Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lost Haiku: The Candidate

So, I have some interesting news for y'all! (Thanks to Josh for pointing me in the direction of it.) Jimmy Kimmel tweeted the other day that the post-Lost finale show is completely sold out, BUT they have three pairs of tickets to whomever can come up with the best Lost-themed haiku!!!! Um, first of all... copying us much? And second of all... isn't that hella awesome??!! As Josh said, Nik at Niters have WAY more experience and practice in the way of Lost-themed haiku, and I think you should all enter and enter vigorously. Other than tweeting about it, the contest is not yet up on ABC.com, so you'll just have to wait (Jimmy offered it through Twitter, and then immediately followed up saying the suits at ABC were now putting together strict rules and regulations for the contest and to stay tuned). So keep your eyes peeled for that going up... I'm assuming it's only open to people in the US, but fingers crossed that everyone can enter!!

And now without further ado, my own lame haikus here as placeholders for the vastly superior ones you guys will offer up!!

I don’t remember
A thing that happened before
The sub just went boom.

And...Lapidus? No... NO NO!!
SUN AND JIN?! Sobbing...

Sob, sniffle sniffle.
I’m OK. Is Hurley crying???
SOB... cry weep tears mess.

I’d rather Ji Yeon
Be raised by Ben or Widmore
Than be raised by Paik.


  1. Sun and Jin went for
    a dip in the water. Oops!
    Forgot their daughter.

  2. Sayid - off running.
    Heard I was at the far end.
    "Joan, finally!" BOOM! Dammit.

  3. Widmore has a great plan:
    assemble a crack team of
    red shirts and meat socks

    load up a sub with
    lab equipment and pylons,
    kidnap The Package,

    locate the Island,
    set up a perimeter,
    fire up the power,

    spy on Smokey's camp,
    snatch and grab Jin so you can
    show him some photos

    use the EMP
    to zap Desmond into the
    alternate timeline

    blow up a bunch of
    Smokey's meat socks and red shirts
    (they had it comin')

    capture Sawyer's group,
    secure them in the cages
    (for their own good, natch)

    booby trap the plane,
    guard it with the poorly trained,
    (build some shaky stairs)

    Finally - prepare
    for the ultimate showdown,
    except for one thing;

    completely forget to
    protect the generator
    that runs the pylons.

    Sayid kills the power,
    Smokey kills red shirts and meat socks,
    (except Zoe- damn!)

    Jack rescues his friends,
    Smokey steals the explosives
    and heads for the sub ...

    ...which is unguarded
    so it can be easily stolen by
    Sawyer and his gang

    Smokey helps Jack, Claire
    kill MORE meat socks and red shirts
    then blows up the sub.

    So ... all that planning
    and now you've got nuthin', Chuck!
    That’s an EPIC FAIL.

    How exactly did
    you become a Captain of
    Industry, again?

  4. "Good news, Mister Locke;
    we repaired your dural sac.
    Bad news: you're still bald.

    No, seriously,
    things went well. Have to ask, though -
    are you a smoker?"

  5. Even if Jack were a
    DENTIST, he'd manage to cut
    the damn dural sac.

  6. Humanebean, that Widmore stretch was freakin' EPIC. Applause!!!!

  7. Meanwhile, at the cages
    there's a gun to Kate's head. No,
    it's not a flashback

    "Look, doughboy - sorry
    I took your gun. But, I loved
    you in Ghostbusters."

  8. You are too kind, Nik!
    We are all inspired by
    your example, here.

  9. @Joan - bwhahahahaha! *phew* You rock, sistah.

  10. Correction:

    Should read

    "Joan, finally!" Boom! Damn.

    Got too excited
    added six syllables, not
    the required five.

  11. Correction..er:

    Son of a bitch! Damn
    you rules! The poem needs to have
    "Damn" at the end. Damn.

    Can you count to five,
    Joan? No, I am not able.
    Proved it at least twice.

  12. I keep waiting for
    Paul Giamatti to show
    up in Sideways time

    Especially since
    Jacob's analogy of
    'Island as a cork'

    Can you imagine
    Flocke sipping a nice merlot?
    ... maybe it's just me.

  13. Bernie the Dentist,
    can't share Locke's files - but can quote
    them from memory?

  14. Together in love
    torn apart by strife and time
    reunited now

    Jin and Sun are one
    the waters rise around them
    they will never part

    Hearts want what they want
    knowing what they leave behind
    together in love

  15. Late to the Party11 May 2010 at 12:58

    I was going to
    Write about Sun and Jim but
    Humanebean out-shone me.

    Frank didn't have much
    To do all season, then they
    Killed him. That sucks, dude.

    VW: ingtfun - Ing't fun to write Lost haikus!

  16. Like Hitchcock, Carlton
    And Cuse should appear on screen
    At a Taco Stand.

    For Joan:

    If you break the rule,
    A blonde haired boy will appear
    And tell you, "Just 5."

  17. @Fred, you mean you
    didn't see them in line at
    Mister Cluck's before?

