Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dollhouse Renewed!!!

Well, all those naysayers who've been saying this series didn't have a chance because even the Joss loyalists weren't being loyal enough... have been proven wrong. Dollhouse has been renewed for a second 13-episode season. Not 22, but not CANCELLED, either, so... yay!!

Bones and Scrubs have also been renewed, as well as Castle (I've only watched a couple of eps of Castle but Nathan Fillion is my hero). You can read the whole article here.

And no spoilers on Dollhouse, please; I'm SO far behind (the last one I watched was Spy in the House of Love) because of going away and writing this book, and I can't wait to watch the finale. Thank you to Batcabbage for sending the news to me. You made my day!


  1. And Chuck. And Bones.

    And Sarah may have a new series. Morena and Alan are in V.

    It's a good time for Whedon alumni fans!

  2. I think you'll really like the ones past that; the finale and the episode prior are probably my favorites of the season. They really start to play with viewers' perceptions, and I hope that next season is as good as the second half of the first.

  3. What I hated about the finale is how they all die!


    It's darn good! And I'm just excited about this renewal as I am about Fringe and Castle (good relaxing show in my opinion).

  4. I love Castle! I am so glad they have renewed it for another season. I was crossing my fingers. As soon as I saw the teaser for it I was hooked - I mean, a show about two things I love, writing and crime shows? What's not to like?! And Nathan Fillion is just so adorable ;)

  5. @Benny: LOL! Fake spoiler alert!

    @Sonshine: I'm looking forward to Castle (it's just starting here in Oz), and in prep, we're rewatching Firefly. Love that damn show. Why couldn't they renew that? Damn them to Hades!

    Glad that Dollhouse got renewed. From the reports on the ratings of the finale I was dreading the cancellation notice. Thank Jeebus they saw sense and renewed.

  6. I am please to continue this very interresting story. It's too bad all the logistics (13th episode not aired, original pilot scrapped) interferred with Joss Whedon's vision, but at least he's got another chance.

    Will be reviewing it for sure next year.

  7. There's a post on Whedonesque this morning that says the thirteenth episode will be airing on Fox before Season 2 starts instead of just being on the DVD. Maybe things really are looking up.

  8. I'm happy (and a little surprised) to learn this. Does this mean Fox is beginning to put less weight on all-important ratings to look at DVR and potential DVD sales? If so, does this mean Terminator (even better than Dollhouse, Nikki) has a chance?

  9. Glad to hear it, the first episode of Season 1 is airing in the UK tomorrow night and there was no way I was watching it until I knew it had a second season...

    ...not after Pushing Daisies

  10. Terminator was canned officially today. I believe the quote was "We tried. It was time to move on."

  11. I'm sad about "Sarah Connor Chronicles" (although not suprised), but it did my Whedon fangirl heart good to hear about "Castle" and "Dollhouse"! And "Bones" was also renewed for two years! (Go, David!) Yay. :)

  12. P.S. Nikki, "Dollhouse" just kept getting better and better, so you're in for a treat when you catch up with the rest of the episodes.

  13. i am stoked that dollhouse was renewed. after Fireflys ridiculous demise i thought Joss Whedon wouldnt waste his time with network tv but fortunately for us he gave it another go. its probably difficult for your average tv viewer to care about the "dolls" since they were literally different people each week, but i was really starting to care about some of these characters. Hooray for another season of Topher and his juiceboxes, Ballard and his hilarious walk (just watch him), and little pieces of the former lives of Echo, November, Sierra, Victor, (and now Whiskey) unfolding. Nikki you'll be happy that the great Jane Espenson also joined the writing staff near end of the season. (im guessing you still havent watched those eps yet). She wrote some the best and funniest eps of Buffy and her humor will be needed if this show wants to pick up more fans. Now we just need Sarah Michelle Gellar to guest star as a "doll" who of course will have issues with Echo to make my Buffy fanboy dreams come true. (what? it could happen). I would say thank you Fox but all you did was do the right thing.

  14. Sarah Conner gets the axe but this mess of a show called "Dollhouse" gets renewed? Life ain't fair. How will I get my Summer Glau fix?

  15. @Beej: NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! Didn't the Fox execs see the scene in the finale when


    Thomas Dekker sticks part of himself inside Summer Glau and asks, "Is that good?" and Summer answers, "Yes, that's good." It's simultaneously creepy and sexy and funny; how could they not give it another chance, especially since Dollhouse is getting one?

    @Nikki: You have seen "A Spy in the House of Love," so wondering if you interpreted the useless-wig-mission subplot as a dig at Alias, which Dollhouse was compared to a lot during production.


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