Thursday, August 19, 2010


So tonight I had my daughter's sixth birthday party. (SIX?! Where did the time go?? I swear she was just born yesterday... sigh.) I had eleven squealing children running around my backyard, pushing at my elbows begging to see the cupcakes I'd made and wanting them before the pizza, laughing along with the very entertaining magician we hired, and racing out the door with their prized loot bags in tow. But then I opened my email, saw this, and I was suddenly the one who was squealing:

Lost is over, but I know I’ll be thinking about it for years to come. And in those mental trips to The Island, I’ll be taking three things: my Bible, my comic book collection, and all of Nikki’s insightful and comprehensive Finding Lost books.”
— Jeff “Doc” Jensen, Entertainment Weekly

YAY!!!!! Thank you, thank you, Jeff!


  1. Nikki - how awesome is that!!! I have loved all of Jeff's articles in EW on LOST. He has been fun to read and argue with and great to have contributing to the entire series. Reminds me of you! :)

    Now your 15 minutes start in ernest. LOL

  2. That is awesome. My own morning-after-Lost procedure over the last few seasons has been as follows: Check for Doc Jensen's take; not posted yet? Check for Nikki's take; almost always posted. Check Doc Jensen again; still nothing. Check; hit or miss. Lather, rinse, repeat. Point being, you and Doc Jensen were two of my top three stops after every episode over these past few seasons. You rock, and I'm so glad Jeff Jensen knows it!

  3. You guys have the coolest club ever.

    What an awesome blurb for what I just know is going to be the crown jewel of the series. Team Stafford!

  4. So, I guess this will be on the back of your book? Yay, my two favorite LOST scholars united!

  5. That's BRILLIANT Nikki! Your publihers must be thrilled! Nikki Stafford IS ECW. Without you, would they ever even make any money?? Awesomesauce, as someone once said!

  6. You know you've hit upon something when you've received a "Doc" Jensen shout-out. Congratulations!

  7. That is SO Cool!!!!


  8. You know, I've been WAITING for Jensen to throw some more acknowledgment your way. 'Bout damn time!

  9. How wonderful, thrilling, and completely awesome!

    So! Have you heard from Stephen King yet?

  10. Great! must go on the back of the book! and he should write you an Amazon review!!

  11. what article did he state this in? I remember seeing it, I think, but can't seem to find it.

  12. JS: he actually wrote it specifically for me, as an endorsement on my book. ;)

  13. I agree with Teebore! It was clear for some time that Doc was familiar with your work. I'm glad that he chose to acknowledge you formally. We welcome him to the Fanboy Club. ; ]

  14. Congratulations Nikki!

    If it means anything, I frequently write "Nikki is awesome!" and "Nik at Nite - it's all right!" on my grocery shopping lists, bills I paid, on my foggy bathroom mirror when I miss you.

    Wait...I've said too much.



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