Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Finding PresPastor!

Since my books have gone AWOL, I'll announce the winner of the contest tomorrow, since I have about three more of these to post! (And if you have a pic you'd like to send me, send it on!)

From Andy, one of my readers here and on Facebook, comes a nifty collage (one that makes me all nostalgic and stuff...) This is from his email:

"Pres Pastor finds himself LOST not having good ole theological, philosophical and ethical discussions about the mysteries like the Numbers, the sideways verse, Christian Shepherd, the Smoke Monster, Desmond’s time traveling, the ageless Richard Alpert, Locke’s special gift, polar bears and whether Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack had a finger licking original recipe."

1 comment:

  1. Nice layout! I particularly enjoy the Dharma Beer. Nothing says "LOST on a desert island" like a nice, generic beer label. Namaste, indeed!


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