Friday, May 29, 2009

OMG... Juliet's in the FBI!!

OK, not really. ;) ABC has released this longish promo for their new series, V. Most of us already knew that Elizabeth Mitchell had been cast in the lead role, and if the series was picked up then it might spell the end of Juliet as we know her. The show DID get picked up, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's dead. (Unlike many bloggers and journos, I didn't see her die at the end of the episode any more than I saw anyone else die at the end of the episode -- I mean seriously, if you're going to say the hydrogen bomb blast killed her, wouldn't it have killed EVERYONE else?! However, we also know that Jacob didn't touch her, and if his touch offers protection, then maybe the gal won't make it after all. I think I heard that Mitchell will be appearing in some episodes, so I will sit back and wait to see what Lost brings.

In the meantime, check out the new promo. It's kind of awesome. And makes the loss of Juliet a little less painful. Then again, the Bionic Woman up-front was pretty awesome, too, and that show SUCKED. But I'm hopeful.


  1. I just watched the trailer and WOW! V is gonna be a must-see. I remember watching the original series and hope this one will be just as good. I agree about The Bionic Woman. I think I watched 2 or 3 episodes then dropped it like a hot potato!

  2. WHAT? You mean to say that you didn't think The Bionic Woman was the best TV show since Logan's Run??

    Uh, okay. Yeah, it sucked. Out loud.

  3. Is it true that Scott Wolf will be in V? Elizabeth Mitchell can just not get away from those Party of Five guys, lol.

  4. I really look forward to V, not only for Elizabeth Mitchell, but for Morena Baccarin finally having a new series.

    And I actually liked Bionic Woman. It wasn't the best show on TV by far, but it held my attention. It was starting to get better, I thought, by the time the Writer's Strike happened, but it was way too far gone by that point to be re-picked up.

  5. AG: LOLZ!!! I thought exactly the same thing when I watched it! Cripes, first Juliet had to deal with Charlie and now Bailey? Sigh. ;)

  6. So, an attractive saviour shows up from out of the blue and inspires "hope." All manner of wonderful things are promised. However, things are not what they seem. The saviour instructs the news media not to ask the wrong questions. Skeptics are told to "embrace change." This "saviour" deliberately encourages a cult of personality to form and praise this "change." The truth is that the newcomer does not care about us, and in fact is a threat to our very way of life.

    Huh. Well, I guess if McCain had won Morena Baccarin would be given a lot of "you betchas" to say.

  7. Looks pretty good. Is that the prostitute from Firefly as the lead alien?


  8. Did an article on it. Really interesting and exciting, but like all Lost fans I'm anxious to find out how Juliet will be demoted or written off the show.

  9. I love it already!! So, so pretty aliens! Was that Bambie Harper or just a Lee-lookalike? I could never tell one pretty boy from another....

  10. Oh. Oh. U mean that was Bailey? Oh. The Lee-lookalike? oh. Should have read the comments first. Is this another JJ Abram thing? Is that Hewitt girl going to be here too? LOL

  11. Wow....80's flashback! LOL!!
    I have no idea how I missed this trailer/promo on ABC.
    And, did I see Penny on another new show? I forget the name but it has something to do with a city being destroyed and everyone lost their memories simultaneously.

  12. Jazzy: Yes, she's in the previews for Flashforward, that show that's being marketed very similar to Lost (apparently when the media contacts ABC, they deny any knowledge of the existence of the show). She's in it with Joseph Fiennes.

  13. That trailer looks amazing! I really hope that they don't ruin this remake and its as well written and acted as Lost.


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