Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lost in 3 Minutes

I just watched this and when I got to the end of it, I applauded. For real. My husband, across the hall in his office, said, "Why are you clapping?" ;) This guy sums up all of Lost by pretty much only focusing on the final 10 episodes, only touching on anything from before that. It's pretty brill, and worth watching for what he says at the very end.

PLEASE do NOT watch this if you've never watched Lost. Go watch Lost instead.

Thanks to SenexMacDonald for the link!


  1. Wow, it really does make me want to watch it again

  2. I was clapping too. Finally someone who voices my opinion on Lost. Great Video. Really loved it. The accent was great. :-) And btw, love your blog.

  3. I'm actually watching the Pilot on Hulu while trying to work. I just can't stop Nik. Maybe you can start an official L O S T support group. LA (Losties Anonymous) meeting will be held on ....

  4. Bravo! ... wait, what was that middle part again?

  5. Love it! This style always cracks me up and totally fascinates me.

    I'm hooked to Rad -- just got Season 1 from the library and ready to watch the whole series from start to finish. Miss it so much!!

  6. Lisa(until further notice)10 August 2010 at 13:22

    "...it isn't about the story, it's about how the story is told."

    Fantastic and true.

    Rad and Kiki, I'm on season 3. Started all over again. But I just watched the ep where Nikki and Paulo show up for the first time and I cringed all over again.

  7. I'm scheduled to have total knee replacement surgery in mid-October. It's going to be a perfect time to re-watch the entire series and reread your wonderful books...Looking forward to it..not the surgery, just LOST and your books.....

  8. I saw this when it came out - brill indeed. Sadly, I have already done a re-watch (third in total), so I am waiting, waiting until the 24th to re-watch S6. Would love to see what you guys think when re-watching too!

  9. I love this guy. He also writes songs about Dr. Who that are pretty amazing, so if you find you end up liking it, be sure to check those out too.

  10. That was absolutely brilliant. I need to show it to my mom. It might help her understand the finale better. (she's still a hold out, thinking the end was dumb/cop out/didn't make any sense) But I loves her anyways :)

  11. Nik - the best use of post-it notes ever....I work for 3M so really appreciated this !


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