Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Check us out!

Well, dear readers, we've been linked to! I got this note in my email today saying my numbers had suddenly skyrocketed way beyond the level they normally are in Lost season (again, I beg, don't leave me next week!) and it turns out, TV.com linked to this blog for Lost stuff! Of course, anyone following that link yesterday would have seen us talking about maybe-older Juliet and her sagging breasts and Sayid's man-parts.


Ah well. I guess that probably lets people know what we're all about here, eh?

I promise to have a much richer discussion after the finale tomorrow, which is... TOMORROW. I hope I'm not the only one who is not only excited, but incredibly sad. BUT... stick around and we'll discuss first the finale, and then the season as a whole over the next few days (I've taken Thursday off to just focus on the finale). Next week I'm hunkering down to attack my season 5 episode guide for the book, so I'll be pumped to talk about the season in its entirety anyway.

And then, once I'm done the book, what do you say we start up a viewing club where we go back to season 1 and watch seasons 1-5 leading up to the final season (final season! WAAAAHH) and discuss them ep by ep. I'll let you know ahead of time what episode to watch and when to get together here to chat about it. It'll be fun! And something tells me we'll need the reminders.

Who's in?


  1. Yeah! That is so amazing Nikki, and you totally deserve it.
    I promise I'm not going anywhere. Man, I wish I had been caught up enough to be here longer, but at least I got two seasons.

    I LOVE the idea of going back over the earlier seasons. I was actually thinking to myself that I was going to do that anyway, just because otherwise I'll totally go through Lost withdrawal.

    It will be way better to have you guys to talk to and theorize about everything as a whole.

    So definitely count me in and, again, congratulations :)

  2. I'm totally in for a rewatch of the seasons during the break. I'm so sad that we will have such a longggg break to our last season. ::cry:: ::cry:: I guess it had to end sometime. I'm looking forward to the prefinale show they have on at 8pm (est) before the 2 hour finale.

  3. I am totally in. Just told my husband last night that I am going back to Season 1 as soon as Season 5 is over (sob!)

    I am looking forward to tomorrow night and wishing it wouldn't come, all at the same time.

    I've put a link to you on my blog too... Perhaps that's why your numbers have shot up! ;~)

  4. congrats nikki! i'm totally up for rerun discussions. so i'm confused... is this just a 2 hour finale as usual? gah, i have finals on thursday. lost is killing me!

    -nurse brian

  5. I'd like to play in the viewing club. Got my DVDs ready to go. :)

    Congrats on the linkage. And I'm user there's lots o' fans who appreciate Sayid's man parts. ;)

  6. User? I meant sure.

    Darn the lack of an edit button.

  7. I LOVE the idea of doing a full rewatch over the hiatus. Did the same thing a few years ago when the final books in Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series were released, and it was so great to enjoy those last couple of chapters fresh at the tail end of re-reading the entire series. Plus, we get to do a little time-traveling of our own in that we can go back and do our running commentary on episodes we didn't when they ran, and with five season's worth of foreknowledge! How Lostian...

  8. Sorry... I think that should be "seasons" without the errant apostrophe catastrophe.

    Where's an editor when I need one?

  9. I'm in for the rewatch of S1-5. Just let us know when.

  10. I'm in for a rewatch! It'll be a fresh experience watching them through such knowledgeable eyes. If they knew what we know now...

    Besides, we'll need SOMEthing to tide us over.

  11. Oh, I am SO in! I'm pumped and jacked for the season finale but in TOTAL DENIAL about the fact that this means 7 months of no fresh, mind-warping, hypothalamus-engaging, adrenaline-pumping, eye-popping new episodes. (*deep breath* Okay, I went a tad overboard, there)

    Welcome to all those who are visiting for the first (and most definitely NOT the last) time. You will soon discover why those of us who have been swimmin' in these waters for several seasons now return here each week to mainline our LOST fix. Now, play nice, share the toys and don't forget your milk and graham crackers before naptime. M'kay?

    Random Thought of the Day: in recent episodes we've been treated to re-veiwings of Island events that were previously visited by our time-flashing Losties earlier in the season. Suddenly, I find myself thinking of the encounter between Locke and Ethan that left John with that bullet in his leg. When do you suppose that event took place? Obviously prior to 2004 ... but how much earlier? Ethan has clearly never heard of Locke and finds the notion that he could be the New Leader of the Others™ ludicrous. This could be insignificant in the greater scheme of things but I can't help wondering if we'll learn more about this later.

  12. Count me in! Even if my schedule doesn't allow me to rewatch every single episode along with you, I'll definitely be here to join in the discussion whether I re-watch or not. Sounds like fun!

  13. Sounds awesome! Sometimes I'll catch an old episode on Scifi Channel and see a scene I've completely forgotten about. Let's do it.

  14. I said to my wife about a week ago that I planned to spend the long, long months waiting for season 6 by going back over the previous seasons.

    I suggest to both "Lost" and "Nikki" fans to also buy her corresponding book for each season. It will make both the viewing and discussion much more enjoyable.

  15. I was already planning on doing a re-watch leading up to the 6th season, so I'm definitely in! And I'll have my Finding Lost books close at hand!

    Congrats on the recognition, Nikki! You definitely deserve it. Without your blog, I would have to do actual real work at work all day...shudder...

    Humanebean, now I want graham crackers...

