Thursday, July 02, 2009

Lost Season 5 DVD Special Edition!

Thanks to fb for sending me the following link. ABC will be releasing a special limited edition "Dharma Initiation" version of the Season 5 DVDs. Behold:

The DVDs come in sleeves that look like floppy disks (remember THOSE?!) and there's a VHS tape of an orientation video. Archaic indeed! And now... I feel old. But anyway... it's snazzy, but I think I'll probably be buying the regular edition of the DVDs.

You can read about all the special features of the edition here.


  1. This looks pretty cool but I will probably buy the regular edition and when a special 6 season box set comes out I will but that.

    I wonder if they are releasing this special edition to made up for the strike shortened season.

  2. The fangirl in me wants to sooo bad, but the obsessive compulsive in me knows that it won't match the other seasons - what is a girl to do?

  3. Hot! Don't know if I can resist so much sexy design bliss in one LOSTy lump like that. But whoa, $120 is pretty brutal...

  4. Ashlie that is exactly what I was thinking! LOL I want all of mine to match.

  5. ashlie and chris: No word of a lie, when I first saw the set I didn't notice right away that it was "limited edition" and my first thought was, CRAP, this won't match the rest of my seasons!

    Nice to see we're ALL a little OCD! Hahahaha... then again, that's probably why we love Lost. :)

  6. Yeah I would have to by both sets of season 5 and then when the 6 season box set comes out I have to buy that too so I would have 3 compies of season 5. LOL

  7. I know - why do they make things so hard on us? I just finished re-buying Seasons 1-3 on Blu-Ray so they match my Season 4 and soon Season 5 (and now I can enjoy the rewatch in all it's beyond high definition glory!) and now they wave this tantalizing little carrot in front of me! Sigh, it's going to be even worse when they release the "Super Deluxe Collectors All-Inclusive Edition" with all the seasons and then I'll want that one! Maybe I'll ask for this Special Edition for Christmas and buy the normal Season 5 Blu-Rays myself when they come out, yes?

  8. Ashlie: That was EXACTLY what I was thinking... it's bad enough every single season of my lost dvds are different... I bought the first one off the net from the US and season 2-4 that I have bought from Australia are all different. Don't know why they have to change it! I have considered getting a box set of the entire series when it finishes (*sob*) just so they'll match.

    As for the limited edition DVDs... I am really tempted to get them... but I have a whole box of Lost merchandise I really don't know what to do with... I still have a couple of the Apollo candy bars from a few years ago!

  9. I preordered this on Amazon back when it was first announced, not even knowning what it would look like or what it would come with.
    Im glad I did now! I managed to snag it for a price that the regular season would be at the store!
    Keep checking Amazon, they may lower the price yet again on it, as they sometimes do.
    Its around $70 now, which all things considered, is only about $10 more than the regular version would be in most stores!

  10. It looks gorgeous, but I'm never one to watch special features more than once anyway, so I'm sure I'll just be getting the normal season five.

    Also, it doesn't help that I don't even have a VCR anymore.

  11. The Question Mark4 July 2009 at 13:51

    The look of this is awesome, and if I had the cashola, i would probably buy one just for the novelty factor.
    But like you, Ashlie and Nikki, I'm totally OCD, and if those box sets don't line up nice and pretty on my DVD shelf, then it's clobberin' time! LOL
    Also, ya, my VHS player stopped working a couple of years ago, so i wouldn't be able to watch that tape :(
    I wish i was rich...

  12. They should go back and do a themed boxset for every season.

    SEASON 1 - Housed in a replica of the hatch door. It takes about a month to open.

    SEASON 2 - Includes a full size Mr Eko Jesus Stick.

    SEASON 3 - In a polar bear cage. Hit the button to release the DVDs. Free rub on Jack tattoos.

    SEASON 4 - In a freighter shaped box. It arrives 48 hours BEFORE you order it.

  13. LMAO @ The Shout.

    That was great.

  14. Oh well! I'll probably be double dipping. I ordered this a while ago on Amazon when they had nothing but the (wrong) title of the special edition listed (if you look closely the "Dharma Initiation Kit" has been changed to "Dharma Initiative Orientation Kit").

    I expected maybe a T-Shirt or something wrapped around the normal packaging. This of course is way more original - but I really "need" the normal version to rest next to the other seasons on my shelve as well. (Although, I'll never forgive Buena Vista for the numbers on the spines of seasons two to five being a tiny bit lower than the 1 on season one. Yes, I'm one of those nutheads as well.)

    It's a bunch of money, but, come on, it's LOST! And I already had planned to buy the usual season six on DVD next year in addition to the marvelous complete set on BluRay they'll probably do...


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