Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost Haiku: What They Died For

It's tonight. I just... I can't believe it. The end of Lost is tonight. Just hours away. I'll offer up a proper tribute to the show when it's over (tune in to Nik at Nite tomorrow, where I plan to basically sit on the blog all day long, constantly updating it) but for now I feel sad, excited, jittery... and sad again. And then excited again. Excited that we are so close to finally knowing the endgame of the writers. What a glorious feeling.

So today's haiku (which seems early because IT IS, we haven't had a full week between episodes) is dedicated to What They Died For, but also any feelings and excitement and dread you're feeling about the impending finale.

I’d pull up this plug
From an ancient toilet, see,
And summon Smokey.

That was before I
Realized that it was the one
Summoning me. Sigh.

“We’re close to the end,”
Says Jacob. Say fans, “WE KNOW!
Stop reminding us.”

Around a campfire
Jacob finally tells all.
Rejoicing all round.

Jack the Candidate
Becomes Jack the Protector.
The island’s hero.

What will it come to?
Live together, die alone.
They’ll be together.

Damon and Carlton:
Thanks for six amazing years.
Love you. Namaste.


  1. "Put this dress on, Kate"
    Live together, die alone
    happening tonight!

    Sayid and Hurley
    back in the hummer, but no
    "Dead Pakistani"

  2. Dammit. I knew this
    Would happen. No haiku done,
    And now it's bedtime!

    I checked the site all
    day. Laughed at Jacob and bro.
    And Jimmy as well.

    Watched the finales
    Of Ashes to Ashes and
    Fringe and The Office.

    No haiku from me
    'Til after you've all seen the
    finale! Oh well.


  3. Its my destiny
    To protect the island. For
    How long, did you say?

  4. Sub-wrecked on the beach
    emotional castaways
    grieving all that's LOST

    We feel that pain too,
    no time to look behind, though
    "The End" lies ahead

  5. "When that fire burns out,
    you all won't see me again."
    Us: "DUDE! Talk faster!!

  6. Jack - Do not mistake
    coincidence for fate. Locke -
    What evs, I'm ready

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh, Sir Batcabbage,
    though time and tide divide us
    we watch together!

    Seriously, dude,
    it ain't over 'till we all
    talk it through as one!

    So, after the show airs,
    "The End" can only come when
    WE say it's over!

  9. Ben: "Hold it right there!"
    Desmond: "Have you met my hood?"
    Ben: "I see your point."

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Every time one of my favorite shows has ended, there has been another to replace it on my mantle. When "The X-Files" ended, I still had "Friends." When "Friends" ended, I hate to wait a few months for "Lost." And when "Lost" ends, I'll still have "Castle." It would seem that fate, destiny...Jacob, perhaps?...never wants me to be without something to watch every week.

    Last night was, in particular, a nice touch. I was watching the pilot episode of "Lost", not believing it had been six years since I first sat down to watch it, soaking up every last minute, knowing this would probably be the last time it will ever be shown on TV (until syndication, anyway)...and then, immediately afterward, what show comes on? "Castle." The show that will replace "Lost" as my new favorite show still airing new episodes on television. It was nice how it all came full circle for me at that moment.

    First, however, I'll have to get over the onset of PLD that will be sweeping the land at about 12:06 AM until the unforseeable future...Post-"Lost" depression.

    You suppose there's a Dharma pill I can take for something like that?

  12. Locke: "DOCTOR Linus,
    hahahahaha! Sorry,
    that just cracks me up."

    Ben: "Think THAT'S funny?
    I got beat up saving YOU.
    Irony Alert!"

  13. Sideways world may have
    spruced up Libby but - Rousseau!
    DAMN, you clean up GOOD!


  14. I have a cold.
    This ain't gonna happen.

    VW: norad — Shall we play a game?

  15. Birthday gift for me
    Extended lost finale
    four two on two three!

  16. Lisa(until further notice)23 May 2010 at 11:23

    Must face tomorrow
    The first day after "The End"
    Best ride of my life:

    No ping pong, no hatch
    No Nikki and Paolo grave
    Although that was FUN

    No Walt and Vincent
    No Libby and a blanket
    No Hurley picnic

    No gun conned out of Sawyer
    No shot in the gut

    No Rose and Bernard
    No ring worn as a necklace
    You can let go now

    No Desmond, no key
    Goodbye our mutual friend
    Penny, Charlie too

    Juliet and Ben
    Are now out of the book club
    No plane crash above

    No Sawyer "James" Ford
    or his Freckles in a cage
    No "son of a bitch"

    No Jin in handcuffs
    No Michael crazy take down
    Sun "no speak English"

    No JackOB, no Locke
    And it never was easy
    for them to believe

    No Sayid Jarrah
    to fix all the techie stuff
    No Shannon to love

    No Boone fetching pens
    No plane from Nigeria
    to fall from the tree

    No Charlie and Claire
    No Aaron nappies to change
    or peanut butter

    No Daniel or Frank
    Or Charlotte and the nose bleeds
    Time travel's a bitch

    No Miles Straume-Chang
    or his Ghost Whisperer gig
    to tell James "It worked."

    No Richard in blue
    to make us wonder about
    The inland Black Rock

    No Danielle or her
    beloved Alex stolen
    to be raised by Ben

    And now for THE END
    Jacob, his mom and brother
    started this whole thing.

  17. Let Lost's legacy
    be better us, better me,
    and smarter TV.

    Island: "No man." (Donne)
    Bell tolls: "For me." (Hemingway)
    Never quoted on Lost.

