Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Getting Ready for Season 6: Destiny

Here's another wonderful trailer from theblackbox. This one made the hairs on my arm stand up. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Watch the trailer in HD here.


  1. Aw, beautiful! It really looks like a professional trailer (I mean, I'm not a technician but they even managed to separate the voice from the original soundtrack - that's some fine work there) and manages to convey that characteristic "Lost" feeling that, I got to admit, I was starting to miss in the second half of S5. Now I'm looking forward to the next installments :)

  2. Oh, wow. That was fantastic.

    TOo long to wait...

  3. The music was excellent!

    I wish I could join in on the seasons 1-5 rewatching, but I won't be doing that until sometime in the fall/winter with my wife.

  4. The Question Mark3 June 2009 at 13:01

    That was some sexy, SEXY music. LOL

    I hope the actual Season 6 trailer is as epic as that one.
    Way to go, blackbox!

  5. That was great! is it 2010 yet?

  6. Watching that reminds me of just how vital John Locke is to this show. Was all that destiny stuff just the feeble musings of an old man? Unless the writers are just bad at what they do (and clearly, they are not), there is no way they can just let Locke slip away without playing some kind of pivotal role in the final chapters (and no, having some kind of man/god use your appearance for his own means doesn't count!). It would be like Gandalf dying in Moria and then some Radagast the Brown using Gandalf's appearance to steal Saruman's staff. It just doesn't work! So anyway, GREAT TRAILER.

  7. I can't wait for the lost rewatch... some of those scenes from season one give me shivers, just remembering how this epic journey began!

  8. OH...MY...GOSH!!! That was so awesome! I just got on 'Blackbox' & they are all great!
    You know, we all say we cannot wait for the new season. But, we know that when the season starts, it's just a matter of time til we are all 'cryin the blues' because it's gonna come to an end! But, oh the joy we shall have each week & the joy we will have to come on here after each episode to read the great blogs our most esteemed author has written! Til then, we can theorize to our wittle hearts content about what is to come!!!

  9. I had every intention of joining in the Lost rewatch - until my husband gave me the complete Man From UNCLE on DVD for our anniversary. Now I'm knee-deep in espionage (and Illyia).


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