Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lost Season 6 Trailer

OK, this isn't the official trailer, but it's freakin' AWESOME. This was put together by a fan who spent over 12 hours editing together footage from seasons 3, 4, and 5. Thanks for sending it to me, theblackbox, and well done, my friend, WELL DONE!! You can visit his YouTube channel here.

Man, the wait for season 6 just got SOOO much longer!!

Go here to watch the same video in HD.


  1. Holy crud, that was like an actual trailer! Nicely done. I want season 6 NOW!


  2. It's a little weird that not one of the women was in there.

  3. Yes, very well done! Although, I can't help but feel it was missing something at the end. Right after the music comes to an end, Sawyer should say some sort of zinger, like, "And here I just wanted to cuddle" and then you cut to "Coming in 2010" or whatever card. Of course, that sort of thing is so cliche and drives me crazy, I'm a bit embarrassed for saying it's missing.

  4. I noticed the same thing Blam - very weird! Last shot should have been of Juliet smacking the bomb, fade to white... LOST :)

  5. Okay, so let's all get together and figure this time-travel thing out because that made me really hurt for some LOST love, and there isn't anything new until at least December (DVD special features with S5). Ack!

  6. Sorry, Beej. We all got together late yesterday and figured out the whole 'time travel' thing. Unfortunately, we all agreed not to tell anybody for another ... oh, year or so.

    ; ]

  7. Sorry, Beej. We all got together late yesterday and figured out the whole 'time travel' thing. Unfortunately, we all agreed not to tell anybody for another ... oh, year or so.I forgot all about it. Was I there? Let me know and I'll join you yesterday tomorrow.

  8. ABC could save some money and just buy this video for a Promo. Great job.

  9. Blam - that was the first thing I noticed too - I'm not a kate fan by any means but she surely should have been in there somewhere - and how do you avoid Juliet??


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