Monday, May 11, 2009

Is Juliet Another Other?

Over on The Fuselage, several fans are debating whether there's an older version of Juliet living on the island in 2007, and man, when they say a picture is worth a thousand words...

So what do you think? Is that a heavily made up Elizabeth Mitchell? An actor who looks a LOT like her? Her own mother? Or just an extra who happens to be looking like Juliet in this particular shot, but whose resemblance to Mitchell is nothing more than happenstance? Here she is again (looks less like her in this shot):

It's probably a red herring, but if that really is Jules, then it's an early indication of several things. Most importantly, that Jack won't blow up the island and take them all with him... (Thanks to mgkoeln for bringing this to our attention.)


  1. That first pic sure looks like it could be a made-up, aged Juliet.

    In all honesty, I'm thinking it's probably just a coincidence and won't amount to anything. But I could very easily be wrong.

    More importantly, I'm not quite sure yet how I feel about this twist, should it be true.

    It would certainly suggest that something happens to make Juliet be a fervent believer in "whatever happened, happened" to rival Ms. Hawking, if she spent the rest of her life watching her younger self, for the most part, suffer without ever trying to change her course.

  2. Wow, I'm a little shocked. Wouldn't Ben recognize her? Or sun? She's alone, so that's not a good sign for any of the other survivors trapped in the past.

  3. I saw this in the comments of your 'Follow the Leader' entry this morning, and I have to say... if it's just coincidence, then it is a staggering one. What an awesome catch! Barring the other myriad questions and possibilities this brings to mind, what stands out as most significant to me would be the assurance that the lovely Miss Burke survives the events of Whatever Comes Next. And that's great, because I was almost sure they were setting her up to debark the merry-go-round, so to speak. I, for one, would be very disappointed to see the departure of a character which I've always felt had tremendous promise that has as yet been unrealized...

  4. This woman does not look 70 to me!!
    ... and she doesn't have Juliet's breasts. She is just an older woman with white/blonde hair who dresses in a style similar to Juliet. Besides, Juliet was "marked". I don't think she can ever be an Other, again!
    I see where you were coming from though.... I thought I saw Tom sitting by the campfire until I remembered he's dead!

  5. Jules: Actually, if Juliet is supposed to be in her mid-30s, that would make this woman 65, not 70, and I think she passes for a very elegant-looking 65.

    And I hate to break it to ya, but breasts on a 65-year-old don't look the same as those of a 35-year-old. ;)

  6. Do we know Juliet's true age,(on the show?)because the actress that plays her is 40 or better, I believe...
    I know women can look younger than their age. (I'm 42 and mistaken for much younger all the time.) Now, for the breasts...:) I am a larger breasted woman also, and I know they're not the same... but they don't get smaller, just lower! ;P (and if this was a "made up" actress, the breasts wouldn't change...)

    I like your theory, I really do!!
    I always thought Juliet and Sawyer would choose to live their lives out on the Island, but what about her mark?

  7. "And I hate to break it to ya, but breasts on a 65-year-old don't look the same as those of a 35-year-old. ;)"

    Well, you could have given us a spoiler warning. I can honestly say that's not something that I wanted to contemplate in advance. :(

  8. Thanks for giving me the credit, Nikki - although I just got it from "The Fuselage". Going back there after a long time actually happened thanks to you, because I had just read the "Fuselage" chapter in "Lost Ate My Life" edited by a certain Nikki Stafford. (Very entertaining read by the way!)

    The breast issue actually is the one indication, that makes me doubt the whole Juliet thing, too. Sure, in real life gravity might have taken its toll on a 65-year-old. But since when is LOST's make up department (the one with the lousy wigs) doing such a thorough job?

    On the other hand it could be just the tight closing Juliet usually wears that makes her breasts look bigger than in this outfit. Oh my, for a gay guy I'm thinking quite a lot about boobies these days... ;-)

    One more thing, which isn't related to Juliet: This weeks official Lost podcast just went online and it's quite informative this week! Darlton do prepare us for a cliffhanger this wednesday which will be as satisfying as the opening of the hatch at the end of season one. Oh no!

    And they try to explain the whole issue with the Comic-Con video. To keep it short: Yes, it was Faraday who recorded Chang's message to the future - but the video isn't canon! The whole video message thing was a plot idea connected to the "Dharma wants you"-ARG. After the ARG got cancelled due to financial issues they changed some of their plans for season five. So, Faraday never got to record Chang's plea for help. A little unfortunate, if you ask me - but that's how serial storytelling works sometimes.

  9. I'm still not convinced really, although it would be nice to know that Elizabeth Mitchell is going to make it through this finale, because she is one of my favourite characters (that's why this show is awesome, she used to be one of my most hated).

