Tuesday, April 20, 2010

While You Wait for Lost...

Actually, I don't have any funny stuff for you this week, sorry... but please scroll down and join in the Everybody Loves Hugo haiku while you wait. I just wanted to give you all the heads up on two things re: tonight's upcoming Lost post: first, where I usually get Lost at 7, I'm not getting it until 9 like the rest of you, and I usually watch it twice before posting, so watch for my post between 11 and 12 (and I know many of you will be in bed by then and I didn't want you sitting around waiting for it just in case). Secondly, I've been feeling sick today and getting worse as the day goes on, so I apologize if my post isn't up to snuff. I'm not sure how late I'll make it tonight, and I'll try my best.

Just a heads up that, as I mentioned in an earlier post, there won't be a new Lost episode next week. However, there will still be recap activity going on here, AND there will still be a Globe and Mail chat next Wednesday. We're going to use the opportunity to sum up the season so far and tie up some of the loose ends as we go into the final (sniff) episodes.

And just to add to your sadness, Damon tweeted the following yesterday: "I know this is getting increasingly sappy, but today will be my very last time on set. And yes, I'm wearing my Bantha Tracks T-Shirt."

And today he followed with "Yesterday was... there is no word. To watch the people who actually MAKE this show as they made it one last time... man, what a gift."



  1. You're sick? So sorry, Nik!
    Your Posts are always up to
    "snuff" -- you are The Best!

  2. Hope you feel better soon Missy Nikki! This is all very sad but I am confused by the Bantha Track t-shirt comment...

  3. Feel Better Quickly Nikki!

    and while we're all waiting with baited breath for your post... your health is more important.

    When will we see your smiling happy face on INNERSPACE again?

  4. I recommend a hot cup of tea with honey, a toasted cheese sandwich and a quick review of Desmond & Richard promo photos. Feel better, Nik - and take the pressure off of yourself. Your recap will be delightful and we will all have days of fun speculating. No worries!

  5. Rest, drink, and be cozy: the shop will mind itself, and know that we want your health more than your timely post. Feel better soon and stay away from doctors--I hear that even in Canada, half the doctors finished in the bottom 1/2 of their medical school class.

  6. feel better!! but you are so right i got really sad reading that message from Damon. it's hard to believe lost is really ending...and so soon

  7. Hope you feel better soon Nikki -

    It was so moving to read what Damon wrote. They have given us such a special gift though, one I will always treasure.

  8. Hey, guys! Check out this link! Someone put together a Sneak Peak of an upcoming episode (should be the finale). It's not a spoiler, but sure plays like one. It's terrific!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. In my excitment over 6.13, I posted my thoughts by mistake on this post. I deleted it so I could reply to your own post about the episode instead. Hope you're feeling better, Nikki!

  11. Okay, a little unrelated to this specific episode, but to hell with it, I need to put this theory out there!

    Check out this youtube clip:

    Pause at exactly :11 11 seconds into the video and look at the young Ethan next to Ben. Looks IDENTICAL to the boy that has been haunting Flocke, come on, any takers???? Well, I sure thanks so! Thoughts?


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