Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lost Haiku: Happily Ever After

Just look at him, smiling and waiting for the haiku fun we're going to have today. I'm hoping to beat the spontaneous outbreak of haikus on other posts by making this go live at noon, but I'm sure someone will beat me to it and already have posted something to be found elsewhere on the blog! I'll only offer a few this week, and I leave it up to you! There's so much to talk about with this one, so let's go to it!!

The embodiment
Of love in all its glory:
Thy name is Desmond.

Seems in any world
Daniel wears that pencil tie.
But... um... leather pants?!

Gigantic white hair.
Symbolic glistening broach.
Yep. It’s Eloise.

Zapped with many volts,
Desmond’s body glows. Is he...
Doctor Manhattan?!


  1. All you need is love.
    Love is all you need. Well, that
    and explanations.

    On this island is
    a magic box that fries you
    good (except Desmond).

    "Penny's my half-sis.
    I'll tell you where to find her."
    "That's creepy, brutha."

    "I had a vision
    and felt true love." Yeah, that's 'cause
    you swallowed drugs, dude.

    "Desmond! MacCutcheon?"
    "Charles! Yes, thank you." "So." "Hi."
    mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah

  2. A Haiku pentad before Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, it's off to work I go:

    Unleashed, chair-bound, pulsed
    Twisted roads must be traversed
    ‘Ere Des and Pen unite

    Charles roasts or toasts
    McGuffin scotch shared or not
    Truer hearts break through

    Deathwish Charlie sparked
    Love’s straight path and Dan refines;
    Fate made Manifest!

    In this LAX
    Or Island time, live entwined
    Or alone you die.

    Eye opened to Love
    Charles and Charlie play part
    Hide and Seek Penny.


  3. Hawking, Faraday,
    Widmore, Milton... Just what
    is this family's name?

    "Desmond?" "Where am I?"
    "The Island." "Rassafrassin'...
    You bloody bastard!"

    "Desmond?" "I'm awake."
    "Now, we have to..." "It's okay.
    I'm with you." "You are?"

  4. Desmond episodes
    burrow closest to the core
    of LOST, don't you think?

  5. Daniel's musical genius-
    blending classical with rock.
    Drive Shaft? Uh, really?


  6. They burrow closest
    to Nikki's core, nudge nudge wink
    Know what I mean?

    "Do you need a ride?"
    "I'm pregnant." "And I'm Desmond.
    Let's go get a room."

  7. Mr. Widmore, are
    you the villain or hero?
    Please make up your mind!

  8. Bwahahahaha!
    Blam, you are killing me here.
    *think I hurt myself*


  9. "Sorry I fainted."
    "That's all right. Did you happen
    to, er, flash-forward?"

    bang bang bang bang bang
    "Des: Come with me. You: Run! You're
    hosting SNL!"

    "Like this song, mate?" "Eh."
    "Well, just for that I'm gonna
    drive us off the road."


  10. "Do you have any
    metal in your pockets? Keys,
    change, watch, sardine tin?"

    "I was kidnapped from
    the bloody hospital by
    you lot. You tell me!"

  11. Charlie, when you run,
    your johnnie exposes your
    whole back catalogue.

    Coulda been worse, though.
    If you'd had it on backwards,
    we'd see your Drive Shaft.

  12. Excuse me, Eloise
    but YOU'RE one to talk about
    a "violation".

  13. I can't blame Desmond,
    if Penny smiled at me that
    way, I would faint, too.


  14. "Paging Dr. Jack
    Shephard. Jack Shephard. Don't just
    do something; stand there."

    Sorry, Dan, but your
    dream girl has been rooting through
    someone else's drawers.

    "Can you get me the
    passenger list from my flight?"
    "Really? No call girls?"


  15. "Wait just a moment.
    Mmm. Yes. He's quite burnt. All right,
    you can take him now."

  16. From galaxy far
    A creature of hair looks for
    Eloise, its host

    In another life,
    I've seen me, Brutha
    Drinking MacCutcheon

    Island Fried Desmond
    wasn't extra crispy. Whew!
    Nikki can breath now.

