Monday, April 26, 2010

Lost Haiku: The Last Recruit

Because some people just can't wait until Tuesday to get their haikus on. ;)

"John Locke was not a
believer, Jack. He was a
sucker." Like, OUCH, dude.

Did Sayid kill Des?
No no no no no no NO!
"Go check if you'd like."

Likely concussion,
bleeding and kinda gross, but...
I still love you, Des.

"Jin!" "Sun!" Me: "The fence!"
Run run run!! "I love you Jin!"
"And I love you--" ZZZZZT!!!

Why does she bug me???
Tina Fey she is not. More
like Sarah Palin.

I will admit, though,
When Sawyer called her Widmore's
"Number Two," I laughed.

And now, over to you guys. And NO NEW LOST EP TOMORROW, but tune in for some more detailed Lost analysis on the season so far, and the Globe and Mail chat is still happening on Wednesday!


  1. Yes! Haikus are here!
    Something to keep me going
    with no LOST this week

    "Good to see you, Jack"
    "Wish I could say the same, John"
    "Glad you ditched the Jeard"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Claire, uh ... you look ...great."
    "Thanks, Hurley. You like my hair?"
    "Uh ... Libby would, I'm sure"

    You mean to tell me
    a whole show passed and no-one
    blew up? ... Spoke too soon.

  4. "Look, brotha, I've been
    shot by Ben Linus, kidnapped
    from the hospital

    by Charles Widmore, drugged
    on a submarine, brought back
    to this damn Island,

    shot completely through
    with electromagnetic
    energy, sent to

    a sideways timeline,
    been driven into the bay
    by a dead rock star,

    seen bloody Daniel
    in leather pants AND thrown down
    this well by the guy

    that I ran over
    in the other timeline. I'm
    havin' a BAD DAY!!"

    "Oh, you think that YOU
    have it bad, my friend? I'm
    dead AND out of mousse."

  5. Die, Zoe. Die, Die!
    Why is it that you bring out
    homicidal thoughts?

    Give me that walkie
    I will smash it with this stick
    so it has purpose.

    Stalker Des follows
    Claire into the lift and she
    looks kinda wigged out

    VW: bomist - the find dust left after an explosion

  6. "You do what I asked?"
    "I let him talk to me first.
    You know how THAT goes ..."

    The Elizabeth
    stood at anchor for three years?
    One helluva boat.

    "You can come aboard,
    Claire - on one condition, though;
    Squirrel Baby stays."

    "Look, Claire, I'm sorry.
    We need to trust each other ...
    Can I have the gun?"

  7. @humanebean - I love the bad day haiku!!!

    word verif - cupel: two cups

  8. thanks, JS! Glad you
    liked that one. I though it might
    need more 'brothas', there

  9. I don't know his name
    I just took major advice
    from him yesterday.

    And I'm pretty sure
    We introduced ourselves at
    the coffee maker

    But I have no clue
    what his first name is, though I'm
    here in the ambo

    VW: crans - the phonetic way to color

  10. "Welcome aboard, Jack"
    "So, what's up with you and Kate?"

    "Hey! Why'd Jack jump off??"
    "Relax, Freckles. I just said
    'nice day for a swim'"

    At last, Jin and Sun
    are reunited. Thank God
    they turned the fence off

    "Wait! We had a deal!"
    "Yeah, well, deal's off. What part of
    Widmore don't you get?"

  11. "Were you my father?"
    asks Jack. "Uh, yeah, sure I was,"
    Locke shiftily says.

    Whew! I'm glad Desmond
    wasn't compelled to pull a
    Locke on pregnant Claire.

    Enjoy your swim, Jack!
    Whoa! Jack's cooler than Sawyer.
    I've seen everything.

  12. "Jack. I'm your fah-thah."
    Then Locke pulls out a saber
    And cuts off Jack's hand.

  13. You'd have Dad issues
    too, if your pop was played by
    a Locke-ness Monster

  14. Ilana is a
    lawyer? I would have guessed an

    David waits for Jack
    to finish surgery on
    Locke. Hope he's patient

    Mom will pick him up
    if the surgery runs long.
    Yay! Can't wait to see!

    Jack sees Locke's face and
    says, "I think I know this guy...
    ... he's kind of a jerk."

    Back on the Island,
    Locke says, "You're with me now, Jack."
    Like that's a GOOD THING?

  15. Where IS everyone?
    Blam? M. Chou Chauve-Souris?
    No haiku love, guys?

  16. I am lurking here
    *waves hello to humanebean*
    feeling haiku-less

  17. Let the Sonshines in!
    Fear not - you are not alone
    I'm just haikuckoo

  18. But we two seem to
    have been left by all the rest
    It's very haikruel.

    And that was such a
    terrible haiku pun thing
    *tries to be haikul*

  19. Don't listen to those
    who say 'puns are the lowest
    form of humor'. Bah!

    What do THEY know, eh?
    Cindy Lauper was right: Girls
    Just Wanna Have Pun

    The Beach Boys: We'll Have
    Pun, Pun, Pun 'Till Daddy Takes
    The T-Bird Away

    Even The Beatles sang
    of puns: "I Am The Eggman,

    Verification word: "welanoph" - What you should leave alone

  20. I can't disagree:
    puns truly are the highest
    form of comedy.

  21. "welanoph" Bwa ha!
    I just don't think that I can
    leave it all alone.

    VW: amitingl? - What LOLCatz say when their paws fall asleep.

  22. @Sonshine - Give me that walkie
    I will smash it with this stick
    so it has purpose.


    And I'm pretty sure
    We introduced ourselves at
    the coffee maker

    Hahaha! So true!


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