Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lost to Auction Off Props!

Yep, it's come down to this (thanks to Jarrett for the link!). Do you want Eko's stick? Kate's toy plane? Then start saving your money now, because it's about to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. You can read the full story here, and go to the auction site here.

All I have to say is... dibs on Desmond's blue shirt!!!! Oh, and Jack's prop beard. Then I'll invite y'all over and we will burn it in my backyard. :)


  1. First Post!
    I can't belive this!!! If I had a crap ton of money I'd buy everything.
    Or... Maybe just the key to the gun case because we all know whoever has the guns has the power.

  2. Awesome. I hate that beard. Let the burning begin!

  3. Save me the Jesus stick, a couple of Benjamin Linus wigs and the spade they used to bury Nikki & Paulo.
    Although, realistically, I can only afford one of Hurley's socks.

  4. Shout: OOH!! I can't believe I forgot that!! OK, I'll take the prop diamonds from Exposé. And yes, I'm happy to pry them from Nikki's cold, dead hands. ;)

  5. CarinaLopezMenaker22 July 2009 at 15:19

    If I could have something from this auction, it might well be Jack's key to the gun case on a necklace. It just represents him so well. The desire to protect, the need for control all wrapped up in one.

    Good to know you're a Lostie too!
    Isn't his a great site? Hope you're enjoying the re-watch!:)

  6. CarinaLopezMenaker22 July 2009 at 15:21

    OOH, the Marshall's badge!

  7. My real dream items (aside from Nikki's diamonds and Desmond's shirt...):

    -Ben Linus's glasses
    -Sawyer's black and white glasses
    -Locke's compass
    -Faraday's journal (OOH what I would give for that!!!)
    -LaFleur's Dharma jumpsuit
    -Charlie's Drive Shaft ring
    -Widmore's painting of the polar bear
    -the Geronimo Jackson album cover

  8. of all the possible props, i would love rousseau's little jewellery box, as she's my favourite character. :)

  9. oh! and the drive shaft ring!!! nice one, nik! i'd forgotten about that. my poor chah-lie.

  10. Sawyer's dimples!

  11. Words cannot express how much I would love to own Mr Eko's stick...

    ...sadly I think my chances of having enough money to win it are somewhere between zero and none... : (

  12. Jarrett Pressman22 July 2009 at 19:33

    Anytime, Nikki.

    Would it be too much for them to auction off a fully livable Swan Station?

  13. I want the Dharma combi van, with the 8-track included. They can keep skeleton Roger, though.

  14. I will take one of Sayid's well-oiled biceps.


  15. I'm expecting a grandbaby....I would love to have Aaron's little cradle!!

  16. I'll take Kate's freckles and those nice, sleek muscles. Oh, and Juliet's smirk. ;p

  17. I'll take Sawyer's glasses and his copy of Watership Down, please.

    Oooooh! and Ben's ham :P

  18. I want all of the magical torches. And a Dharma suit. And an Apollo candy bar. Locke's wheelchair. Hurley's red Camaro. Oh, and a bottle of MacCutcheon.


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