  17. no, not Penny's boat
    it's poor Desmond's rental car
    no deposit back


  18. "What happened, happened."
    "The Island's not done with you."
    New dialogue, please!

    "I think I set off
    an atomic bomb and it
    changed reality."

    "Okay, skinny-tied
    Charles Manson pianist,
    let's look at your notes."

  19. Blam and Humanbean - Hi-larious! I was laughing out loud. Thank you.

  20. Now I can see why
    Daniel suggested the bomb.
    ROCK those leather pants!


  21. Nikki: "Violate
    me, Desmond! Yoo-hoo! Over
    here! Violate me!"


  22. Nothing like some good
    clean haiku fun to make the
    afternoon fly by.

  23. Hahahahaha!
    We have a winner!

  24. Penny says: I have
    to meet the love of my life
    while I am sweating?!?!?

    Half-brother sets me
    up with creepy Scot stalker.
    At least he is cute.

    Hate to tell you, Dan,
    but James Ford got to the red
    haired anthropologist first.

    (okay, that last one might be untrue because I think the Dan-Desmond conversation happens before Sawyer and Charlotte have their little date...).

  25. Also, my counting was all wrong for my last haiku too.

    I feel so dumb right now. :-P

  26. LOL!! Oh man you guys are hilarious. I'm thinking now I need a haiku section at the end of every episode guide in the season 6 book, and pick my fave from each week. :) These are brilliant!!

  27. Many years from now,
    we'll think of that show that we
    made haikus about

    What was that thing called?
    Damn, I almost had it there ...
    nope, guess I lost it.

    Something about an
    Island ... and a man shouting:
    "De plane, boss! De plane!!"

    There was this one guy
    who was a smoke monster:
    the Marlboro Man?

    Wish I could recall
    the name of the doctor guy ...
    guess I don't know Jack.

    Oh, yeah! The plane crashed!
    THAT'S how it started. Then in
    the last episode----

    ***this memory was
    deleted by the Dharma
    Initiative. END***

  28. MAN, what did we do
    before we had Nikki's blog?
    I'm drawin' a blank.

    I'm sure that Al Gore
    is proud to have this excuse
    to invent the web

    And Damon and Carlton
    must thank their lucky stars that
    the show was worth it

    Nikki Stafford
    authoress extraordinaire
    your fans salute you!

    (must remember
    not to hit the McCutcheon
    in the afternoon) ; ]

  29. Thughts on Philip K. Dick and LOST:

    Philip K. Dick thought
    Twin universes, one kills
    The insane other.

    Is Charlie's vision
    Valis' purple light touching
    Our core synapses?

    In Blade Runner eyes
    Distinguish android from flesh,
    Yet equal in love.

    Is LOST's island eye
    A computer terminal
    With space-time power?

    On Happily Ever After:

    Charlie seeing Claire,
    Like Locke, who saw into the
    Eye of the island.

    All you need is love,
    And some peyote, Oldham,
    Magnetic coils, too!

    Des' Man in Black
    Is Alt time's go-fer, who'll get
    Des' heart's desire.

    Of course I can drink,
    It was heroin, you sod.
    Now, let's have a drive.

    Eloise's hair
    Reminds me of Tim Burton's
    Film, When Mars Attacked

    Twin stars on a brooch,
    Jack's neck, a bleeding star nick,
    Juliet's startling brand.

    Is Widmore's gadget
    The magic box which transports
    What we most desire?

    Angstrom the rabbit,
    Whose name is electrical,
    Is spared further angst.

    Lists are for Jacob
    Or lunch parties on birthdays,
    Or, ugh, the laundry.

    Eloise explains
    Violations occur when
    You're not ready yet.

    Seconds in cabin,
    Again time discrepency,
    Days in LA X.

    Did Des and Penny
    Not meet at Moriah Church
    In previous life time?

    If not, something has
    Changed. As Milton, not Lost, but
    Paradise regained?

  30. Just a thought, when Charlie shows Desmond this is only one reality, he sits back ready to drown. Uhmmm. So how is Charlie going to meet Claire if he drowns? Is there yet another life?

