Friday, June 05, 2009


OK, could this commercial mean what I THINK it means... and if so, does this mean season 6 will be the GREATEST SEASON OF LOST EVER?! Watch until the end:

Thanks for Farley for pointing it out to me!


  1. OMGOMGOMG !!! I love Charlie ! I do hope he comes back. great comercial, I had to listen to it a couple of times to get it. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Wow, that's quite a bomb they dropped there (no pun intended)!

    I wonder if the theory that the Losties will get to live an alternate version of S1 is becoming more likely... after all Claire is supposed to be back too, in a way or another.

  3. Yay, Charlie! He said, "Actually, I WAS...", right?! Ooh, I hope he comes back. The tears I shed at the end of season 3 over that man!

    Thanks, Nik! Love it!


  4. Wow, that's quite a bomb they dropped there (no pun intended)!

    You said it, Poggy!


  5. PS: I know it's actually pronounced "oh-em-gee-oh-em-gee". But I have this vision of you guys walking around going "om-gom-gom-gom-gom-gom..." Please do not disabuse me of this notion.

  6. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it meant what we hoped it meant:

  7. The problem is this has two meanings.

    He could mean he has died in the past (aka Charlie dying)

    He could also mean that he was dead, now he isn't.

    Anyways the link above this post makes me more sceptical.

    I also wonder if bringing back Charlie would have made his death pointless. It is similar to the reason they killed him, they were building up to it and if they didn't deliver it would have felt awkward. I would like him to make a guest appearance though, but not appear too often.

  8. Doesn't sound to me like he's coming back to Lost (at least as a regular).. sounds more like a joke.

  9. Ahhhh, I'm heartbroken that it appears that Charlie may not necessarily be returning to the show. I have such a special place for Charlie in my heart, and of all the deaths, his was the most painful to me.

    As I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan, I watched the Lost premiere mainly to see what Dom was up to next. I got hooked immediately, and eventually fell in love with the other characters and the show itself, but Charlie always had a sentimal draw for me.

    So I've been waiting, hoping and praying ever since he died that somehow he'd be back - not as a Smoke Monster charade, but as Charlie, really Charlie. I had no real good explanation as to how the writers could bring him back, but c'mon they're the smart ones, they can figure it out!

    So when I saw the intial story about the commercial with Dom, I got my hopes waaaaaaay up. And now I've come crashing back down to earth. I am intrigued, however, to find out just exactly where Dom IS going to show up. Anyone have any reliable information? I've seen some rumors about "Flash Forward"; that would be fine with me -I'm already planning to watch the show, so that's easy enough!

  10. Two things about that link. One, he warns there's a spoiler in his article, so I didn't read beyond the title. And I have no idea what it said. So if there is a spoiler in there (and yes, a definite NO on Charlie coming back next season is a spoiler in my books) then please don't discuss it here.

    And secondly, why exactly did an entertainment writer feel the need to "get to the bottom of this" story? Why not just let ABC toy with us and let us have our little fun for the summer? He couldn't even let the speculation happen for a DAY?

    Michael Ausiello = buzzkill. ;)

  11. @Blam: But I have this vision of you guys walking around going "om-gom-gom-gom-gom-gom..."

    Funniest. Comment. Ever!

    Re Charlie. My opinion: speculation = GOOD. Spoilers = BAD. I speculate that Charlie WAS dead. Now he's alive. So yay! Don't care what other spoilerish sites say (I haven't looked, and never will). And also, Dr McFlurry (or whatever he's called) would never beat Monica at foosball, ever. She's just too good!

  12. I'm not sure this means he's coming back, but I do know that Charlie has been missed (by me at least).

    The odd thing about Charlie's death, for me, was that despite it clearly being a hero's death, it also seems relatively futile. He warned Desmond that this wasn't Penny's boat we were dealing with, but I think that the Losties would have figured that out in pretty short order anyway. Maybe I'm completely wrong and it was essential that he warn them, but for some reason I didn't get closure here. This is especially true as his motivation was clearly "rescue Claire and Aaron," and meanwhile god only knows what happened to Claire during S4 (though Aaron is presumably doing just fine with grandma now).

    That was probably me rambling, but I too would be very excited for a return of Charlie because he always felt important enough to me that his story should continue. I know a lot of people felt closure on the Charlie story with his death, but I don't for some reason. Maybe it's just because he was always a favorite of mine.

  13. Isn't the ad itself a spoiler?

  14. Hm...I don't know if people should get their hopes up for this. According to Ausiello, Dominic might be returning to ABC television but perhaps not Lost.

    Sure, he might make an appearance for sure (with Claire, Juliet being possibly dead and all), but the show would jump the shark if, say, Charlie came back due to the rewind in time and everything got erased.

  15. Laugh Out Lout regardless of the any truth behind the speculation. These promos are funny all around.

  16. @Blam: Just curious, what does the last G mean in "om-gom-gom-gom-g" ?

    I am NOT disabusing you of this notion!

