Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lost Haiku: Everybody Loves Hugo

It's that time again... Lost haiku!

Philanthropist and
friend to all, he’s the dude who
everybody loves.

“Girls LOVE my Ugo.
I love you, son. Now you jus’
Go find a date!” SMACK.

You have to admit:
That dinosaur trophy was
pretty freakin’ cool.

“I’ve been trained. Badly.
I keep getting burned. Maybe
I’m not care-” KA-BLAM!!

Black Rock is destroyed.
Richard goes all wild-eyes and
runs like Kermit. Gaaaaaaaaaaah!!

In his spare time, Ben
poses as young girls online,
catching predators.

Oh my GOD, Desmond,
Did you just mow down John Locke?!
Um... I still love you.

Oh my GOD, Smokey,
Did you throw Des down a well?!
I do NOT love you.


  1. I was slightly confused on the Ben one, until I read the last line.

    True love means forgiving the mowing down of a man in a wheel chair.

  2. Hugo needs a date
    because, in the sideways world,
    Rich men are lonely

  3. E-lec-tro-mag-nets
    Let me see the fu-tuhr and
    the past, and the Alt

    Aye, I know of the
    realities and I love
    Nikki in them all

    I have been training
    He's like a father to me
    But I guess we're done

    Actually the
    Island is done with you Il,
    guess you've been redeemed


  4. "You're Rosalita?
    Dude, you're way way way hotter
    than I thought you'd be."

    VW: reepli — To answer phonetically.

  5. "Runs like Kermit" = HAHAHAHAHA!

    I used to "dance like Bert" to make my sister laugh.

  6. Empty Sayid just
    needs his hair pushed back inplace.
    Throwing him all off.

    Hurley's cripplingly
    low self-esteem lets pretty
    nut-jobs course correct.

    *I will gladly do any and all physical and/or hair therapy on him until the situation corrects itself.

  7. "Rosalita" and
    "Spanish Johnny": The Boss rules!
    What, no "She's The One"?

    LOST needs more Bruce tunes:
    the Island is "Jungleland",
    Kate gets "Born To Run"

    "Leap of Faith" for Jack
    Locke was "Blinded By The Light"
    Hurley - "Hungry Heart"

    Walt was "Growin' Up"
    Sawyer knows the "Badlands" well
    Rose/Bernard - "Two Hearts"

    Smokey gets a trio:
    "Brilliant Disguise", "I'm On Fire",
    "Spirit In The Night"

    One last one from Bruce:
    in the end, the Island's the
    "Land Of Hope And Dreams"

  8. Hurley is the one
    Character I want to see
    Have a happy end.

    It must be hard
    Being a gangster these days--
    Hurley knows for sho'.

    Bruce Springsteen wants to
    Collect royalties from that
    Mexican restaurant.

    Ilana, it was
    Nice knowing you, even if
    Just for a short time.

    Desmond falls down, goes--
    Not like Ilana or Arzt--
    Don't go crazy now!

    After that great kiss
    Hurley is the luckiest
    Man in the whole world.

    "LOST" gives new meaning
    To the idea a kiss
    Opens a new world.

    Desmond -- why did you --
    Don't you think that poor John Locke
    Has suffered enough?

  9. Pierre Chang, emcee
    knows how to work a dais
    at least with both arms

    The one quality
    needed for Ugo's Ms. Right?
    "Weeling to MEETJOO"

    Crazy Libby ought
    to visit a salon soon.
    That hair needs some help

    Michael has a nerve:
    "you're gonna get people killed!"
    Dude - seriously?

    O, Ilana, we
    hardly knew ye. Gotta say
    though - you were a blast!

  10. Desmond - you da MAN!
    Charlie's the musician, but
    Locke's your Greatest Hit

  11. Do Scotts in wells last
    Longer than Scotch in Wales does?
    Has the Scotch been Locked?

  12. You mean The Black Rock
    survived a tsunami and
    crashed on a statue,

    lasted all those years
    in a tropical jungle,
    had various groups

    use the place as a
    lending library for their
    own explosive needs,

    has Smokey stomping
    all around it constantly,
    folks firing rifles

    all over the place-
    but finally gets destroyed
    by a Hurley? Damn.

  13. @humanebean:

    Best. Haikus. EVER.

    VW: really - yep, really.

  14. When coffee counter
    Blonde strangers give sailing ships,
    Please read the fine print.

    Gift horses hide greeks,
    Lotus-eaters obfuscate
    Amnestic buttons.

