Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Official True Blood Season 3 Poster!

Love. Love love love love love.


  1. Oh, the anticipation!

    I'll have to send you my 'True Blood' soundtracks next. Talk about a LOT of music... thanks to the Merlotte's jukebox, even with only 12 eps per season (and leaving a few tracks out for time constraints), those are still 4-disc sets per season. Great stuff, though, if you feel the occasional rootsier, twangier moods like I sometimes do.

    I had back-burnered finalizing the art on those (since no one I know has expressed any interest), but I might open the project back up and work on them over the weekend, if you're interested...

  2. Very nice. Anticipation for TB is the bright spot on my Lost-less horizon.

    Glad to see Pam on the poster. She's a great character in the books but so far underused in the show. I'm hoping we get more than one liners from her this season.

    Come to think of it, Pam and Lapidus would make a fantastic team.

  3. Love love love is RIGHT!?!?!? WHOOT!!!!!!!!!! And the 10th book in the Sookie Stackhouse series comes out in two weeks! :)

  4. i love, love, love how jessica is posed like a black widow spider, about to devour something.

    awesome. :)

  5. Awww, look at Sam and Tara. Yay!

    Yep, still a shipper.


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