  17. @Robert: that to bring Charlie back would be jumping-the-shark,

    there’s still the whole question about who/where Desmond is – Desmond is the one who foresaw different occurrences of Charlie’s death but changed circumstances several times that forestalled (prevented?) Charlie’s death.

  18. with the help of richard the alchemist they're coming includes claire, charlie and desmond

    but "charlie" is gonna be in another abc show also

  19. Now that I've had a chance to think more about these articles, I'd say there's really nothing there to preclude the possibility of some sort of return for Charlie. Maybe I'm in denial (come on in, the water's fine!), but I'm going to continue to hold out hope.

    @Loretta, you are totally not alone. I felt the same lack of closure after Charlie's death, once I realized that Claire was not one of the Oceanic 6.

    Part of the poignancy of Charlie's story for me was that he willingly went to his death believing that it was the only way to get Claire and Aaron off the island...and then she's not rescued, and if anything, is now worse off than before. So it just feels very unfinished to me. I don't want Charlie's death to lack meaning or be some sort of mistake, so I guess I ultimately want him to have some chance of setting things right and saving Claire.

  20. IDK, I kind of wondered if Sun's finding Charlie's ring in Aaron's crib is some kind of hint that he may be back. If I see that scene at the beginning of an episode next season again ("previously on LOST"), I'm definitely gonna get my hopes up!

  21. Actually I wasn't AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

    Too bad about Ausiello spoiler. It would have been nice for us to wonder :)

  22. Am I the only person who's surprised that Al Bundy isn't dead?

    Seriously though, what show is Ed O'Neill in? I had no idea that he was back on TV.

  23. I'd heard that Dominic is joining the cast of another ABC show, hence his appearance in this trailer.

  24. @studiorose: Don't get your hopes up too early. I think that scene is more a precursor to seeing Claire again then Charlie.

    The ring was meant for Claire and was in Aaron's crib. When Sun meets Claire again, she's likely to give her the ring.

  25. So I finally had a chance to watch this and as much as I had my hopes up after reading everyone's comments before watching...I dunno now. It could mean anything unfortunately....LOST or a new show. And let me just tell you if he's in this commercial because of a new show, that's just CRUEL!!!

  26. While it's somewhat cruel of ABC, it's also incredibly shrewd. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more teases of this nature between now and next January, considering where the cliffhanger left things.

    I'm holding fast to the two mantras of season 5 (until I experience otherwise):
    1) Whatever happened, happened
    2) Dead is dead

  27. I agree with Scott above about dead is dead and whatever happened, happened. If they could change the past/future, it would make all the things they experienced so far meaningless. It reminds me of the conversation between Locke and Sawyer during the time jump stage, when Sawyer asked Locke if he could change his past, would he, and Locke replied basically that his experiences led him to who and where he is today. (Sorry I don't remember the exact quote or even which episode.)

  28. i third dead is dead and what happened happened BUT that does not apply to the supernatural elements (and Des, IMHO) so anything can happen and anybody (not buried, IMHO) can be brought back to "life" involving the "Other realities"

    charlie and claire are also included in "they're coming"

  29. i can't remember, was Eko buried?

  30. I am pretty sure he is. For some reason I remember some sort of small (like 2 people...Locke and Charlie maybe?) "funeral".

  31. @Jazzygirl: I'm pretty sure you're right, he was buried. They marked his grave with his 'Jesus Stick' or whatever Charlie called it, and that's when Locke noticed the bible passage that gave him a compass bearing (I remember Sayid's concise, very droll explanation of why they were heading in that direction, cracked me up).

  32. They planted Eko's Jesus stick as a tombstone. That's when Locke saw:

    "Lift up your head and look north, John 3:05"

    And gave Locke a compass bearing

  33. LOL! Thanks, Benny. There must have been just nano-seconds between our replies. :)

  34. Yes, Eko was buried, as Benny and Batcabbage both said, but don't worry, there's a very good reason you don't remember it very well. Paulo was in attendance at the funeral. And frankly, all of us just want to forget EVERY scene that guy was in. ;)


  35. My take: I know it may be dangerous to apply internal logic to a promo (even a clever one), but... These are shot in-character -- albeit with some kind of "meta" fictional reality where characters from different series hang out -- and Patrick Dempsey is called Derek. So unless Dominic Monaghan is stating that he "was dead" in the context of some new role on another series, his comment only makes sense if he's speaking as Charlie. I'm not saying that the promo holds to this internal logic, only that I'll think it's dirty pool if it doesn't. 8^)


  36. I didn't reference the content of the report by Ausiello (you can keep him and his diet Snapple) but meant to bring it up in the abstract.

    Nikki, I get that you avoid spoilers, but I didn't think that actual casting news and the like between seasons would be subject to that personal preference or rules on the blog. I know that supposition or leaks from journalists should be taken with a grain of salt or flat-out ignored, but if it weren't for the explicit mention/reassurance by the producers that Emilie De Ravin would be sitting out last season and back for the next one many of us would have been wildly speculating on her absence while those who'd read their statements would've been holding our tongues for months.

