Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lost Haiku: Across the Sea

I would first like to wish a happy birthday to Josh Winstead, a regular commenter here and the guy who sent me those awesome CDs I talked about a few months back!! Happy birthday, Josh! :)

It's that time again! Time to haiku it up on a Tuesday. Tonight's episode, based on the non-spoilery response from fans who got to see it at the LOST Live event last week, should be awesome. And then... there's just a finale this Sunday. Wow. Amazing that this season flew by so quickly!!

Two babies. Two sides.
One in light clothes, one in dark.
They’re screwed from the start.

“You have given birth
To two beautiful new sons!
I’m so sorry.” WHAM!

“I love you. You were
My favourite. You’re special.
I’m so sorry.” WHAM!

So.... Jacob. You’re not...
special, per se. But you’re here.
Do you want a job?

“Is the light good, Mom?
Or bad?” “It’s good AND bad. Both.”
“Thanks for the vagueness.”

My life after LOST:
Curled up, fetal position,
Crying and unable to properly come up with the right number of syllables for haiku.


  1. Are you telling me
    Jacob was born before me?
    Awesome, screwed again.

  2. I'm posting early today (it's 11pm Tuesday night here) because I got a job. Yay me!

    Take a broken ship,
    A pregnant girl, and what do
    You get? LOST, baby!

    Claudia? That’s a
    Lovely name. Used to be mine.
    On another show.

    Answers lead to more
    Questions!. And answers. But YOU
    Can’t have them. So there!

    A baby? Soon it
    Will be mine! …er, I mean, let
    Me help you give birth!

    His name is Jacob!
    What? Another one? Get
    It out! Get it out!!!

    “Oh, it’s another
    Boy.” “I don’t know any more
    Boy names. Jacob… 2?.”

    Thank you for your kids.
    All I have for you is…THIS

    “What’s that?” "It’s a game.”
    “How do you know?” “I just do.”
    “Fine, don’t tell me. Dick.”

    “Jacob told you.” “Of
    Course. Jacob can’t lie.” “He can’t
    Play that game, either.”

    “Can I keep the game?”
    “That’s why I left it for you.”

    How the hell have we
    Been here thirteen years without
    Seeing these people?!

    “We are here for a
    Reason.” “What reason?” Us: “Yeah,

    See, everyone? It’s
    A light! That’s the Island! No
    More mystery, eh?

    Are you kidding me?
    It’s a light? A light in us
    All? SERIOUSLY??!!

    No, no, it’s OK.
    It’s a great show, it can be
    A light! It can! Right?

    OK, I’m OK.
    It’s a light. I’m fine with that.
    Whew. On with the show!

    Hey, brother. It’s time
    For our weekly game that you
    Made up. What’s shakin’?

    “What’s shakin’?” you ask?
    I’m usin’ these here folk to
    Get off the Island.

    Really? Wow, that’s cool.
    But mom said you can’t leave. And
    You know what? You can’t.

    Ah, but look at this.
    Magical, flying daggers
    That stick to this well!

    Damn! That’s pretty cool.
    So how does your flying knife
    Help you leave this place?

    I don’t know, but it
    Has something to do with a
    Donkey. And wheels... yeah.

    Hi, Jacob’s brother.
    He told me what you’re planning.
    Nice wheel, by the way.

    Mother, I’m special!
    I made this well next to the
    Light. I’m outta here!

    OK, son. Have a
    Parting gift. THIS STONY WELL

    How did I get here?
    How did mom kill everyone?
    Where’s my flying knife?!

    “Son, we’re the same now.”
    “Oh. OK. Do I have to be
    Nuts?” “No, but it helps”

    You can’t hurt me, bro!
    Mom made it that way! How, I
    Have no idea.

    Yeah, I can’t kill you.
    But I’m gonna chuck you in
    The freak cave. So there!

    A giant column
    Of smoke comes out.
    Oh crap. That
    Really can’t be good.

    Hey! No-Name and Mom
    Are Adam and Eve! So where
    Are Rose and Bernard?