    Penelope means
    Wife, Hume's Home, heart, hearth, and son:
    Get out of the well!

  15. FLocke dude: you missed some.
    Thought I'd bring you those you missed
    As lambs to slaughter.

    Meanwhile (to himself):
    A Pocket full of ashes,
    Wonder how that works?

    Thanks for the shoes, Jack.
    Passing from old to new corpse
    Is hard without help.

    What's that Sun, your voice?
    Blame the tree trauma, not me.
    (Korean cussing...)

    Captain Frank, thank you,
    Like manna from heaven sent
    So many old friends.

  16. @HumaneBean:

    Your Black Rock Haiku
    Takes the prize: when the island
    Is done with you, POW!


  17. humanebean: LOST needs more Bruce tunes

    So does the Frozen
    Donkey Wheel provide a Tenth
    Avenue Freeze-Out?

    Who here is waiting
    for Jacob to come on up
    for the Rising, hmm?

    And now one for the
    viewers: 'Til the end we're just
    dancin' in the dark.


  18. "Libby seems nuts — but
    I'm not the best judge, being
    an evil mutant."

    VW: hyporyom — Meditative chant of an ancient Greek Titan.

  19. @batcabbage & TM Lawrence - you are too kind, good sirs. I am pleased to be in such fine company.

    One haiku from Blam?
    Clearly he is occupied-
    with WHAT we all ask?

  20. Ha! I spoke too soon
    Blam bursts forth with his haikus


  21. Wow, HB. I can't
    think of anything else to
    say but: Dynamite!

    VW: sworyo — Like, totally went all scatological, dawg.

  22. @Blam, your Boss tunes
    are superb. Jacob needs one:
    "Adam Raised A Cain"?

  23. Meeting in the field
    Out behind the dynamo
    (the "copper donuts"),

    Hugo and Michael
    proved that voices made choices
    to steal, cheat, and lie.

    Libby said: "Baby
    just one kiss will seal our fate
    to prove it's all right."

  24. Joan, you saucy minx
    Sayid should BE so lucky
    "Snip And Tuck" by Joan


  25. "Look, you're awesome, but
    I totally don't know you."
    Mm-wahhh! "Oh! Libby!"


  26. It looks like Jacob
    has died, been reborn, and dyed
    again! Wah-wah-wahhh...

    VW: aileange — An ailing phalange (and I think we all know how painful that can be).


  27. Joan, you saucy minx
    Mmm... I think it's time for lunch.
    Later, everyone!

    VW: Dewsquil — The sniffling, sneezing, aching, coughing, stuffy-head, fever, so-you-can-condense-on-the-lawn medicine.

  28. @Blam:
    And you know about planes and phalanges: a lack of phalanges can create mass hysteria and ground a plane.

    Maybe Lost's key point:
    Oceanic Airlines flew
    without phalanges!


  29. "Don't you know what the
    Island really is? It's made
    from blown-up people!"

    VW: retee – Post-Mulligan action.


  30. Good thing Rachel got
    off that flight, TM. Phoebe's
    a course-corrector!


  31. I really have to
    go. TM, HB, JS,
    et al. — it's been fun.

    VW: epersons — Folks with a Second Life.

  32. Following Blam to
    saltmines; final thought: Who is
    the last recruit? Nik?

  33. t: You are indeed correct.
    The last recruit is me, Nik.
    But not -- NOT -- Paulo.


    Oh, seriously,
    Who is the last recruit? Is
    it possibly... Jack?

  34. Blam:
    Wait, a second life??
    NO NO. New rule: Nik at Nite
    Is your ONLY life.

    Ahem, cough, sorry
    That was my Hitler complex
    Shining through again.

  35. This Fall, ABC
    Ben: To Catch a Predator
    Best spin-off ever!

    I am very uncreative and that's my only one. :)

  36. Good one, Loretta!
    Never be shy on this blog
    we're just spitballin'!

  37. Hee! Thank you Humanebean
    I will try for another,
    maybe snarkier

    Zuleika R. says:
    My "Rome" death was way better
    Need a new agent

  38. Karma is a bitch.
    Locke is run down by friend Des;
    Locke falls eight stories.

    Tutti amano:
    Santa Rosa, dynamite,
    Whispers, Nunu, Jlocke.

    Does being blown up
    Invalidate a belief
    In free will v. fate?

