Tuesday, July 07, 2009


You know, one of the last things I'd ever want to do on this blog is make Batcabbage cry, so I suggest he avert his eyes for this next announcement. Are you looking away, Batcabbage? I see that one eye open. Close it... close it? Good.

Brian K. Vaughan has left the Lost writing team. WAAAAAH... In an interview that joshua sent over to me this morning, Damon said he's gone off "to greener pastures." To which I respond, What pastures could be greener than Lost?

Which means, as I told joshua, that now I have to rewrite the end of my Y: The Last Man chapter (drat) where I said that if BKV is at the writer's table for the finale, the show is in very good hands.

Sigh. So, uh, Darlton... I hear you're looking for a writer. Wanna take a chance on a newbie? I promise perfect continuity!! :)


  1. Greener pastures? This makes no sense! Why would you leave a show in the last season when it will most likely win multiple Emmy's and have critical aclaim. What could be greener than the jungle of a mysterious island? If I were a writer on LOST they would have to force me to leave. Even after the 6th season I would refuse to believe it was over. The men in white coats would have to come into the writers room, pick me up off the floor and drag me to the "greener pastures."

  2. That is sad, but may I suggest that the greener pastures are a cinematographic project of "Y: The Last Man"! Which should probably alleviate some of the anger? sadness! depression? or any other feelings!

    And if you get picked Nik, I'm certainly available to assist you if need be!

  3. By the way, this wasn't just a hopeful suggestion, it's actually been green-lighted and will soon enter pre-production.

  4. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening...... damn. It's happening, isn't it? Wah indeed!! Thanks for trying to spare my feelings, Nik. I saw that comment on the other article, and I said 'BKV rewrite? WTF? Why?' So that's why. Some of my fave eps of the last season were credited to BKV. Oh well. I hope he goes on to do more comics. I've reread Y: The Last Man, Runaways, Ex Machina and Pride of Baghdad ad nauseum, some more BKV comic goodness would maybe go toward making me feel better about a BKV-less season 6 of Lost.

    Oh yeah, I'm with Benny, if you get picked, Nik, I make a mean coffee. I photocopy things at a professional level. I would be a good go-fer!

    @Benny: While I'd love to see Y in any live-action form, I'd really love to see it as a HBO series. That way they could get everything in there, not just condense the story for a movie.

  5. @Benny: BTW, have you heard anything about who they're getting to replace Shia LeBeouf as Yorick? I read that he turned down the project after he felt that Yorick was a little too much like Sam in Transformers (something that I don't actually agree with).

  6. y'know ... today really sucks. :( just ... bad news all around. bah.

  7. "Hello, Damon and Carlton! I'm ready for my first day on the job. Oh, say hello to my two assistants: Benny and Batty. Yes. I DO come with an entourage, why do you ask?" ;)

    Oh Batcabbage, I just handed you bad news and you gave me GREAT news in return!! Benny, when you mentioned the Y: The Last Man movie I thought, "Oh BLECH I've heard that Shia Leboeuf is on board for that role, and I'd rather it NEVER BE MADE than have to endure him in the role of Yorick." Thank the gods he turned that one down. Honestly... I don't think I've ever seen anyone so talentless as that guy. What does anyone SEE in him?!

    And now on to ordering Pride of Baghdad...

  8. @Nik: Yeah, I gotta agree with you there. When he said that he thought that Yorick was too much like the guy in Transformers, I thought "Well, thank the great pumpkin he passed, because he obviously doesn't understand the character of Yorick at all."

    And you're gonna freak out over Pride of Baghdad. It's utterly brilliant.

  9. Just ordered it and the first two issues of Runaways. Whee!!

  10. I'm so sad! My graphic novel discussion group is reading Y next month (just the first book - I can't wait to get started!) And I'll definitely be picking up some more BKV goodness. I can't believe he's leaving!

    I also heard the Shia LaBoeuf news...anyone have any suggestions on who they would like to see star in an adaptation?

  11. Nikki! If they pick you up, just remember I make great cookies, love to run errands and ummm... my friends and family call me a walking dictionary... anything to get closer to Lost! and you would write amazing episodes... (Nikki and Paulo die AGAIN!) lol.

  12. I, too, hope this means forward movement on a (Lebeouf-free) Y film. Maybe Zachary "Chuck" Levi could play Yorick?

  13. Oh man bad news. BKV is gifted writer and storyteller. His "Runaways" was one of the very best series in Comics in the last decade.

  14. Runaways is easily the best new creation at Marvel of the last fifteen years, if not longer. I'm sure you'll love it.

    As for BVK leaving Lost, someday I want to write in the "industry" for a hit TV show or something, if for no other reason than to attempt to grasp the notion of leaving something terribly popular for "greener pastures" or whatever.

    Time and again I see actors and writers leaving things and I think "if I had that job, I'd NEVER leave." There has to be a reason for it, so I figure you must have to be on the "inside" to figure it out. :)

  15. That's bad news about Brian :( But this made my day

    Shia LeBeouf as Yorick? I read that he turned down the project

    I think Zachary Levi would be a great choice, but he's doing Chuck.

  16. "He's doing Chuck."

    Not for long.:(

  17. redeem: What a great idea!!! I was just thinking about this yesterday, thinking, "Hm... it would have to be someone sexy yet goofy, smart but kinda stupid, someone who would immediately garner the sympathy of the audience." Zachary Levi would be PERFECT. He could always do it on his off-time from Chuck.

    JJ: It was renewed, wasn't it? Was it only renewed for a half-season?

  18. That was JJ's idea, but I concur.

    I recommend Zachary's movie Shades of Ray. I believe it's available on itunes or something, but I saw it at the Reel World Festival.

  19. Nikki: Yes, just thirteen more episodes of Chuck this Fall, then (unless God on His throne intervenes) that's it for one of the best shows on network tv.


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