  3. @Batcabbage: First
    congratulations on your
    new job! Awesome, dude!

    Secondly, you rock;
    what a fabulous run of
    haiku to start off!

  4. "Answers will only
    lead to more questions." "But why-"
    "See? That's what I mean!"

    Two babies are born.
    "May I see them?" asks mother.
    Crack! says the midwife.

    Maybe Man in Black
    turned evil because he was
    always dressed in black?

  5. Mother: "It's a boy!
    Oh, wait ... it's another boy!
    Hmmmm ... must make new plan.

    Sorry, Claudia -
    we should have warned you that twins
    would be a headache!

    Newborn Brother thinks:
    "All the good names were taken.
    Call me Ishmael?"

  6. Damn insurance issues.
    Pre-existing condition?
    I'm not covered? *bonk*

  7. Black and white. Or Grey.
    Why do we miss the colors?
    Does Lost contain bleach?

    Nice, Mean: opposites.
    Nice is not always Good; Bad
    doesn't mean Evil.

    Evil may wear White
    but Evil's still Bad even
    if Good comes from it.

    Lessons taught by Lost.
    Black smoke is not a good sign,
    and red plants mean death.

    Two winos, "mom", "son"
    party by the golden cave.
    Latin is mumbled.

    "Guard the well of souls."
    "I don't want to. It's his job!
    He's your favorite."

    "It was always you.
    I see that now. What's His Face
    ran off anyways."

    "Hey mom, what happens
    if I ignore your advice
    and bask in gold light?"

    "A fate worse than Death."
    "And you know this how, fake mom?"
    "Trial and Error."

    Do evil deeds come
    from our divine spark inside,
    or are we tempted?

    Is the divine spark
    pure or is it muddled gray?
    Do we think Lost knows?

    Man in Black sought home;
    instincts told him he was trapped
    and dead mom confirmed.

    But dead mom wore red
    and stood in a golden glow,
    more "Mother" than ghost.

    Meanwhile, Jacob learned
    of threads, warp, weft, and of loom.
    Life's Great Tapestry.

    Smokey measures you
    and, if found lacking, kills you.
    Jacob lets it slide.

    From Esau, bombs, and
    from Jacob, ankhs: End it Now
    or Life Eternal.

    Their departing gifts
    declare their morality.
    Lost is not obtuse.

    It is not about
    who is the good guy, Others,
    EM pulses, time, or Hell.

    Lost is finding "us"
    in you and me, finding time
    to clean up our mess.

    If the Source runs dry
    before brotherhood of man
    comes to pass: Evil.

    We must make a choice.
    Smokey's bombs or Jacob's looms.
    Ending or going on.

  8. "Oh man, Jacob gets
    everything: the pool of
    light, mom's love, a name..."

    Shunk! goes the knife. Argh!
    goes Jacob. TikaTika
    goes the smoke monster.

    "See Mom, there's this wheel
    and I'll turn it and then I'll-"
    Thud! "Whatever," says Mom.

  9. Congrats to BC!
    New Job, money in the bank.
    Always a good

    Humanebean's "Call me
    Ishmael": way past White Whale,
    Hunter or Farmer?

  10. Thanks, Nikki! For my birthday, I would like that rogue Galaxy satellite to splash down in the ocean and alleviate any potential finale interference possibility. Can someone get on that for me, please? It's giving me an ulcer.

  11. Can someone get on that for me, please? It's giving me an ulcer.

    Seriously! Of all the times to want a giant laser capable of blasting satellites out of orbit...

    Sorry, in haiku.

    Oh, Rogue Satellite
    what did we do to you?
    Are you just lonely?

  12. Bravo, TM, bravo!
    My personal favorite:
    "Trial and Error"!

  13. Thanks, HB, TM!
    Nice to be working again.
    Money really IS good. :)

    HB, "Twins would be
    a headache" - man, one of the
    Best haiku ever.