  18. Sayid grabs the bomb
    And sacrifices himself
    To save his friends' lives

    "There is no Sayid!!!"
    Hell of an epitaph, Jack
    But time's running short

    The writers are cruel -
    Sayid just saw the light, and
    they killed him a lot

    Then Sun and Jin die
    right after they find each other
    this is so, so sad

    There is not enough time
    For even one final night
    in each other's arms

    Hand in hand they go
    As the sub slowly sinks down
    a long fade to black

  19. Claire: "Sheesh! First you guys
    leave me then come back then leave

  20. Locke: "Trust me, Claire - you
    don't want to be on that boat."
    Claire: "Don't touch the hair."

  21. New to this blog, yo.
    humanebean is a good friend
    LOST haiku, what fun!

    Frank, you sexy beast
    No way! The writers couldn't!
    No one dies by door.

    Shrug for Jin and Sun
    Baby might be better off
    Float away lovebirds.

    Last thing Sawyer needs
    is yet more reason for angst
    hope shirt comes off soon.

    Sayid sprints with bomb
    Go boom and make Nadia proud
    Smokey lost control.

    Des, hang tight brother
    at least there's water to drink
    unless well is dry?

    Hurley don't cry please
    I love you best,hurts my heart
    lost your friends again.

    I have a toddler.
    He doesn't care about LOST, see.
    Mommy go play now.

  22. Re-posting now that a proper home exists:

    Juliet brought forth
    a field mouse from male mouse,
    well not quite, stillborn.

    Through Rachel's chemo
    ravaged womb she did succeed
    to birth a nephew.

    Against Island odds
    and breech lie Amy gave birth
    to craze-eyed killer.

    David, some suspect
    more direct from Juliet
    arose through Jack's seed.

    Juliet's greatest
    birthing miracle? LA
    X reality.

    vw: parru - I hit a good golf game, and yourself?

  23. Afraid? Count to five.
    Time out or life lesson learned?
    We may never know.

    vw: rever -- transitional state between a badass martial-artist ballerina and a self-mutilating space boogieman.


  24. Sayid's last words: "I
    cannot live knowing Joan would
    rawther poke Blam's cheek!"

    VW: sotedne — checking with Ted about which direction you plan to travel...


  25. Thanks for another
    epic haiku, Humanebean!
    You rock the meter.

    You too, Rainier! (So
    is it ray-neer or ren-yay?
    Inquiring minds...)

    Humanebean scores 'gain
    with a lovely ode to the
    two who are now Kwon.

    VW: hugenias — Really, really big gardenias.


  26. Alternate title
    for the episode: "There Goes
    the Sun!" No? Too soon?

    "Of All the Joints, Jin..."
    "Another Kwon Bites the Dust"
    "What About Ji Yeon?"

    And one that includes
    Sayid: "We All Died in a
    Shallow Submarine"

  27. What was needed was
    A dam, not a curse or damn
    To halt the deluge.

    VW: soniter: a poet who writes about detecting submarines.

  28. @Blam: We All Died in a
    Shallow Submarine"

    "At least you didn't
    have to paddle." Zombayid
    made a small funny :)

    "Why should I trust you?"
    "Because I could kill you now."
    "Good reason. Let's go."

  29. Pithy one-liners
    are no match for flying doors.
    Rest in peace, Chesty.

    It's okay to stand
    Locke, Cooper deserved it.
    Trust us on this one.

    This one's for Blam:

    From under Claire's skirt
    did Aaron prematurely
    see his Uncle Jack.

    @Nikki: this one

    Even if Jack were a
    DENTIST, he'd manage to cut
    the damn dural sac.

    cracked me right up. Bravo!

  30. Wilkomen, Janet!
    'bout time you checked in here at
    Nik at Nite Hotel

    As ever, Blam enters
    and steals the show with the great
    'Submarine' haiku

    And T.M. Lawrence
    raises the bar with his tone
    and his eloquence

    Do we know for sure
    that "The Candidate" bade him
    R.I.P, Chesty?

    God I love Tuesday,
    What would I do if there weren't
    these haikus to read?

  31. JS: My, you are very punctual tonight! ;)


  32. Claire: "Don't touch the hair."
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    ha ha ha ha ha!

    Thanks for the kind words
    everyone; you inspir' me.
    One more, and then food:

    "Hip, hip, Jarrah!" "Wait,
    You're happy Sayid's dead?" "No,
    I just found his hips."


  33. PS: The ideas
    behind The Napkin are now
    etched upon my blog.

    VW: entista — A sassy ear, nose, and throat doc.

  34. Mister Locke, I’m Jack
    Sheppard. I fixed you. Don’t thank
    Me, it’s what I do.

    Mister Locke, I think
    You’re a CANDIDATE. Looks at
    Eh? Ya like that?

    No thanks, Doc. No, I
    Won’t say why. Not this early.
    It’s called ‘pacing’, Jack.

    At least you didn’t
    Have to paddle. What? Zombies
    Can’t make a funny?!

    I’m Doctor Nadler.
    My expression says that I
    Know something you don’t.

    You were flirting with
    My wife Rose. I was in the
    Bathroom. Airline food.

