Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jacob and His Bro Play Connect Four... Million


  1. Hmmmm... I kinda want to try and play that!

  2. Missing Georgia15 May 2010 at 12:47

    Love it :)

  3. I don't know how Jimmy Kimmel is able to pull off stuff like this, and he's been doing it for years. It makes me look forward to his post-Lost episode on Sunday night that much more. You know he's going to have some surprises planned...probably goofy bits just like this.

  4. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas...

  5. they were such a great sport to do this!

  6. Titus Welliver and Mark Pellegrino rule!

  7. This is so cool! I know what I'm packing from now on when I go to sea or fly over water...

  8. Here! Diagonally!

    That was awesome. It really makes you wonder how bored they both must be, not wasting away for all eternity. I mean, it must get old hating each other. Plus, Jacob stuffed two of the pieces of brother's game into a little cloth bag and left them around decomposing bodies for hundreds of years. Who wants to play with those?

  9. The Question Mark17 May 2010 at 01:02

    Oh my god, this was spectacular!

    Go Mark and Titus for actually taking the time to do this! Both of them were hilarious!

    "Here! Diagonally!" Having seen that old commercial ad nauseum, this was just freaking gold! Good job, Jimmy Kimmel!

    VW: UPENDBAN: a law stating that you cannot turn anything upside-down

  10. HAHAHA!!


  11. We just watched that like 3 times in a row. I love the expression on their faces, both during the questions and when they get all excited about the game. Bwa hahahahahaha!


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