Monday, May 17, 2010

Across the Sea Drawing...

Hey guys! I just got this from Kevie, who's a regular poster here (and one of the people who showed up to the NYC Nik at Nite meetup!) and I thought it was amazing.

Go to his blog to see more of his artwork. I hope you're inspired after tomorrow night's ep and the finale again, Kevie!!


  1. Your art is awesome, Kevie! I scrolled through a few pages on your blog, too, and I love your style.

    I second Nikki in hoping you'll find time to draw something for the last two episodes!

  2. Missing Georgia17 May 2010 at 18:14

    Great job, Kevin! I have seen your other drawings on your blog and think that you have a wonderful gift.

  3. I love these Kevin and I humbly put in a request to see some Sayid. Beanbots is my favorite comic strip - hilariously authentic.

  4. Thanks you guys. (Especially nice to get compliments from people whose blogs I already read.)

    If I only didn't have to worry about making a living, I'd spend this whole week illustrating the rest of the season! Just for you Joan, I will short-list "Sundown".

  5. Just watching The Substitute again. There's a lovely line where MIB/Locke says to Sawyer along the lines of ...'What I am is trapped. I've been trapped for so long that I don't rememnber what its like to be free. Maybe you can understand that. Before I was trapped I was a man too, just like you. I know what it is like to feel joy, pain, anger, fear, to experience betrayal, I know what its like to lose someone you love.' So now it all makes sense !!!


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