Wednesday, May 13, 2009

While You Wait for Lost...

:::sniffle::: That'll be the last time I type that this year. Sigh... This is it, folks, the season 5 finale. Only one season remains.

Well, have I depressed you enough?! Now onto the funny.

Here is a Lost season finale of a different kind. This is the Fine Bros. finale of the weird season they've been having over on YouTube, where various other action figures appear. I love the riff on "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham," and it pointed out some of the same plot holes we noticed in the episode. Enjoy!

And brace yourselves, hold your sides, whatever you need to do, but here is Rachel Ack's awesomely hilarious recap of Follow the Leader to get you ready for this week's episode:

Widmore shows up and captures Jack and Kate and brings them back to Tentsylvania, where Eloise is trying to figure out what the hell just happened and everyone’s got a lot on their mind…

Daniel: WTF, am I…dead?
Eloise: WTF, did I just…kill my son?
Richard: WTF, how come no one commented on how fierce these pants are??

Eloise: Did you show up with this dead guy?
Jack: Damn straight!
Kate: Way to keep the mystery going, Jackass.
Eloise: Very well…put them in my tent. I want to have one of those “key parties” everyone keeps talking about.

Read the entire entry here.

Tonight's episode will feature a recap from 8-9pm EST, followed by the 2-hour finale from 9-11. I'll try my hardest to get the post up quickly, but if I'm only just finishing the first viewing at 11, I can't guarantee it'll be up before 12. But I'll try. :) See y'all soon, and tune in muchly tomorrow for a LOT of discussion!


  1. Haha thanks for the linkage!! I can't WAIT for tonight's episode, it is going to be SO EPIC!!!!

  2. Nikki, I'm not sure where this post goes so I'll just throw it here. So I've hung in all season with Fringe and I'm glad I did. Yes, it had its ups and downs in terms of quality but after its short hiatus, the episodes have gotten much better.
    What is most interesting is what happened in the finale last night. It had to do with alternate times/universes. If I understand this correctly, it was explained that your life timeline is not a straight line, but more a line that splits into two directions (a fork) with every choice we make. We exist in BOTH but are sentient in the one what we consciously picked. The diagram looks like a sports bracket pick almost. It really had me thinking about possible connections to what's happening on LOST.
    I realize I am not providing anything profound here but I just wanted to throw it out there to you and/or anyone who happens to still watch Fringe. :)

  3. Those Lost parodies are awesome and hilarious. Loved the end of the season finale.

    On the actual Lost tv show, I am amped up for the finale...
    I saw in the paper today they were talking to Michael Emerson, and after he read the script, he was said to "be a bit shocked" and said "Can they DO that?"

  4. "Cedric!"

    My favourite moment wasn't even about Lost.

    I have a Mohinder figure. I WANT a Sayid figure. They aren't the same thing.

  5. omg I didn't realize they were doing a recap befor the two hour finale ... now I need to go take a nap before it all starts!

  6. About tonight's ep. If it's 2 hours long and Nikki watches it a second time, can we only expect a recap in the morning?

    I wouldn't mind waiting until I get up for a recap instead of 2 a.m.

  7. @Jazzgirl: Fringe! I watched it too and it was great. Your understanding is apt. I can't wait for next season...

  8. Jazzygirl: The Fringe finale was great. I found it very interesting that two Abrams-related projects were dealing with changing timelines (Star Trek) and branching alternate realities (Fringe) while Lost was making us wonder about similar concepts. Alias had that jump-a-couple-years-ahead thing not entirely unlike Lost, so now I'm wondering what I missed by not watching What About Brian. 8^)

  9. The Question Mark13 May 2009 at 23:32

    The extra bit of coffin for Hurley's arm was the funniest action-figure related thing I've ever seen!

  10. Ever since you referenced Rachel Ack earlier this season I have been a faithful reader over there. She cracks me up SOO much!

    Can't wait to begin all the crazy discussion. Glad I don't work until late tomorrow.


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