Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Fellas, it's been good to know ya..."

I heard on the radio this morning that today is the 35th anniversary of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. I lived for a short period on that big lake they call Gitche Gumee, and I have very fond memories of my dad playing Gordon Lightfoot's song for me over and over when I was a toddler. As I got older, I was haunted by the lyrics. It's still one of my favourite songs. RIP to the men who died in the crash.


  1. Since I live on Gitche Gumee this song has always drawn me to it. It makes me think of Richard Alperts shipwreck -- See how we can turn everything back to Lost. Also, I wonder if the sailors have met up with all their loved ones in their AU and have moved on?

  2. My dad used to always play that song too.

  3. I remember hearing WOTEF at my $2.65/hour summer job in 1977. Used to catch a ride to work every morning with a guy who drove a different kind of wreck (a blue Ford Maverick).

    Elvis died while I was at that job, too, but I swear I had nothing to do with that.

  4. And, in other Gordon Lightfoot news, I was cycling through my car radio dial one afternoon last winter and landed on NPR's touching musical tribute to "the late" Gordon Lightfoot, where they stopped just short of saying, "Gordon, it's been good to know ya".

  5. That song has enthralled me since I first heard it in a Communications class in middle school.

    Every year my buddies and I go camping somewhere along the North Shore, and we always listen to it at least once on the ride up and back.


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