Monday, July 06, 2009

Random Stuff for a Monday

My big news of the day... I finished my book! Yes, it was handed in to my editor today -- and I prayed she wouldn't faint onto the floor when I told her it's 40,000 words more than the last 2 books, and the finale alone was 10,000 words... eek... (she didn't, because she's all kinds of awesomeness). So, you shall be getting a fatter book for season 5... for the same price! It's Nikki's House of Deals today.

Which means all those plans I had for a season 6 book that would be about 50 pages longer than the previous two? Probably going to be even bigger than that. Succinctness, succinctness... my KINGDOM for succinctness! Y'all know the last thing I am is BRIEF. And apparently I have just way too much to say about season five. (Well, that and the Ulysses chapter is 9,500 words. Sigh.)

Speaking of which, I soldiered through and finished Ulysses last week, and REALLY enjoyed it by the end! I think the final 350 pages really make up for the 650 that precede them. But don't worry: I won't be at the next Lost convention in a smoking jacket swirling my brandy and declaring Ulysses the greatest novel of the twentieth century. (I only do things like that in my head.)

And other news, in case you've forgotten (and talk about PERFECT TIMING... I deserve a gold star for this one) today marks the official start of OUR Lost rewatch! I hope you're all breaking out those DVDs and going back to season 1. I've posted on the rewatch blog all the details of how we're going to go about it this week. My plan is to do two eps on Thursday, two on Friday, and keep up that schedule for as long as I can. (I know many of us are a little worried that we'll fall behind at some point... and I'm sure I will, too... but I'll try hard not to let that happen.)

So... remember a month or so ago when we were all saying, hey, wouldn't it be cool to totally get together and all watch the finale live together?? And then after the shine of that one wore off (and I realized I just would never be able to find an outfit THIS AWESOME to wear to it) and then some of us realized hey, maybe we should watch it on our own and then get together afterward, or have a second-to-last episode get-together (oh, we're a great bunch for making a decision, aren't we??)

Well, I might have the answer to our problems. I say... let's get together in Hawaii in January 2011. Because... there's going to be a Lost conference there!! Remember that Slayage conference I RAVED about a year ago on this blog? The same people who organized that one are putting together a similar conference where academics from around the world can convene in one spot and talk about the magnificence of Lost. And as I reported from Slayage last year, you don't have to be a scholar to appreciate these papers. The conference is still in the early planning stages, but I will be there if it happens. You can read about the early planning here. I'll keep y'all posted on any news that happens.

And speaking of Buffy, thank you to my friend Jeremy for sending me the following hilarious slash comic from Monsieur Whedon himself. Oh no, this isn't fan fiction... this is from WHEDON. Ever dreamed of Angel and Spike making out? Behold... your dreams have come true.


  1. The Question Mark6 July 2009 at 21:58

    hahaha I love thick books! I'm a writer as well, and I'm a big fan of long-term storytelling, so for me, the thicker the better! Keep those words a-comin! lol

    As for the Hawaii conference, that would be amazing with a capital AZING, but I have a feeling I won't be able to shell out the dough for the plane ticket. Perchance we can try to organize a Lostume party (that's right, I just totally made up the word 'Lostume'!)for the penultimate or ultimate finale?

    Also,any idea on a release date yet for FL: S5?

  2. There's a...LOST....Slayage...

    You just destroyed any hope I have for making a decision regarding professional development next year. So now it's this conference, Slayage, and PCA...

    Thank you for that. ;)

  3. Make it Feb 2011 and I am there!

  4. Congrats, Nik! Can't wait to read the book. You know, it's kinda funny - you've just done the marathon millions of words on season 5, and now you're about to start not one, but TWO columns a week on 4 episodes of Lost for the next million years (ok, it's not that long, but it feels like that long til season 6 premieres!). Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to discuss the previous seasons in the rewatch, but I thought you might like a little rest first. No? Of course not, it's LOST! :)

    If anyone wants to see all three pages of the slashy/Slay-y thing, here's a link, just copy and past into your browser. While the slash Spike/Angel stuff is funny, there's a couple lines on the third page that are hilarious and delightful.

    Again, Nik, congrats on finishing the book!

  5. Congratulations! I thought I heard a massive sigh of relief coming over the border sometime in the last few days. Since I was in Montreal over the weekend, I naturally assumed it due to my departure.

    Count me in! Conference sounds like a blast - and the next best thing to having a Finale Party of our own. Hmmmm ... Hawaii in January. How will I ever leave the cold, snowy, slushy Northeast for all that freakin' sunshine? Oh, wait! Use your pull, Nik, and make sure the dates don't conflict with the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. No, I don't know what those dates are. No, I didn't think that through before making that last request. Yes, I am an idiot.

    Meanwhile, bring on the BOOK! Woo-hoo! I'm flying this week, so I'll be rewatching LOST high over America. No - I mean the PLANE will be high over America. Er- I mean ... oh, forget I said anything.

  6. If you think reading Ulysses leads to a smoking jacket and brandy, you haven't met many Joyceans. They're the ones passed out on the floor by the bar after having emptied the Smithwicks and Kilkenny kegs. ;-)

  7. sweet! I would so totally be there. I'll start saving now. And then we can set up a time to meet and actually talk face to face with the other amazing people we've only typed to. How cool is that!? As well as all the other amazing Lost stuff!

    Ah! And I can't wait for your book. I agree, the thicker the better. I like to get my money's worth!

  8. Congratulations, Nikki!

    Not only will I have to make waaay more room on my bookshelf, I'll need to get a dolly to haul TheBook around. Congrats again and thanks!

  9. Awesomeness. Or, as my middle school athletic coaches used to say, way to go!

    Now there's just that little matter of the Brian K. Vaughan rewrite...

  10. Congrats Look Foward too Reading it soon and clearing up some of my lost questions

  11. Hey Nikki Congrats! I've been away from the blogsite for a while, its crazy how busy its been at work and so I'm just catching up on your postings. I hope you are having an awesome summer and able to enjoy yourself now that your book is done. Good job :) Roland

  12. A very hearty (if belated) congratulations on wrapping up the book, Nik!

  13. rA very hearty (if belated) congratulations on wrapping up the book, Nik!


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