    Michael tried to stop
    An explosion with frozen
    CO2, but failed.

    As a ghost, Dawson
    Convinces Hurley it's best
    To dynamite ship.

    Ilana said the
    Man in Black could not change face,
    And dynamite safe.

    Desmond has given
    Himself up to fate, which is
    Why he's in Zen-bliss.

    Do we believe Mike
    About the whispers, or trust
    They are deceptions?

  39. Thud! Ilana's bag
    hits the ground. "Uh-" say the fans.
    Boom! goes Ilana.

    "Oh no the Black Rock!"
    Cries frantic, flailing Richard,
    Muppet-running off.

  40. Teebore, you crack me up!
    Muppet-running may just be
    my favorite verb

    Verification word: "bediant" - how lovely the world looks when you awake next your loved one

  41. Hmmmm ... seems to me that
    Hurley is starting to learn how
    to be a leader

    First, step up when a
    situation demands it
    Next, put forth a plan

    Then, when anyone
    asks you why they should listen,
    say "Jacob told me so"

    that's also how you become
    an EX-leader, dude!

  42. You all are too hysterical.

    Loved them all, but I have to admit that Blam's has died, been reborn, and dyed
    again! Wah-wah-wahhh...
    totally slayed me.

    Hmm... off to think of some myself

    VW: penusell - a writing implement you must get someone to buy

    VW2: lithlym - isn't that some sort of power source on the Enterprise?

  43. “Life long love affair
    With chickens”?! Jesus, that’s weird!
    Oh, ‘chicken’? Right, then.

    I wish you would talk
    To me, Libby. Oh look, your
    Murderer. Yippee.

    Hurley, who are you
    Talking to? Was it my dad?
    Huh? Was it? Tell me!!!

    Wow, Rosalita,
    You’re hot! My mom normally
    Sets me up with dogs.

    OK, Libby, you’re
    Hot, but it seems to me that
    You’re bat-shit crazy.

    By the way, Doctor?
    I know this sounds weird, but I
    Loved you in X-Men!

    Ilana, I don’t
    Think you should blow up the plane.
    You remember Arzt?

    “Arzt? Whot the hell is
    Arzt?”… BOOM! “Yep. That’s what he did..”
    Brushes off shoulders.

    “Jack, Sun and Hugo?
    We’re waiting for them? I don’t
    See that happening.”

    “Shut the hell up, Kate!
    Just be thankful you got a
    Line this episode!”

    Stop looking at me,
    Random Scottish man! I own
    This place, so watch it!

    Cheer up, me laddo!
    That chicken won’t fill the void
    In your enlarged heart.

    I met a girl. She
    Was oh so hot! Nuttier
    Than a nut bar, though.

    “Number forty-two!”
    (Looks into the camera).
    “Eh? EH?! The numbers!”

    Zombie Sayid tied
    Desmond to a tree, and Nik
    Was all aquiver.

    “Hugo, why’d you do
    That?!” “Calm down, Richard. Go run
    Like Kermit. It helps.”

    Libby, I know you’re
    Crazy, maybe dangerous.
    But you wanna date?

    Jacob’s here right now?
    Ask him why he was such a
    Dick to me. Ask him!

    “He’s lying. Jacob’s
    Not there.” “Yeah, well, you run like
    A muppet! Shut up!”

    Michael, you’re stuck here?
    Like purgatory? Because
    The writers, they said…

    Yeah, it’s sorta that.
    It’s a purgatory, not
    The Purgatory.

    Because Your Kiss Was
    On My Lips
    I remembered!
    The Power Of Love!

    Oh Hugo, Hold Me
    Now! They Can Never Tear Us
    Apart! …Endless Love?

    My work here is done.
    Now, for some vehicular
    Homicide, brothah!

    “What are we doing
    Here, brothah?” “Oh, nothing much.
    I just like wells.” PUSH!

    When Flocke pushed Des down
    The well, I could hear Nik’s scream
    From Australia.

  44. Bravo, Batcabbage!
    Thanks for the 80's flashback.
    Now, to Save Ferris!


  45. Awesome, Batcabbage —
    especially the one with
    “Eh? EH?! The numbers!”

  46. Thanks Blam, humanebean!
    And thanks for writing some of
    The best ones ever!

    It's hard waiting for
    Batkitty to come home to
    Watch the latest ep.

    I could watch it now,
    But she would probably hit
    Me with a hammer.


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