Friday, April 16, 2010

Lost Tarot Cards

These are fantastic... they sent chills down my spine looking at some of them. Absolutely gorgeous. I wish they were real! I still remember how excited I was to find Alice in Wonderland Tarot cards (they still sit on my bedside table) and the Xena ones were always fun, too. But these... these are extraordinary. Click on the picture below for a larger version.

Go here to see more detailed versions. (Thanks to Popped Culture for the link!)


  1. OMG, I would kill for that poster size so I could frame it!!

  2. Absolutely phenomenal - quickly jumps to the top of the list of original LOST artwork. BRAVO!

  3. No "The Douchebags" for Nikki & Paulo?

  4. Wowwww! So cool!

    1. Jack
    2. Charlie
    4.John Lock
    5.Jin & Sun

    P.S. Nikki, maybe you know, from where --we can to buy this Awesome cards????

  5. The Question Mark16 April 2010 at 12:26

    @SAGACIOUS PENGUIN: HAHAHA! I would love to draw a Tarot card and have some psychic say (in a misty, otherworldly voice): "You have drawn...the douchebags."

    These are great! Last night I was actually lying in bed trying to come with a way they could improve the LOST board game. I really hope they do. I want some quality LOST merch, dang it! I WILL find my loophole!

  6. I, too, wish they'd make some really epic, high-quality LOST board game. Maybe like that Lord of the Rings one that came out around 2000 where all players worked together to finish the quest and destroyed the ring, but here you'd all be working together to find your destinies and save/destroy the Island (depending on where this show goes).

    The design on these Tarot cards is so great, it makes me wish any of the official merchandise was this cool!

  7. The artwork is really great.

    And "The Douchebags" would be a wonderful Tarot card No. 15/The Devil: Two idiots who are so obsessed with their wealth that they do not see what's happening. Would suit perfectly.

  8. Wow! I want this deck. Maybe if someone could get around the copyright issues, it could be done. I could make up the deck myself (print them off and add a book that would allow interpretations). You'd also need a bunch of minor arcana (4 of Dharma...8 of numbers...I'll have to give this some thought. But if a deck could be produced and licensed, it would be awesome!

    VW: suirelit - the sui has been lit once more after going out

  9. @Rainier: ...I could make up the deck myself...

    That would be dynamite! Especially if you include Artz and Ilana... ;}

    Word Verf: prodyes : For every color except puce.

  10. They really are fantastic.

    I'd love to see a version that expanded beyond the early seasons (including the Tailies, the Others, Dharma, and our favorite Scotsman).

  11. These are very interesting, though I have absolutely no idea how they would be used!

  12. Extremely compelling!! And yet it only makes us ache for . . . Desmond, Ben, Jacob, Richard, etc., etc.!

  13. I'm not a fan of tarot cards but the artwork is spectacular. You can tell the artist is a graphic designer/ visual artist.

  14. Thanks, Christian..It is worth noting that the cards seem to focus on the DARKER aspects of most of these characters!

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