  16. I'll do the viewing club if I have time over the summer- I'll be out of school, but I'm doing lots of other stuff.

  17. First time poster, long time reader. I need some way to survive the long long wait before season six. Like SonshineMusic, I was actually planning on going back and rewatching. You can count me in!

  18. I'd love to rewatch the whole series to date with all o' y'all. Just hafta bump my Netflix membership up a disc (or find the boxed sets really cheap) and "make time"... Would that I could, right? Anyhow, I dealt with another migraine today, but I should get to see the Fringe finale tonight, and hopefully will be free 'n' clear tomorrow, so bring on the season-ending mindfrakkin'.

  19. I would like to watch the show over again..I just need a new version of my Season 1 DVD. Right now I have a Chinese edition that I got for 5 dollars..

  20. I'm in too.

    And going to Oahu in July will help me get over the withdrawal somewhat.
    10 weeks to go!!!!!

  21. Oh, I'm definitely in. Just before each new season we go through the previous ones on dvd. It'll be great to discuss them all over again!

    And congrats on the boost in traffic, Nik! Well deserved.

  22. SA-Weeeeeeet!

    I'm in too. Maybe we could dedicate a new blog section only for the series recap!I don't know, just throwing it out there!

    @Teebore: Since it's just after the Nigerian plane crash, I think it's around late nineties-2000.

    By the way, did you just TRADEMARK "Others" or "New Leader of the Others"??

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.


  24. I'm in too. Maybe we could dedicate a new blog section only for the series recap !I don't know, just throwing it out there!

    @Teebore: Since it's just after the Nigerian plane crash, I think it's around late nineties-2000.

    Dude, Benny, a guy can get whiplash from segues like that! Let's take it easy.

    Sorry about the deleted message (again). Rassafrassin' no line breaks after italics tags... Does anybody know why that's been happening?

  25. The Question Mark13 May 2009 at 00:15

    Count me in, Nikki


  26. Here's somethin' funky. I just IMDB'd Nestor Carbonell, wondering exactly where besides Cane I'd seen him before. Turns out he was BatmaƱuel in the live-action version of The Tick (Of course!) but besides that I've pretty much never watched any of the shows he's popped up on, which is weird. Anyhow it seems he's done some voice work as well, including something called Me, Eloise. Oh really, Richard?

    (Yeah, it was an animated series about the title character of the Eloise at the Plaza books, but...)

  27. Blam, following your lead, I also IMBD'd Nestor Carbonell. Never have before and I was curious what else. I cannot believe that he did the voice over for the dumbest villain on Kim Possible (yes, I'm a dork, I like Kim Possible). Come on, Senor Senior Jr.!? I can't believe it. Now I'm gonna go have to watch it again, just to hear his voice, because I just can't believe it.

    Also, just saw Wolverine. Keamey. hahahahaha.

  28. Will we have to watch about 2 episodes a week?

  29. Hi All, a recap blog would be a great idea especially for all us Europeans who are usually 4 days behind the US. It is sooooooo frustrating that in the UK I can't go onto the Blog after Wednesday night for fear of finding out what happened. Really looking forward to the finale and by the time I check the blog out on Sunday night after its aired in the UK I am sure there will be 100's of comments.

  30. I'm in on the re-watch!

    I have a friend that I need to bring up to date so we can watch season 6 together. He is only up to the middle of season 4, and I'm finding it impossible to keep quiet about all the reveals in season 5. I must... not... tell...


  31. Hey Nik, I am so excited about tonight, and yes, count me in for the viewing party for Seasons 1 to 5! It would be interesting to see if we can pick up little clues that foreshadowed future (or past!) events like Lost producers love to do. This hiatus is going to be even more painful than last years I think.

  32. I was planning to go back and watch the first four seasons anyway (while waiting - impatiently - for the season 5 DVD) -- I'm in!

  33. Yay Nikki! That's awesome! Like just about everyone has said, I was also planning on rewatching and I love that we'll all be doing it together. There are some genius' on here (including YOU!) that really help to understand certain aspects of the show. I can never find time (2 school aged boys and a toddler and a full time job) to read any of the many books I have purchased since reading your Finding Lost books and I definitely don't have time to go researching all this mythology stuff...and when I do, my ADD kicks in and I go off on so many thoughts that in the end, I end up with nothing. This group is so interesting and informative! And the best part is that everyone plays "nice"...

    You totally deserve the recognition!!! And a DAY OFF!!!

  34. I already have a theory for the first season after watching about 5 minutes of an episode with one of my boys (which I will reserve for when we're all watching and theorizing)!

  35. @Blam: Whiplash? Then my job here is done! See you all next year... or maybe tomorrow since we have one episode left.
    And maybe if we do a recap. So really I'm not quite done here. And maybe you're right about that segue, should have posted two comments. So really everything I've said so far in this specific comment was pretty much irrelevant.

    But here's something that is NOT! As far as Mr. Carbonell is concerned, he was also in that crazy 90s sitcom Suddenly Susan and played the mayor in The Dark Knight.

  36. I definitely want to play viewing club. I had already told my son we should do that.

    Congrats on your link. Totally deserved.

    Please let us know as soon as you have the book ready for sale. I might not be able to wait for Amazon again!!

  37. I had already planned on watching the whole series starting this summer as my fiance' has not seen an ep and feels very left out on Wed. nights. It would be great to watch it with the community here. Dont worry Nikki, I am addicted to your blogs and will follow you while on hiatus. Cant wait for tonight in a few hours!!


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