  10. Jules: I think Elizabeth Mitchell is actually in her late-30s. (I think she's 38?) And I guess I never really thought of her as a particularly big-breasted woman, but, like mgkoeln, I guess I'm really not into checking out the boobies much. Heehee!

    dan: LOL!!! That comment made me laugh out loud. Sorry to burst your bubble, bud. :)

    AG Wooding: You're not alone; many people disliked Juliet in the beginning (I wasn't one of them; I loved her) and I'm so happy to hear you really like her now! :)

    I'll try to get up another post on Lost tomorrow. I don't want my Lost post leading into the finale to be about boobs. LOL!

  11. I am a larger breasted woman also, and I know they're not the same... but they don't get smaller, just lower! Mine did. How good a plastic surgeon is Jack? ;)

    It really does look like her. Fascinating. Maybe she didn't stay in 77 - maybe they all come back to the future, and Richard survives by sucking the youth out of people.

  12. As much as I'd like to talk about Juliet's breasts (you can check them out in the movie 'Gia', by the way), this is not the place.

    Well, if she is Juliet, she doesn't have to be older in 2007. If Jack succeeds, then the plane never crashes. The Purge might still happen and so could the baby problem, so Richard Alpert might go off island to search for a good fertility doctor. So she comes to the island and doesn't leave, and in 2007 she is still 30 or 40 something.

    There is however a big problem with this theory: why are John and Sun still on the island and why do the others remember them if they never crashed?

  13. redeem: LOL! Maybe this is an indication that Jack is still on the island, too! Only he's into cosmetic surgery. :)

    Dan: Spoiler alert: look away.

    I meant to add that, too, Jules; if Juliet had children, then yes, her breasts stand a very good chance of being smaller later; pregnancy and breastfeeding not only make the breasts succumb to gravity, but she could lose up to a full cup size in the process.

    Maybe this is an indication that people can have children on the island again!!!

    Sigh. Seriously. Please tell me this won't be the kind of discussion we have all summer. We're better than this, guys!! :)

  14. I could start a discussion on Sayid's man-parts...

  15. Someone correct me on this. I don't have access to DVD's of the series. Wasn't there a line in Juliet's first episode when Alpert recuitred her about some work she did on impregnating a 70 year old or some comment about looking at an x-ray and someone saying, "this looks like a 70 year old woman." or something???? I may be waaaayyy off but I remember something about some mystery of age there.

    Someone may need to watch that episode and see what she says.

    Maybe it was the scan of her sisters cancer? I just don't remember.

  16. Okay, I can answer my own question . . . kind of . . .

    According to LOSTPEDIA for the episode "NOT IN PORTLAND", this is what it says in the summary:

    "Alpert asks Juliet to examine a slide of a womb CT sequence. Juliet assesses that it is a human womb, and judging by the scan, most likely of a barren patient in her 70s. However, she is told that the woman is in fact just 26 years old, and that she could find out more if she worked with them."

    Any connections here? This is a mystery I had forgotten about but has to tie in to the life extension work being done by DHARMA in some way . . . what if it is Juliet's OWN scan?!

  17. I just looked up Elizabeth Mitchell's age on IMDB -- doing that always makes me feel skeevy -- and she's 39, born March 1970.

    What in any other context would be a geek alert, but considering what we're discussing here, that's redundant: The character of Juliet, who in 2004 traveled back to 1974 and has had three years pass since then, making her in 1977 the age she'd be in 2007 if she'd never been time-tossed, would be about 1.5 years younger than the actress playing her even if they share the same birth date, or 37, meaning that that woman on the beach, if it's Juliet in 30 years' time, is 67.

    After marveling at the resemblance in the first photo when the subject was first brought up, I think now that it's just a coincidence. I choose not to wade into the waters of whether that woman looks 67, how Juliet's holding up for 37, or what might be said about Elizabeth Mitchell's boobies.

  18. I could start a discussion on Sayid's man-parts...I've laughed so much reading this topic and that redeem was the piece de resistance!

  19. I've noticed a few threads now where the actors' ages were mentioned in trying to determine the characters'. Actors play people who aren't them. Their ages are often very different. I would look more at the context of the show itself. We're supposed to have a suspension of disbelief about things like that. For example, the teenagers on Buffy ranged from actual age (Mercedes McNab) to late 20s (Charisma Carpenter).

    I think Anonymous is onto something. People who look much older than they are (in contrast to the unaging Richard). That would be a pretty big throw-away to ignore (unless the reference was to infertility and innards, and the womb in question had a younger shell.) In any case, it gives me hope (not that I need it) that if the season finale involves getting back to the future (I hope) there's still much interesting stuff to explore in the final season.

  20. the show is chock full of many mnay lookalikes

    Abigail Spencer bears a resemblance to Elie, IMHO

    hey, i don't make a fuss when ya'll go gaga every time sawyer takes his shirt off

  21. Somehow I don't think something this game-changing would be left for the audience to just guess. I don't think it's her...

    HOWEVER, I wouldn't mind it since everybody seems to suspect her imminent death come Wednesday. That would make me sad.

  22. losing charlotte was bad enough

    who are we going to be stuck with, Kate?

    god help us all

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