Tuesday, May 19, 2009

These Are the Blogs of My Readers...

Teehee... I just HAD to use a cheesy soap opera tagline for this one...

I have many loyal readers who contribute as much to this blog as I do, at times. Many of them have been furiously typing away on their own blogs, and because my original post on Lost's "The Incident" has upwards of 360 comments on it or something completely baffling, I'm sure many of you have missed the linkage. So, I'll post them here and drive some readers over their way, deservedly so.

The first is from Blam, who outlined a bunch of Lost links in his blog post the day of the finale. You can check them out here.

Many of my readers told me of the horrifying incident the night of the Lost finale, where some storm whipped through the area and their signal was either cut into by the emergency broadcast system, or wiped out altogether (I can feel your pain!! earlier in the season, TWICE the last 5 minutes of the show was chopped off because I was watching the American ABC feed and the Canadian CTV network jumped in early to broadcast their show, and I lost the end. ARRRRGH). One of those readers, "I Screen, You Screen," vented her pain here, along with a great recap.

The lovely and talented Sonshine Music (who made me the Dharma symbol at the top that I now apply to all my blogging compatriots) wrote a lengthy and excellent post on the idea of a phoenix rising from the ashes and its possible connection to the ring of ash around Jacob's cabin. Definitely check this one out for an interesting take on whether Jacob might also rise. (Everything that rises must converge, right? Speaking of which, I'm having the WORST time finding that book... seems every other Lost fan beat me to the punch and shipping from Amazon takes two weeks, and the day after the finale there were so many holds at my local library it would have taken weeks for me to get a copy... so I'm hoping I can get my hands on one from Amazon before I have to hand in my manuscript!)

And finally, our assistant head researcher, Benny, has painstakingly outlined the Moebius loop and its effects on the plotline of Lost. Warning: Your head will hurt, but that's because it'll feel bigger after you've read this. Read carefully and you'll follow his argument.

Well done, guys!! So much to discuss, and... so much time!! :)


  1. Thanks for the shout out (and the title!)... Greatly appreciated.

    Yours is the only review blog/site that I follow religiously and comment arduously on.

    Hopefully we'll have a summer full of discussions.

  2. Oh my God! Nikki, thank you. You rock.

  3. This is a fantastic idea, Nikki.

    I've only recently come to find this blog, but I hope I can help contribute something of worth eventually. My girlfriend thinks its funny that she met you at Slayage last year and ate Chinese with you, I think, and I'm the one who reads your blog more regularly.

  4. Beej: No way! Who is your girlfriend? We went for Chinese at this buffet place for lunch one day. There were about 10 people there all crammed on one table and they were all very nice people. I enjoyed it a lot. Including the Pepto-Bismal pink wallpaper with the gold-foil design on it. ;) (No matter where you go in the world, the decor in a Chinese restaurant is EXACTLY the same.) That's awesome! I love real-world connections with my readers. :)

  5. Her name is Jennifer Butler; she was there with Cynthia Burkhead, if you know her. She presented on Firefly. She introduced me to this blog after she got back and was like, "I went to dinner with her," and I happened to really enjoy the blog.

  6. http://lifehacker.com/5252599/the-dharma-desktop

  7. Thanks Nikki, will keep a lookout on those folks.


  8. I very much appreciate the shout-out, Nikki, but wish I'd had a meatier recent Lost than the links one for you to plug. Some of my thoughts on the season ender should be up there soon, as will a some almost-completed Fringe/Dollhouse essays; meantime, there's always my endless post on Star Trek, which I'm glad to hear you liked.

    Do you ever have Blogger eat posts after they've actually been posted, by the way?

  9. Awwww... thanks Nikki. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my post. I thought the Phoenix stuff was so interesting, so I thought other people might as well.

    I'm hoping to put up a post on the whole Jacob=free will, MaybEsau=destiny thing soon. After a rewatch I have so many thoughts about it that I want to nail down.

    Benny's Moebius loop was great and I've been keeping up with Blam's stuff lately - the eau de Star Trek was freakin' hilarious!


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