    TM, Teebore and
    Humanebean. So many good
    haiku. Kudos, y'all!

  14. You see those "People"?
    VERY Clan of the Cave Bear.
    Where's Daryl Hannah?

  15. Warning to those peeps:
    let one MIB move in,
    "There goes neighborhood!"

  16. I'm loving all these. Batcabbage's is my favorite, though!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Kind of a shock when
    you learn as an adult that
    Mom was a 'stoner'.

  19. Don't you just hate it
    when your Brother finds a game
    and 'just knows' the rules?

    "Ha! I win, Brother!"
    "No, you can't do that, Jacob.
    It's against the 'rules'."

    "Rats! Then how 'bout THIS?"
    "Nope, can't do that either, Jake."
    "Er - how 'bout a Smoke?"

  20. @ Batcabbage:

    Rose & Bernard thought
    they could retire from the strife.
    Bet they're pulled back in...

  21. I have to admit
    when I first watched this chapter
    I was underwhelmed

    We've waited so long
    to learn more about why the
    Island is "special"

    and understand who
    Jacob and MIB are
    that I expected

    the story to be
    more definitive. But then
    I got to thinking:

    isn't that the point?
    Every time that we think
    we are at the start

    we realize that
    we've actually come in
    in the middle!

    The Oceanic crash
    was the start for us - but the
    middle for this crew

    The flashbacks and the
    flash-forwards showed us that the
    "start" is hard to find

    Same for the Others:
    the chorus may change but the
    song remains the same

    Should we be surprised
    to learn that Jacob arrived
    in the middle too?

    We all know now that
    'how we got here' matters less
    than what we do next.

    Regardless of how
    everything began here -
    it only ends once.

    Now we wait to see
    if Smokey can stop the rest
    from making 'progress'

    Just six days from now,
    we will all have to deal with
    what 'The End" begins.

    Cue Giacchino,
    pluck my heartstrings twice more, sir
    and help me get LOST

  22. Socrates answered
    questions with questions, Plato
    tells us. He may lie.

    Socratic method,
    or Plato's literary
    device: you decide.

    Whichever the case,
    Lost has taken it too far.
    People want answers.

  23. That's the thing, TM
    I've come to understand that
    I love the questions.

    Searching for answers
    has given me greater joy
    than finding them has.

    Don't get me wrong, bro -
    I wanna KNOW, too, but I
    will miss not knowing.

  24. Go HumaneBean, go!
    Adam and Eve took a bite
    and said, "who made us?"

    Adam came up with
    some farfetched fable about
    his rib and some clay.

    Eve, unsatisfied,
    demanded better answers:
    God stayed stone silent.

    So Adam and Eve's
    sons and daughters looked elsewhere
    and saw man-like apes.

    Darwin & Wallace
    sailed seas, connected the dots
    and braved holy fire.

    Then they knew, just knew
    the truth rests in DNA,
    'til some kid spoke up:

    "Where did DNA
    come from?" Out pops a tall tale
    to equal "The Rib"

    Moral? Some questions
    are better questions than others.
    The ones unanswered.

  25. When LOST ends Sunday
    how will I spend the extra
    hours? still wondering

    Who would have thought that
    Haiku would make me wistful?
    It's not over yet.

  26. "Previously on
    LOST: people arrived on the
    Island, a whole lot

    of weird stuff happened,
    folks got killed, smoke monsters were
    involved, dead people spoke

    rose and fell, faith and science
    warred with each other

    protectors were named,
    served, were killed and replaced by
    other protectors

    people came, they fought
    they corrupted, they killed, but
    it never ended

    until now. Caught up?
    Behold the final chapters
    in this age-old tale:

    Smokey. Candidates.
    Somewhere, a dog named Vincent.
    Widmore. Ben. Richard.

    Most importantly,
    Desmond. A sacrifice will
    have to be made.

    Whose will it be, then?
    *SPOILER ALERT* I can tell
    you - it will be ours."

