Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mmmm... cake

This is kind of crazy and I love it. And... I'm thinking Ben poisoned the cake.


  1. LOLZ! What WAS that?! I just had some chocolate a little while ago, and I thought I was good for the night. But now I want some CAKE!

  2. Now I really want to know what that's for!! Will this "cake" be a new character? Is it the answer to all our Lost questions? Where can I get this delicious cake?!

  3. That is one of the most non-sequiter things I think I've ever seen. And damn! if Yunjin Kim doesn't make cake sound like the sexiest thing ever!

  4. That was so...random. I would've liked it better if they'd said, "I'm on a horse." And been wearing only a towel. And only been Sayid.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love cakes. I m crazy about having cakes.

    Take the Cake Personality Test and find out which Cake are you like. I have taken the test and enjoyed a lot. Hope u too will enjoy it. Have Fun!!

  7. Is it just me or did Ben scare you into never having cake again? HAHA!! I just love the way Michael Emerson can make anything super-creepy.

  8. what on earth. that was so completely random. Loved it.

  9. @studiorose:

    "I'm riding this horse backwards"

  10. lol lol lol lol What was that all about? All I know is that I'm laughing hard watching this over and over! It's addicting!!!!

  11. Jorge's is the best! None of the others look like they ever eat cake. But Jorge makes it VERY believable.

    (And to echo the sentiment of the other posters...WTH?????)

  12. Okay... that was so totally out there that I don't know what to make of it. But I laughed just the same... As per others sentiments - WTH?

  13. I agree, you guys... Why The Hair, INDEED.

  14. it was probably some (unused?) promotional stuff for that Ace of Cakes show, I'm guessing -

  15. Ahahahahahaha...


    @Nikki: I know! I love how Ben can make anything sound creepier than the noise I just heard out my window.

  16. here's the answer:

  17. EW solves the puzzle!
    I just check and this link will tell you all about it!

  18. Thanks, Anonymous! I followed the link to EW's PopWatch, and this bizarre promo has special meaning to me, because KAKE is indeed our ABC affiliate here in Wichita, Kansas. I've lived here most of my life, and the locals do indeed sometimes refer to our beloved city as "Kakeland". Riot! :)

  19. Thanks, Anonymous! I just followed the link to EW's PopWatch, and this promo has special meaning to me, because KAKE is the ABC affiliate for Wichita, Kansas, my hometown. I've lived here most of my life, and the locals do indeed sometimes refer to our beloved city as "Kakeland". Riot!

  20. OK. I take back all the furious, angry, hateful thoughts I was having about blogger this past half-hour, when I couldn't get a post to show up on here. Better now. :)

  21. I'm in the mood for some cake now . . . is it just me?

    VW: Conprop. A con artist's prop.

    Ok, Blogger is saying that Conprop is wrong. Sonvilan - A son of a vilan.

  22. @Gillian: I wondered if I was the only person who frequently had to "do over" on the verification words. "The characters you typed did not match. Try again." I proofread everything, and felt that I couldn't possibly be getting the VW wrong that often. So I guess I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one.

  23. Frak... the video's been removed. Sorry, guys. I guess you put something out there, every Lost fan links to it, and then you take it down when your story hits the papers. Nice.


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