Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lost University!

Time to get that diploma you've always wanted! That's right, folks; come September 22, you can officially enroll in Lost University!

This appears to be the latest Lost ARG to hold us over until the new season (with the Lost panel this weekend at Comic-Con, it'll no doubt be brought up there and they'll probably be handing out information on Lost U at a booth, like they had the Dharma sign-ups last year).

Some of the courses include:
PHI 101: I'm Lost, Therefore I Am
PHY 101: Introductory Physics of Time Travel
PHY 301 Seminar: New Physics with Jeremy Davies (snicker)
PSY 201: Self Discovery through Family Relationships (ha!)

You can read all about it at the ABC site, here. Thanks to everyone who sent me the link this morning! Meanwhile, I'm off to apply for a teaching position...


  1. Awesome. I like how it starts September 22nd... an important date in Lost history!

  2. Sounds great but I guess I'll have to take the BluRay plunge by December. Imagine that this will be taking advantage of BD Live capapbilities (??)

  3. Sign me up, professor! Need a Teaching Assistant for those classes? I carry a mean satchel!

  4. Oh, this sucks. I am disappointed in Lost. Making you pay all that money to be a part of the game. The cheapest blu-ray is about $200 and then 55 bucks for the season? Boo.

  5. Perhaps I missed it, but I don't see anything on the site requiring you to have a blu-ray player or the blu-ray disks to participate in Lost U. Sure, you CAN have these things (and LOST looks awesome in this format) but I don't believe it's required, Anonymous.

  6. You don't need the Blue Ray to play the game. The Blue Ray just allows you to get more interactive stuff with the game using a Blue Ray Interactive feature.


    "Enrollment for the first semester of LOST University will be open to all students beginning September 22, 2009. At that time, you will take a placement exam and be given a Student ID, as well as be able to watch your LOST University introductory class, LOST 101. Semester 1 begins on December 8, 2009. Pick up LOST: THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON on Blu-rayTM Hi-Def, complete enrollment, and personalize your course schedule as you build credits toward Semester 2... and ultimately, graduation. In the meantime, feel free to browse the online course catalog and get a head start with some of your recommended reading. And keep a lookout for new LOST University features in the near future, from more online classes, to exclusive iPhone applications, and more."

    I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into that....

  8. TMGL: Hm... I think you've got a point. I obviously didn't read far enough, and just assumed it was a game that would be played off the site. If this is nothing more than a cash grab, then I'm deeply disappointed in the Lost people. Not only for participating, but for doing the usual thing of allowing the fans to spread the word grassroots-style like we've been doing all day, only to find out it was to make more money for the network.


    Here's hoping they revise this by September and allow fans to play it like the old-fashioned ARGs. Otherwise I may have to resign my teaching post and take that tenured position at Oxford instead. I hear Desmond occasionally drops by for a visit...

  9. The Anonymous above was me, Joan Crawford. I read it as a cash grab too and it makes me sad. The people who will play this game will be true lovers of LOST and I just think we are being hosed. I spend enough money on LOST dvds and books as is. I hope they change it - I really want to play but I can't afford this stuff right now. It turns me off that not only is it an advertisement (loads of fun, to be sure, but an advertisement none the less) but WE have to pay for it! Unbelievable.


  10. Judging from this:

    Looks like non-blu-ray folks will still be able to participate, but blu-rayers will have some leg up on bells and whistles.

    "There will be apparently lots of content on the website, which will be further supported by the Blu-Ray box set and iPhone applications to download."

    Honestly, I think this is very much the producers looking to exploit the BD-Live capabilities, and I can't blame them, as long as there are alternative ways to access the content.

    Personally, I'd always choose watching from my couch over sitting in my desk chair.

    But maybe I'm just a cranky old fart that way...

  11. This is so cool! :) I also noticed you can buy a Dharma jumpsuit on the site too. :)

  12. Check out the bit in the trailer of the kids sitting under the tree - the teacher is Gerald Degroot!

  13. @ TMGL, Cool! Thanks for finding that out for us, I really want to participate!

    Joan C.

  14. More Details at Heath Solo's Blog:

    Note to anyone considering purchasing their 1st Blu Ray Player for this (like me)...

    Make sure it is BD Live capable - the cheaper players (non BD Live) will not be able to access the online material, and thus you will only be able to access it from your computer.

  15. I cant log into the Lost University boards. Is anyone else having this problem? Will I still pass my Psy 201 and Phi 201 courses if I dont?


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