Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some Stuff

I have so much more to say about last night's episode... I'm sitting at the Space studios right now at CTV just waiting for the producer to get here to do the bit, and I wanted to post some stuff while I waited. (Tune into Space tomorrow night at 11!)

First, the Globe chat is now up. You can go and read it here.

I also contributed to this week's Lost panel at the National Post, Canada's OTHER national newspaper (hm... in a war of Jacob vs. Man in Black, which paper would go with which side??) You can read that much shorter bit here.

And finally, my friend Matthew Pateman, who I like to mock over here ALL THE TIME (because it's just so much fun to do...) has finally succumbed to my constant begging and has started up his own blog. Head on over and barrage him with comments so he continues to keep it up, and doesn't turn it into a one-off thing like most blogs out there. It promises to be brilliant!!


  1. Commented on Matthew Pateman's new site. Welcomed him with another essay topic. Great to have another blogger on the web for popular television fiction.

  2. No fair! We here in the US can't get SPACE. *sigh* Now, we have to imagine how tarted up they make you this time around. ; ]

    Now, off to harass Matthew. Fun!

  3. Nikki did you write a Doc Arzt blog last week? I never saw a link for it. And have you done this week's yet?

  4. Hmmmm... Assuming Jacob is good, I call G&M on his side.

    In case they're both bad, I call associations with National Post and Toronto Star!

    -I'll try to remember watching Space tomorrow!

  5. Side with the Man in Black? We're the Post, we ARE the Man in Black!

  6. This is fun! There is now a HURLEY bobble-head doll to own or covet. You can see it on Jorge's site, Dispatches From the Island.

  7. And Jorge's pix of Nestor Carbonell in Jorge's bathroom podcast for this episode!

    Word Verf: pleybop : What we can do with the Hurley Bobblehead.

  8. So, when will we announce the winner of the finale title contest??? From the re-watch??????

  9. Lisa(until further notice)24 March 2010 at 20:00

    @JS is time for that, isn't it? You sound confident.

  10. I can't wait for more posts on this episode! Though I was surprised you didn't make the "Buffy" connection! The island is the Hellmouth. Candidates and potentials. Evil that wants to leave and suck the world into hell, Glory or Angeles. Evil that takes the form of dead people.

    But I agree, a really amazing episode with satisfying answers to some things. (And yet, so much unexplained!)


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