Thursday, December 02, 2010

Lost Poster

I apologize that I haven't posted a new Lost-Anon post, but I'm working on a followup to the finale post from a couple of weeks ago, and I'm hoping to have it up tomorrow night. Until then, enjoy this poster. Thanks to SenexMacDonald for sending it to me!


  1. Are we living in an "Afterlife Universe" (Purgatory) or in a Real Universe right now?
    In Lost both "world" looked the same...

  2. I was having sushi the other night and my option was 108 on the menu. The bill came to $37 something and I rounded it out with tip to 42!

    How sad does that make me? ;-)

  3. Love the poster - and black and white is so classy !!!

    Especially as we have lots of snow at the moment here in the UK - so everywhere is white
    (but no polar bears - haha )

  4. We know the code, Sir!


  5. Ha! Even with my lingering Lost disillusionment, I recognize the funny when I see it. Nice work, SM!

    VW: endene — n. [en deen] The last element we will ever create or discover.

  6. "I am Lost"

    That is a difficult question. I think nobody knows the answer. Perhaps the writers of Lost did not consider this. We might say our present life is in the Real Universe but in this case the ALT Universe should look very different.

  7. Oho! The Mr. Know-It-All Blam did not realize that the "-ene" suffix applies not to so-called elements of the Periodic Chart (Non-Mystick) but rather to unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a double molecular bond, eh. As the delightful children in my neighborhood say when requesting sugared treats on the annual Day of the Dead Fran Drescher, "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!"
    Verification word: Why do you even let him hang around, eh?

  8. How I have missed The Evil Blam, eh?! :)


  9. Don't encourage him.

    VW: apersed — n. [ah pur sed] "&" with a cold.

  10. Can you imagine if Lost actually came back? Would that not be one of the most awesome events ever in television history?

    For those who think it can't be done, why not? The island has powers that would allow refresh of characters. There is still plenty to explain, plenty of ground to cover. The writers are some of the most creative minds on the planet.

    And, for those who think the final episode was the perfect neatly tied bow, do you really think it would not be possible to place that perfect box into yet another perfectly shaped box, another mind-blowing concept that wraps it all even tighter? I can conceive of several ways for the show to twist the final episode and creatively delve into even more complex themes...

    I have faith it could be done. In fact, I think it is one of the very few TV shows ever where it could be done.

    What a challenge for Darlton. But I bet they are up to it.

    WV: "punslop" -- lazy effort at humor.


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