  27. @Monsieur Chou Chauve-
    Souris: still chuckling over

  28. Brilliant haikus as usual everyone,
    I know this isn't one but it had to be done! This is my first atempt which I kind of rushed so forgive my terrible rhyming!

    Somewhere across the sea
    somewhere waiting for me
    my ‘mother’ stands on smokey sands
    and watches the ships crash there

    Somewhere across the sea
    she's there waiting for me
    If I only I could fly like Hurley-birds on high
    then far away from here
    I'd go, flying off this island

    It's far beyond the glow
    If only I had a hot air balloon
    I hope with all my heart
    I will leave this place soon

    I’ll be happy when I’m home
    Free at last, free to roam
    Happy I'll be across the sea
    and never again I'll leave

    Wherever you all are, I hope you have a great time watching the finale and then discussing it here! Sadly I won't be watching it until next friday and attempting to stay spoiler free for when it airs in the UK, but I will be looking forward to the torrent of analysis and brilliant discussion I will find here next week!

  29. All the fun of life
    exists in the questions, see
    so keep your answers.

    Now if it were me,
    I'd pull up a palm tree leaf
    on that bit of beach

    Stare at the ocean,
    or Sawyer even better
    stay put forever.

    Humans biggest fault,
    not accepting "I don't know"
    need more light Mother.

    Embrace mystery,
    don't need things tied up with bows
    just go with the flow.

    Don't get me wrong folks,
    I like to speculate lots.
    Theories are big fun.

    Nothing is black, white.
    Unless the light is put out
    Til then, life's a beach.

    Rose, Bernard got it
    Life is too short to chase Smoke
    just watch from afar.

  30. All the answers lead
    to more questions? Why is that?
    Funny you should ask ...

  31. I didn't think of another name besides Jacob
    I don't think he will mind going by
    Less than endearing pet names.
    I want to hold - - WHAM!

    Lost is near its End.
    I know what I'll do
    Jump into a bottomless pit
    Is my plan to save from the
    Lack of sadness

    Jacob was feeling left out
    Hurt, and confused
    When his mother took him
    Out to the spring
    Angry was he
    When his mother told him
    That he is the new leader

  32. Great haikus out here
    Fun to both ready and enjoy
    Only two eps left.

    "Across the Sea" has
    Divided fans into camps --
    Two sides: Black and White.

    I think that was the
    Plan from the get-go for our
    Intrepid writers.

    After all, with LOST
    nearly gone they still want us
    to talk about it.

    This episode was
    Pure myth, meaning it was bound
    To be quite cryptic.

    Wish I had more time
    To think up more haikus, but
    The kids are calling...

    Enjoy tonight, everyone!


  33. They say it takes a
    village to raise a child.
    But Island Momma?

    She got it backwards —
    she raised her children and then
    she took a village.

  34. @HumaneBean: Cue Giacchino,
    pluck my heartstrings twice more, sir
    and help me get LOST
    Love. It.

    One more Island birth-
    Aaron, Ethan, Jacob and

  35. I was wrapped in white,
    which means I can't tell a lie.
    I'm just not special.

    Hi, I'm brother. Yeah.
    You see, I don't get a name.
    That makes me SPECIAL!

    Ah, a baby boy!
    Hmm, it seems my belly's still big...
    Ooh! Can I see him?

  36. Hmm, it seems I can't haiku...

    Ah, a baby boy!
    It seems my belly's still big...
    Ooh, can I see him?

  37. Happy Birthday, Joshua!!!

    @Batcabbage - “Oh, it’s another
    Boy.” “I don’t know any more
    Boy names. Jacob… 2?.”

    Hehehe! I know, right?

    Thank you for your kids.
    All I have for you is…THIS


    @Teebore - Shunk! goes the knife. Argh!
    goes Jacob. TikaTika
    goes the smoke monster.

    "See Mom, there's this wheel
    and I'll turn it and then I'll-"
    Thud! "Whatever," says Mom

    Ahaha! Shunk!

    @Humanebean and TM - Brilliant as always!


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