Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Very Belated. . . "The End" Haiku!

So, I had this idea that I'd take some of the haikus from throughout the season and put them in my book, so tonight I was reading through all of them (and laughing my head off all over again) and then realized with some horror that I never posted a haiku post for the finale!!

So, now I invite everyone to come and give me your best haiku for "The End."

Jack stumbles and falls
Lies in the bamboo forest.
Closes eyes. Lets go.

Me: "SOB!! Sniffle! WAH!
Oh my god I can't believe
it's over... WAAAAH!! SOB."

Wow. I hope that in
my Finding Lost book I am
more articulate.


  1. It was all real, Jack.
    But yep. You are for real dead.
    Sorry about it.

  2. The light is held by
    a giant stone sink-stopper?
    Seriously? Oh.

  3. Team Hurley and Ben!
    Together until the end.
    T'was the best of times…

  4. The lesson we learned,
    Remember, Let go, Move on
    Was Jack's final fix

  5. "You were a great 2"
    "It was my pleasure to serve.
    And share candy bars."

  6. How will Smokey die?
    "I saved a bullet for ya!"
    Kate to the rescue!

  7. Well, we came, we fought
    We destroyed, we corrupted
    Ma hates the playas

    Always ends the same?
    Nah, love and faith changed the game
    It only ends once

  8. Magic Glowing Cave
    All men want to enter it
    Hmm, what say you, Freud?

  9. Ooooh, a haiku post? Delicious.

    Jack's the new Jacob,
    Then Hurley's the new Jack and
    Ben's the new Richard.

    I don't know. I don't
    Think guyliner would look too
    Good on Ol' Bug Eyes.

    Two nods to Star Wars
    In the first five minutes? Oooh.
    Total geekgasm!

    Hurley with the tranq
    Gun. So casual, so cool.
    Hurley is badass!

    Anyone else see
    Charlie on Chuck? Tranqued many
    Times. Oh so funny.

    Has an episode
    Gone by without Ben getting
    King hit in the face?

    Every time I
    See Cool Hippie Bernard I
    Think 'The Dude abides'.

    I fully forgot
    That Sawyer calls Hurley Big
    Foot! I miss them all. :(

    The scene where Jack tells
    Flocke not to reminisce just
    Confirms my man-crush. :)

    The Claire-Charlie kiss
    Had me crying like a small
    Girl. Again. Damn show!

    The Jack-Flocke fight is
    One of the best scenes ever.
    Go Jack! Kick his ass!

    The end of the show?
    Perfect. Bookends. Sadness. And
    now? I say REWATCH!

    That's all for now. I'll think of more, I'm sure, but I'm watching the end of Supernatural season 3 right now, and can't concentrate on haiku. Anyone who hasn't watched this show must start now. Oh, and YAY LOST HAIKU!!!!

  10. Old friends reunite
    Lovers find what they had lost
    The rest is silence.

  11. This is my first Haiku
    It is not so easy to do
    Can you tell ?!

    It all ends bad,
    It all ends good
    you choose - all viewers are happy !

  12. ok - so the second one is a syllable short

    all praise to the excellent Haikus above this !!!

  13. "Sob" the end at last.
    No more Desmond smacks, or Jack
    Jeers--the end, alas.

    Jack, Locke in conflict,
    I had hoped John would say, "Jack,
    I am your father."

    The island is Freud's:
    Kate gets a gun, Desmond a ...
    Well, we won't go there.

    Hurley, Ben, number
    One and number two. Bad choice
    Of nick-names as toddler's know.

  14. Oh! My heart explodes
    with a ringing joy. At last
    LOST haiku returns!

  15. "Previously on
    LOST... er.... ah... hmmm... the... wait-how
    much time do I have?"

  16. When Jacob said the
    island was a cork, who knew
    it was literal??

  17. Throughout six seasons,
    we charted the course for all
    of our Lostaways

    Some left early on
    Others came and went
    (some by DUI) ; ]

    But all of the ones
    we cared about most stayed on
    'til the bitter End.

    And the one whose eye
    was alpha and omega
    proved we did know Jack

    So, here's the lesson
    from the Sideways Universe:
    "Let go to move on"

    Oh - and in The End
    the Jack you take is equal
    to the Jack you make

  18. Cynicism is
    Miles' middle name - but he
    believes in duct tape!

  19. Oh how like Flight of
    The Phoenix
    the plane rose, and Jack saw it go.

    A strange errie fact,
    There's no fix for being dead,
    And no going back.

    No Pearly Gates, but
    Two doors to a white light, and
    In The End it works.

  20. Only TV Jack
    left worth watching? Donaghy.
    Haiku well ran dry

    when Des, Ben, and James
    cozied up with the Big Bad
    one time too many

    for water cooler
    style chats, winding up ropes,
    that never played out.

    Just like the plot lines
    for escapist Grandpa Ray;
    Shoe Two never dropped.

    Not by questions left
    unanswered, but by promise
    abandoned, fallow,

    have I been prodded
    to let it go, to move on:
    after all, Lost was:

    Too good to survive,
    Too intelligent to thrive,
    Too pretty to last.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Always knew that we
    could count on TM Lawrence
    to come through - haiku!

    Kate has the last word:
    "Hey Smokey - a bullet saved
    is a bullet earned".

    Scenes within the cave
    really deserve their own show:
    "Desmond Unplugged"?

    Jack did fine work on
    his restoration of the
    "Hot Tub Time Machine".

    I feel for poor Claire -
    just how many times must she
    have the damn baby?

    Ben: "I don't think you
    need that chair, John". Locke: "DON'T TELL

    Christian: "Yes, I'm real".
    Jack: "I could've sworn you were
    a smoke detector".

  23. Nikki's dinner rocked
    Good friends and conversation
    The nachos were nice.

  24. In The End, I say
    all faith and no more science
    makes Jack a dull boy.

  25. It seems clear to me
    that in "The End" what matters
    most is love, of course.

    No tears came until
    Aaron was "reborn" to Claire
    and Kate and Charlie

    "Still have things to do"
    quoth Ben. Like hanging out with
    Danielle and Alex?

    Yeah! for Lost haiku!
    How I will miss the weekly
    fun and awful puns :D


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