Thursday, April 22, 2010

For Those Lucky LA Lost Fans...

I just got the news that Michael Giacchino will be conducting an orchestral performance of the music of Lost at UCLA's Royce Hall on May 13. There will be performances (presumably spoken-word) by Nestor Carbonell, Jorge Garcia, and Michael Emerson as well... (WAAAAH... seriously, you have NO IDEA the pain with which I type these words, knowing I am NOWHERE NEAR L.A.) and that will be followed by (kill me now) a sneak preview of the second-to-last episode of Lost, which will air on May 18.

For you lucky bastards who live in the L.A. area, tickets for this extraordinary event will go on sale Friday, April 23. You can go here for the full information and to order tickets. And if you go... please think of me wanting to be there. (And if Desmond shows up, DO NOT TELL ME.)


  1. I'm so much closer to LA than you Nikki, but still oh-so-far... Sigh. Life is just so unfair sometimes, isn't it?

  2. I'm really hoping that they stream this on the web or they put this performance( along with Giacchino's Honolulu performance) into the complete series set or the season 6 set

  3. KEELING me, Stimpy!!!

    Oh, I heard about this earlier today and actually checked airfare to see if there were any ridiculously cheap deals to be had. *sigh*. There weren't.


  4. OMG...

    Especially in same moments, like this, I am feeling bad! Why I live in Europe????? ;(
    I just want to going there too...I remembering, that I wrote one letter to Michael Geachinno, but until now, he don't send me his autograph! maybe he is very busy!?

  5. Just like with the Season 3 DVD set, they included Michael Giacchino's music in the bonus features. Hopefully, they will included snippets of this concert, as well, on the Season 6 DVD set...along with the Lost Slapdowns and the Lost Untangleds, which I thoroughly enjoyed more than I thought I would. The puppet of Pierre Change is HI-LARIOUS.

  6. Arrrgh! I just tried getting tickets this morning exactly at 10:00 AM. The event actually managed to sell out in less than 20 seconds. Unprecedented.

  7. Don't feel too bad Nikki; I live in the LA area, but this show sold out so fast that I wasn't able to get tickets...So close and yet so far! Oh well, I'll keep trying maybe someone will cancel - Ya right!!


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