    There was a mortar
    Attack. You flew through the air.
    It was quite funny.

    Your friends got captured.
    I’m going to smoke them out.
    Geddit? I’M SMOKE!!! HA!!!

    Sun, I’m so happy
    We’re back together. But why
    Do we speak English?

    The producers can’t
    Afford sub-titles. There’s some
    Bad CGI soon.

    “Jack, what are you doing here?”
    “Oh, you know. Jogging.”

    “Stop right there, Smokey!”
    “No. I’m bullet proof, and I
    Wanna break your necks.”

    So you want me to
    Push Locke in the water at
    The sub? Why, Sawyer?

    Because he’s like the
    ETs in ‘Signs’. Man, that sucked.
    What a twist, my ass!

    You got conned, Sawyer!
    Locke got us all in the sub
    So we can explode!

    Don’t pull the wires!
    That bomb won’t go off. Man of
    Faith right here, buddy.

    Sorry, Doc, I don’t
    Trust you! YOINK! Oh. That’s not good.
    Um… son of a bitch?

    Jack, you save Desmond.
    He’s down a well. Now, if you’ll
    Excuse me, I – BOOM!

    Damn. That hatch looks like
    It’s about to blow. Time for
    One more witty – CLANG!

    Jin, I’m stuck! No, don’t
    Try to save me, we have a
    Daughter, remember?

    Well, I haven’t met
    Her, so I ain’t leavin’. I
    Said I’d never – DROWN!

    Thank you, Hurley, for
    One of the best natural
    reactions, ever.

  35. Wow. Everyone has
    outdone themselves today. Joan
    even rhymed one! Yay!

    Humanebean, you are
    Funniness personified.
    Truly epic win!

    Blam, Sayid's last words
    Were just great. Cheek fingering
    Is all the rage now.

  36. Sorry to be weird. I was trying to get comments on email. Watch for more weirdness later. I'm not spoiling myself this time.

  37. "It's a good thing that
    we live on in our children."
    Jin said to wet Sun.

    "Or in LA X,"
    she replied, but Jin's ears heard
    only "glub lub yub."

    Lovers forever
    etched in atomic shadow;
    that I could swallow...

    But what sadistic
    bastard decided to show
    the hands drift apart?

    There is a special
    place in hell reserved for him:
    The Isle of Lost,

    where he can resolve
    his anti-romantic bent;
    in room 23.

    vw: guity -- what you feel after hooking up with your over.

  38. Humanebean gives props
    where none are due (in my case),
    humbled in HIS glow.

    vw: minetted -- Shows up for a really quick booty call.

  39. @JS - Sorry to be weird.

    Oh, honey, no need to apologize; we love it (ya creep) :D

    @Late to the Party - I love you for calling him Jim. Love it :)

    @Batcabbage - Cheek fingering
    Is all the rage now.

    Hehehe! It sounds so salacious put like that!

    The trick now is to get Blam to sit not only on my side of the table but next to me as well. I wonder if the man enjoys a tipple?

    Poor Sayid, he did
    not realize that I've two hands.
    Plenty to go 'round.

  40. You guys are all great
    I am laughing way too hard
    Got to go to bed

  41. Don't you know T. L.
    Jin and Sun were meant to be,
    But drifted apart.

  42. Hey, TM Lawrence!
    I love your hell's ninth circle
    where Lost writers go

    over and over
    to see those hands drift apart
    'til they cry "mercy!"

    But there shall be none -
    they never showed us any!
    the room lies ready

    Forever awaits
    eternity's a long time
    to review their sins...

    images burned deep
    into mind, and heart, and soul
    perhaps they'll repent

    VW: dalionse - the large African cats, in Canada ( da lions, e?)


  43. "Sideways time"! "Claire's skirt"!
    HB, Teebore, you guys rock.
    Rest o' you do too.

    TM, beautiful,
    as I said last week; BC,
    funny, funny stuff.

    Nikki, Rebecca,
    I wish I could requote all
    of you in haiku.

    "Jin and Sun were meant
    to be, But drifted apart."
    Fred, you win the night.

    matsomat — All-night,
    coin-operated hangout
    for unleavened bread.


  44. "The trick now is to
    get Blam to sit not only
    on my side of the

    table but next to
    me as well." Fat chance, honey.

    "I wonder if the
    man enjoys a tipple?" Heck
    yeah I... oh, tipple...

  45. Jin's shirt on the floor
    Is he really gone...Oh No
    Sight remains in head

    Knowing what comes next
    Polar bear drinking red wine
    Jin's shirt has been lost

    Kidnapped on Island
    Someone removed Jin's shirt
    Not lost more gained

    I see the future
    Me at Jimmy Kimmel Show
    Hanging on Jin's shirt

    Black and white marbles
    Smoke monsters cloud Sawyer's eyes
    When clear there stands Jin

  46. @Retinal Blam (for security purposes only)

    Our definitions
    of preservation aren't the
    same. My recipe:

    You, boiling water
    mix well and put in a jar.
    Now I consume you!


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