounds for (we assume) years...and Miles and Hurley are completely bored out of their minds within like thirty minutes.

    Here's all I got, from Miles' POV:

    No one ever asks
    if I'd like to tag along.
    Glad Dan left these cards.

  7. Sundown you better
    take Claire. No, seriously,
    she's weirding me out.

  8. Miles and Sun reduced
    to filling narrative gaps;
    a waste of talent.

  9. Last week I said that
    I was on Smokeys' side but
    I have changed my mind!

  10. Hooray! Bendy sticks!
    Thanks, Uncle Sayid. That vase
    Is gonna get it!

    I can’t believe that
    For all my bad-assery
    A baseball saved me.

    “I want my son back.”
    “I believe the line is ‘I
    Just want my kids back!’
    (Tom Jane reference! Woooo!)

    Convince these people
    To leave me alone. Oh, and
    ‘Convince’ means ‘TORCHA’!

    I killed your chicken,
    And found you a wife. And you
    Want me to what now?

    Who wants to talk to
    Me? Mocke? Smokey? Man In Black?
    The Locke-less Monster?

    That Australian
    Chick’s back. She’s nuts, but, you know,
    That does it for me.

    “Hello, Sayid.” STAB!
    “Now why’d you go and do that?”
    “Samurai said to.”

    “Hey, you want some eggs?”
    “Eggs? They will not save you from

    “Sayid, wait! The debt
    Is forgiven! You go now.”
    “Nah, I’ll just kill you.”

    “Sayid, there’s still time.”
    “Not for me!” “Sorry, I think
    I just shit myself.”

  11. Oh, Batty, you are the haiku KING. I'm sitting in a hotel room after midnight killing myself laughing (I can't get my clock to switch to UK time so I'll just be tired all the time while I'm here...) I'm *this close* to wondering if I should just stay up until 3 and watch Lost. ;)

  12. Why thank you, Nik! That would be a hard decision. Personally, I would pound caffeinated beverages until 3. Although, the extra caffeine might add to your general 'squee-ness', perhaps causing a minor panic in your hotel. Especially in a Ben episode, since the squee factor will be off the charts anyway.

    VW: plater - someone who... plates... things?

  13. Go cry, emo kid
    Jack—I am talking to you
    Smash a mirror…tear:(

    Jacob good or bad?
    either way: palatable
    Creepy blonds are hot.

    In EW
    DeRavin calls her strange hair
    a squirrel wig! ha!

  14. @Batcabbage

    Too funny! And I just get the biggest laugh about how TORCHA SCRUNCHIE has just become an average, everyday part of us Nik at Niters' lexicon.

  15. @Jenn: Thanks! I loved 'Go cry, emo kid'! That could be because I've been reading Ack's recaps for the first time, and there's a definite focus on 'jears' over there. :) And as for 'Torcha Scrunchie', I've noticed that 'palatable' has become a bigger part of my vocabulary. Awesome job using it in haiku!


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