    I admit that while I don't seek out overly spoilery info that might crop up on die-hard fansites via production assistants and the like, I will read casting news or other tidbits in, say, Entertainment Weekly or hear about it from my sister and friends anyway.

  37. Blam, one interesting point that you bring out is that if Dom is speaking as another character, one that was dead, it would probably be noteworthy to point to the bandages on his wrist.

    Another interpretation that could be projected onto the promo is that Dom was dead within the ABC family (casting), since Charlie died. But since he seems to be returning to the ABC family (under a single house), he is no longer dead!

    I guess it would be interesting to see him in a promo with Jack or even Hurley whether there is any play on it, regardless of Charlie returning.


  38. Another interpretation that could be projected onto the promo is that Dom was dead within the ABC family (casting), since Charlie died.

    Yeah, I thought about that, but I figured I was already pushing my read of the internal consistency without referring to the actors as portraying raw-material avatars on which different characters could be written. (Shades of Dollhouse!)

  39. Blam: I'm not trying to be overly sensitive about casting news; we didn't see Claire die, so I think it's safe to say she'll be back at some point. They just wouldn't leave her hanging. So any Lost viewer with an ounce of sense would know she'll be back in season 6.

    But the other thing is, I haven't read the article. I don't know how spoilery it is, I don't know if it has definitive information about S6 or an explanation as to why Charlie won't be back or if he 100%, absofruitalootly won't be back. That, to me, is not a spoiler, per se, but spoilery. So I can't tell people to go read the article when I haven't read it first to make sure it's OK.

    And as the person who runs the site, I don't put my foot down on something like that, I'm just trying to avoid the dozens of angry emails from my readers saying they thought this was a spoiler-free site and now someone just posted a link to Ausiello that totally spoiled the show for them and they'll never be back. I'm inundated by those every time the tiniest, eensiest thing is over here. So I have to be careful, and frankly, I want to be careful. I didn't see the Juliet thing coming AT ALL in the finale, and I'd bet half the fans or more already knew about it. But I didn't, and I'm happier that way.

    And I actually didn't go and delete the link. I'm just simply stating that I wish they'd let us have our fun a little longer, speculating on the ways Charlie could come back, before posting that he won't. And that I'm not reading the article. The title was enough. :)

  40. LOL one thing I love about this site is HOW much we can analyze and over-analyze something. It's great! Case in point...Blam and Benny and their internal logic applied to a promo. Awesome! :) And of course, now you've got ME thinking...they ARE in character on these promos...yet in a fictional place hanging out...Charlie is wearing bandages...still had the accent...hmmm....LOL!!!

  41. @Nikki Stafford: Crap. I am so sorry about that. I'd say I don't know what I was thinking, but it's clear the real problem was that I wasn't thinking at all.

  42. yorick: Hey, not at all, honestly!! Like Blam said, most people wouldn't take that to be a spoiler. I'm sure if I read it there's absolutely nothing in there, but see, I live in denial. And I really like it there. So, in my happy little world, we'll see Charlie again. ;) But I don't mind you posting that at all, really.

  43. @Nikki: That's good to know. Still, I should have checked to make sure it was an okay link to post.

    When I shared the content of the story with a friend of mine, she reminded me that Darlton et al aren't above putting some foilers out there, so who knows how accurate the information is anyway?

    And I'm living in my own happy world where Juliet is alive and well, so I can definitely relate. ;)

  44. This is one of those things that I am sure I am taking way too seriously or literally or hiding-my-head-in-the-sand denially, but I have wondered since season 3 if Charlie actually died. Did Des watch him drown?

    We don't see him actually die on screen and we never see a body. Ever.

    I cling to the frail and tiny hope that possibly, maybe, like Jin, Charlie somehow survived. I have nary a leg to stand on and no explanation for where he's been for three years, but there you have it :)

  45. I hear you Sonshine...I have felt the same way. :(

  46. @Sonsine: you're probably not the only one.

    I won't say you're wrong, but I would like to know how you interpret Charlie's apparitions to Hurley. If Charlie hasn't died, then these would be a HUGE plot points!

  47. @Benny: would like to know how you interpret Charlie's apparitions to Hurley. If Charlie hasn't died, then these would be a HUGE plot points!

    He became like Richard and can travel at will from the Island. ahem.

    Yeah, I'm totally making this up as I go along. I haven't really thought about it as an actual theory. I just don't want Charlie to be dead. :)

  48. Haha! Yeah I understand that. Just thought I'd ask to see if you had a concrete idea. I'd really like to see a theory on it though.

    We'll see what season 6 brings... in 7 montha!


  49. Benny: Just curious, what does the last G mean in "om-gom-gom-gom-g" ?

    I don't know. C is for cookie, though; that's good enough for me. (Mmm... Cookie! Ommmm-gom-gom-gom-gom...!)

  50. Dominic Monaghan Goes to 'Flash Forward', Not 'Lost'.

    I'm not saying I believe everything i read on the internet, but here are a few sources of information.

  51. Flash Forward is based on the book by Toronto writer Robert J. Sawyer, starring Joseph Fiennes. I'll be watching that one, so I'll see Dom either way.


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