Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lost Auction and Other Things I Keep Meaning to Post...

So there are a few things that everyone keeps sending me, and first of all, I LOVE that people see Lost stuff and immediately send it to me. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ;) But it also reminds me that despite saying I'd be back here blogging regularly, I haven't been. I neglected a million other things while writing the book and am trying to get caught up on those things, too, and trying to squish blog time in is tough until the fall. But I DO promise stuff. Soon.

Until then, if you haven't heard about the Lost Auction, where they will be auctioning off props such as an actual Dharma van (no, seriously), Hurley's Camaro, John Locke's wheelchair, Ben's fake passport, and other things, then go here to see some of the items up on the auction block. And while I looked through and went, "Want it... want it... want it..." (like John's suicide letter!) there's only one thing I really truly REALLY want, and it's this:

And I figure no one else will really bid on it, right? RIGHT?

Sigh. I'm not gonna get that ring, am I? Me all is nobody.

And the other thing everyone keeps sending me is this, part of this hysterically funny website by a graphic designer who writes these great stories of email conversations he has with people who ask him to design posters for him. Check out the correspondence between him and a woman who wants a MISSING poster for her cat, and you'll see why everyone keeps sending the link to me. ;)


  1. The cat poster made me spew liquid from my mouth. Even after multiple readings.

  2. Hey... the Dexter Stratton ring is my most coveted auction item, too! Let's go in on it together; I bet we could totally land the sale for 3 or 4 grand apiece. :)

    Re: Missy -- I won't tell you how many times I've done something like this to a co-worker, but it's more than 4 and (slightly) less than 42. "Lost in the negative space," indeed.

  3. I think I may just die from laughing over that cat exchange. Oh heavens. This is why I love all of you. You think it's funny, not insulting :D

  4. Wish we could all gang up on the auction and get you that ring, Nikki... I doubt we'd be well-coordinated enough to do it though, even if we're willing/able to contribute. If anyone is able to actually coordinate such an attempt, count me in!

    I sympathize about not blogging as much as you like. I haven't touched mine like I planned to and said I would, but have TONS I'd like to talk about. I guess now that the show's "over," it's hard to prioritize blogging over other more pressing life ventures. But maybe one of these days...

    Really looking forward to the upcoming Ben/Hurley short on the DVD set. Also can't wait to chat about it here :)

  5. You All EVERYBODY!

    I love you for saying that :D

    I really want that bag of Sayid's hair.

    That's up for auction right? I mean, if you, you know...wanted it to stuff in a pillow or to make a Sayid Voodoo Doll.

    Or...other...not weird stuff?

    I miss Lost and our Lost talks so much ;_;

  6. I'm sleepy and must crawl off to bed, but I'm doing so with a smile on my face. See? :) And yes, I've been missing you all everybody too!

  7. I think them auctioning off so many things almost proves that there won't be a LOST movie or anything else.

  8. Are ya tryin' to drop a big ol' hint~yet, oh, so subtly? If anyone deserves it~YOU do! Well, you AND my mom! HUGE Charlie fan! I do hope someone gets it for you! THAT would be awesome!
    I wish I could at least be at the exhibit, but I would be too curious & then, go to the auction~'just to see' & then, have to sell my house to pay for everything I bought! Plus, pay for a divorce from the hubby! He would NOT be happy! TeeHeeHee!
    Guess I shoulda scooped up some sand from the original crash site on the LOST tour & put it on EBay!
    Can't wait for you to come back this fall. Allllways look forward to reading your blogs! But, you take care of everything else first!
    When you're done, we'll all still be here, counting down the minutes til you return~4 8 15 16 23 42. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  9. Just read the correspondence! OH...MY...GOSH! I have tears streaming down my face! What a great way to brighten my day!!!

  10. yourblindspot: I'm in!! I mean, who DOESN'T have a few thousand disposable dollars lying around?? I'll just pull off these seat cushions and... 27 cents? Really? Sigh.

    OK, maybe I'm not in. ;)

    I'll never forget when I was involved in the Xena fandom and there was a fan who one year paid $25,000 for a chakram that had been used in an episode, and then a year later that same fan paid $40,000 for Xena's sword? So it wouldn't surprise me if Chah-lie's ring went for a mint. I can't wait to see how much some of these things go for!!

  11. Sagacious: Aw, that is so sweet!! I wasn't hinting at that, by the way, but the fact that you said that is worth more than that ring. ;)

    I was talking with Jeff Jensen the other day about the Ben/Hurley extra... he told me I need to delay publication of my book so I can write about it. I was way ahead of him and already had. Cannot WAIT. ;)


    Read this....kinda worrisome

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Personally, I really want a piece of the plane so I can make it into a coffee table. Preferably a recognizable chunk...or maybe one of Charlie's guitars. I'm kinda partial to the one with the arrowhead in the neck. Or...

    That said, the post by Anonymous about the Prop Blog piece is kinda worrisome. Given those kinds of discrepancies, I have to wonder just how authentic some of this stuff really is. Hmmm...

    In any event, I am really looking forward to seeing how much some of this stuff actually sells for. Could be kinda scary.

    The exchange about Missy is just too funny. And the posters are just priceless.

    But the best thing about it, IMO, is the comments about the cat meeting her untimely end in various unpleasant one who loves cats (fried, baked, barbecued, etc.), I have a deep appreciation for that sort of thing.

    Thanks for posting that, Nikki. I really needed a good laugh, especially after watching the clip from "The New Man in Charge". Sniff. I so miss Lost!


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