  31. Although it's taboo,
    Can't Man in Black appear in
    Alternate time-line?

    Each episode a
    Substitute appeared dressed in
    Black, offering a wish.

    Mirrored as twin worlds,
    Jacob and Man in Black could
    Access to each world.

    Would Man in Black be
    A sommelier, a taste
    For fine bottled wines?

    A portrait artist,
    Capturing your soul on film
    With a single flash.

    Or a Scout leader,
    The camp fire just a column
    Of smoke and ashes.

  32. But Nikki, how on
    earth will you choose only one
    favorite each week?

  33. Oh charlie, my dear
    Think the heroin you swallowed
    caused u to feel love?

    Or was it that, you
    like desmond, found that preggo claire
    was both cute and hot?

    Daniel loved Charlotte
    the moment he saw her. Too bad
    Sawyer saw her first.

    Faraday; the bomb
    He thinks he already dropped it,
    He feels the alt-world.

    It's Zombie Sayid!
    Desmond seems pretty cool with that.
    Follow the Zombie.

  34. Sorry, Desmond. I
    brought you back to the Island.
    Wow, you're real calm. SMACK!

    Ow! You hit me! But
    You see, I'm bleeding, making
    Me the victor. Ha!

    "Got any metal
    on you?" "Well, there's my flies. Will
    this thing fry my wang?"

    It's sad when a man
    who helps a pregnant lady
    is seen as creepy.

    Mr Hume, you want
    A hooker? Some blow? Perhaps
    A mixture of both?

    "No, thanks. Just work." "Of
    course. See, that's why I'm just a
    driver.... or a pimp."

    "Not Penny's boat"? Of
    course it's not! This is a car,

    You lost the rock star?
    Nice knowing you, Desmond! My
    Wife will now kill you!

    When you tell Mrs
    Widmore, try not to look at
    her hair directly.

    "Mrs Widmore? I'm
    Desmond Hume." "I know. Er, I
    Mean, pleased ta meetcha!"

    "How do you know what
    I'm looking for?" "Because I
    Bloody do!" Awesome.

    Thanks, Lost. Way to keep
    us in the dark. Please, go on!
    We don't want answers!

    "Sorry I zapped you.
    If you'll just let me explain."
    "I understand, Charles."

    NOOO! Shut up, Desmond!
    YOU might understand, but I
    Could use a few tips!

    "A coffee? I'm all
    sweaty." "I just fainted." "Yes,
    that was quite manly."

    "Can you get me the
    manifest?" "Of course! Hookers,
    blow.... flight manifests...."

  35. AAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I can't stay up for the recap and I won't be able to come on here until tomorrow night!! :( I'm shaking my fists here because I want to talk about tonight's episode! I know Nikki is working on it and I'm grateful but holy mutherf____ I can only IMAGINE what her reaction is going to be on this one!!!!!! I think I gasped and screamed out more than ever myself!

  36. Poor numbered bunnies
    destined to be subjected
    to more time travel?

    The cabin is not
    Jacob's, but it has a strange
    resemblance to it.

    Will the magnet test
    blow off Desmond's clothes again?
    Well, Nikki can hope.

    Minkowski went from
    com officer to limo
    driver. A downgrade?

    So Charlie saw Claire?
    Consciousness-altering love?
    Universes cross.

    Here, just lay right down.
    MRI won't take too long
    And here's the Button.

    VW: estinal - what's left when you take the int out.

  37. Eloise Hawking
    Says "its a violation!"
    And tells Des to stop

    Being Time Police,
    she should pull out her pad and
    write Des a ticket.

    Daniel's over there
    playing a bit of Chopin
    on the piano.

    Gives what Desmond says -
    “see you in another life”-
    A whole new meaning.

  38. I think I'm in love.
    She was eating some chocolate.
    The red-haired vixen.

    Look at these strange marks.
    But I am a musician,
    not a physicist.

    I don't want to set
    off a nuclear bomb now.
    I already did.

    VW: alcal - a full-calorie item


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