    But "Live Together
    or Die Alone" was, often.
    (Cuse & Lindelof)

    The question, though, is
    will it stick, the center hold?
    'cause things fall apart.

    If darkness really
    does slouch toward Bethlehem,
    do we take "The Stand?"

    Fetal withdrawal
    or build new homes for the poor?
    Which path in Lost's wake.

    This show brought New Hope,
    a fresh start and redemption,
    but the choice is ours.

    Tonight unites us,
    across the world, in watching.
    But what comes after?

  18. Bravo, Lisa, bravo!
    Kudos to JS as well
    BOO! Blam has a cold.

    Feel better quick, my friend.
    We all want you at your best
    for tonight and beyond!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


  20. The Wi-Fi works so
    I really should try to get
    a haiku out there...

    There's always a choice.
    Live together, die alone.
    It only ends once.

  21. Double-O Desmond
    Should have his own show filled with
    fists and knowing smiles.

    Why am I crossed off?
    Asks Kate, once again making
    it all about her.

    "It only ends once."
    That line is five syllables!
    Perfect for haiku.

    Dangling mysteries
    may leave me frustrated but
    you're still awesome, Lost.

    Can the finale
    both happen and not happen?
    That would be the best.

  22. What is next, indeed?
    What rough beast slouches to Hol-
    lywood to be born?

  23. Lisa(until further notice)23 May 2010 at 11:38

    I forgot Charles and
    Eloise (a rat indeed)
    knowing all perhaps?

  24. Blam rises again!
    This the 'Lazarus Effect'
    I've heard about? No?

    Teebore, my good man
    The FST assures us
    LOST is everywhere

    We have it here now,
    the 'verse next door awaits it,
    and many more to come.

  25. Lost's end: a purple
    Light from our t.v. sets; we
    Wake 2 thousand 4.

    Like Desmond we hear
    The familiar whoosh as Jack
    Wakes to bamboo trees.

    It begins again;
    Say (in our purple hazed minds),
    Hey, this could be good.

    We do not move on
    But return, beginning where
    Ends become the start.

  26. Lisa(until further notice)23 May 2010 at 13:13

    As it was in the
    Beginning is now and shall
    ever be BOOM: LOST

    I can do this all
    day, but tonight I will weep
    for all that it was

    But as Nikki says,
    this could be a beginning
    an understanding

    Something to look back
    on and treasure forever
    I know that I will

  27. Ha! I posted on
    Nik's Facebook page - then came here
    to find the same thought.

    What if, in "The End"
    we realize that we are
    witnessing the start?

    Seeing Jack's eye close,
    are we meant to watch backwards?
    Will it make more sense?

    Of course! I should have
    seen this coming: say it now-
    we have to go BACK!

  28. "The Second Coming"??
    Oh, TM. Where the heck have
    you BEEN all my life??

    "Turning and turning/
    in the widening gyre."
    That describes my heart.

    I will miss haiku.
    Maybe we could write haiku
    about Survivor?

  29. Humanebean! Great idea.
    Starting tomorrow: we will
    Watch it all backwards:

    "Wow. Jack is getting
    more annoying and selfish
    as the show goes on."

    "Why is Sawyer so
    hung up on Kate suddenly?
    He loves Juliet!"

    "HEY!! Where the heck did
    Desmond Hume disappear to?
    He was important!"

  30. Once ends only it
    try they hard how matter no
    Nik, it do can we

    Idea excellent an
    upon hit we've that think I
    friends me with is who

    proud so be would Joyce
    "Adam/Eve past run river"
    ends it like just starts

    [ ;

  31. Without concern for
    how this ends (only once) I've
    enjoyed our shared ride.

    Late to the party,
    you welcomed me still, and gave
    me Lost fellowship.

    Thanks first to Nikki:
    So shines a good soul in a
    naughty world. Your beam

    throws far, lights dark space,
    and sets aflame others' minds.
    Grace, wit, praise well earned.

  32. Survivor? Never
    watched a single episode.
    Haiku without joy.

  33. @JS:

    Hey there, Birthday Boy:
    Many Happy Returns of
    The Day! Is there cake?

    42 today.
    What a very special time --
    This comes only once.

    (Thank heavens!) So now
    a new year begins for you.
    Best Wishes! Enjoy!

  34. ?Nikki and Paolo
    forward proceed must show The
    :think ,HB and Nik

    And now I'm off to my Lost watching party.

  35. !best the idea's Your
    .brilliant so, talented so
    are you, humanebean ,Oh

  36. @Lisa(ufn): Wow! That was so fantastic *tear*

    Two sides: light and dark
    But all the players seem grey.
    What is the end game?

    What they died for will
    hopefully be well answered
    in the very end.

    "Super Bran" for Jack.
    Snorts of laughter must ensue
    from fans that noticed.

    Ben cannot survive
    even sideways world without
    getting bloody faced

    "Give me your walkie."
    Charles - "Why should I do that?"
    Ben - "Because I asked."

  37. Ah, Zari thank you
    for the wonderful wishes
    but, I am a girl!

    -- Joanne

  38. Happy Birthday JS! 42 on The Last Day of Lost! Lucky :D

  39. Happy day, JS!
    Hope that the birthday bar tab
    gets completely LOST!!

  40. Oh, JS! Sorry!
    Still, Happy Birthday to you
    whether girl or boy!

  41. Again, Birthday Girl:
    Hope your Day wasn't all "Lost"
    and that you had cake!

  42. Thanks guys

    I am happy to note I had Kake (no not really), and spent a good portion of it crying (at the finale), so it was awesome!

    -- Joanne


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