Thursday, June 24, 2010

LOTR Meets the World Cup

I've been meaning to post this for a while now, after first seeing it on the Popped Culture blog and now seeing it popping up everywhere. I HATE HATE HATE the vuvuzelas at the World Cup, and I couldn't even imagine sitting in the stands watching it live with those effing horrible things blasting in my ear. When I watched this the first time, I made the mistake of eating something while watching, and I literally choked and ended up in a coughing fit. This is SO funny. Enjoy!


  1. This is amazing. I hate those stupid things.

  2. I am so sad for all the people who paid thousands of dollars to go have their hearing damaged. Thanks for the link! I love it!

  3. I'd like to shoot an arrow through my husband's TV. :)

  4. hahaha.. love this! thanks for posting.. :)

    im with you on being against these things.. im at home watching the games on tv and it already irritates the hell out of me hearing it nonstop, how much more for those people who are actually on site and bearing the brunt of it?

  5. Loved this. Hey, if protesters wanted to protest the G8 or G20, then they should just all play vuvuzelas.

  6. Funny stuff! Those actually aren't too bad. Try sitting next to somebody who has one of those stupid 'horns in a can' thing! Was at a football game in Miami & this guy had one & kept blaring it! I just wanted to knock him in the head! Where is NonLocke when ya need him!
    But, that WOULD be annoying!
    The white towels at football games are just as annoying. At least THOSE are quiet! Distracting, get in your way of seeing, towels.
    What ever happened to just going to an event & using your voice, respectably, to cheer on your team?

  7. LMAO ... Being a huge fan of LoTR and soccer, you made my day!!

  8. Yes, I hate those stupid things too!

    By the way, Nik, I wanted to mention that Felicia Day will be joining me as a guest at Gen Con this year! (Also Wil Wheaton, whom I hope to corner and talk to for my Star Trek book.)


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